
Confidential Financial Disclosure Massive Open Online Course (February 2020)


Each year ethics officials and other reviewers in the executive branch review and certify more than 300,000 confidential financial disclosure reports to prevent conflicts of interest and other ethics concerns.  In this two-part series, IEG instructors will give you an opportunity to practice your review skills through the review of a hypothetical OGE Form 450.

On Tuesday, February 11th we will introduce the exercise and orient you to the resources you will need to complete the exercise.

On Thursday, February 13th we will debrief our hypothetical OGE Form 450 exercise, discussing conflict of interest and other substantive ethics issues, as well as technical disclosure requirements.

If you are new to the OGE Form 450 review process, you are encouraged to view the videos for Parts 2 and 3 of Confidential Financial Disclosure: An Introduction to the System, the Form and the Review Process

Please share this announcement with anyone who completes confidential financial disclosure reviews at your agency.

Session 1 Date, Time

02/11/2020, 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Session 2 Date, Time

02/13/2020, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Publication Date

