Agency Ethics Program Contact Information
This page provides the names of the most senior ethics official at each agency; contact information for employees seeking ethics advice; a point of contact for requesting ethics documents such as public financial disclosure reports; and a link to each agency's ethics webpage (if applicable).
Agency | Designated Agency Ethics Official | Designation Date | Alternate Designated Agency Ethics Official | How can an employee at your agency contact the ethics office for advice (phone or email) | Who to submit requests for ethics documents | Agency Ethics Webpage (Public) |
Administrative Conference of the United States | Shawne McGibbon | 10/14/2010 | Benjamin Birkhill |
(202) 480-2088 |
N/A | |
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation | Javier Marques | 6/3/2002 | Kelly Fanizzo |
(202) 517-0192 (202) 517-0193 |
N/A | |
African Development Foundation | Kerline Perry | 04/21/2023 | Bailey Dowling |
202-233-8805 |
N/A | |
American Battle Monuments Commission | Edwin Fountain | 4/10/2015 | Kelly Dove |
(703) 584-1524 |
N/A | |
Appalachian Regional Commission | Guy Land | 4/17/1995 | Jill Wilmoth |
(202) 884-7674 |
N/A | |
Appraisal Subcommittee | Matt Ponzar | 7/1/2024 | Hattie DuBois |
(202) 792-1170 (202) 595-7578 |
N/A | |
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (United States Access Board) | Christopher Kuczynski | 1/1/2022 | Wendy Marshall | (202) 272-0042 (voice) (202) 272-0082 (TTY) |
Office of General Counsel U.S. Access Board 1331 F. Street, NW - Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20004 Fax: (202) 272-0081 |
N/A |
Arctic Research Commission | John Farrell | 7/19/2006 | Debra L. Dickson |
John Farrell 703-525-0113 |
John Farrell 4350 N. Fairfax Drive Suite 510 Arlington, VA 22203 |
N/A |
Armed Forces Retirement Home | Joseph Pollard | 3/1/2014 | Billy Striegel |
Joseph Pollard (202) 541-7557 |
N/A | |
Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals | Eric R. Tellado | 1/1/2025 | Heather L. Trujillo-Booth |
617-831-5893 Heather L. Trujillo-Booth 571-629-6901 |
Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals Skyline 6, Suite 700 5109 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 22041-3208 |
N/A |
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation | John Mateja | 4/18/2016 | Shellby Padgett | N/A | ||
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection | Sonya White | 10/30/2016 | Amber Vail |
or Attn: Legal Division (Ethics Office)1700 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20552 |
N/A | |
Central Intelligence Agency | Vacant | N/A | Allison George | (703) 482-4144 |
N/A | |
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board | Stephen Klejst | 10/12/2023 | Christopher M. Lyon |
(202) 306-5585 |
N/A | |
Commission of Fine Arts | Thomas Luebke | 3/21/2005 | Anna Brown |
(202) 504-2200 |
N/A | |
Commodity Futures Trading Commission | John Einstman | 4/5/2021 | Frank Walsh | | | N/A |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | Vacant | 1/23/2024 | Melissa Buford | N/A | ||
Corporation for National and Community Service | Andrea Grill | 6/30/2024 | Jana Maser | N/A | ||
Council of Economic Advisers | Steven B. Levine | 2/18/2025 | Megan Packer | |||
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency | Atticus Reaser | 10/1/2015 | Aaron Lloyd | N/A | ||
Council on Environmental Quality | Amy B Coyle | 9/18/2020 | Samual Roth | N/A | ||
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia | Sheila Stokes | 8/1/2014 | David Cumberbatch |
(202) 360-1211 |
N/A | |
Defense Commissary Agency | Chandra Ramey | 12/6/2021 | Betsy Dulin |
(804) 734- 8000 ext 48116 |
N/A | |
Defense Contract Audit Agency | Patrick Hodges | 2/27/2023 | Sharon Parrs | (571) 448-5025 |
Defense Finance and Accounting Service | Dwight Creasy | 12/16/2013 | Shelby Conrad |
(845)341-7746 |
Ethics Program Manager 8899 East 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46249-0150 Office: (317) 212-4591 Fax: (317) 212-8802 |
N/A |
Defense Information Systems Agency | Lia N. Wentworth | 2/6/2023 | Jaime Porter | (301) 225-6100 | DISA OGC Ethics, P.O. Box 549, Ft. Meade, MD 20755 Fax: (301) 225-0510 |
N/A |
Defense Intelligence Agency | Jonathan Howard | 11/16/2023 | Ryan Bull | N/A | ||
Defense Logistics Agency | Jose Cora | 7/10/2024 | Jon Lightner | | | |
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board | Joseph Gilman | 9/25/2019 | Patricia Hargrave | | | |
Defense Threat Reduction Agency | Craig Miller | 3/31/2015 | Kelly McGovern |
(703) 767-4561 |
8725 John J Kingman Rd Stop 6201 Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-6201 |
N/A |
Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency | Jay Fraude | 8/1/2000 | James Peel |
(571) 305-6749 |
Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency Office of General Counsel 27130 Telegraph Road, Quantico, VA 22134-2253 |
N/A |
Delta Regional Authority | LaShasa S. Griffin | 1/3/2023 | Jennifer Riley Collins |
(662) 483-8206 |
N/A | |
Denali Commission | John Whittington | 1/5/2015 | Vacant |
907-271-5217 | | |
Department of Agriculture | Stuart Bender | 6/21/2010 | Andrew Tobin | |||
Department of Commerce | John Guenther | 1/24/2025 | G. Robert (Rob) Levy | |||
Department of Defense - Department of the Air Force | Shannon A. McGuire | 31/20/2025 | Sean L. Dalton | | ||
Department of Defense - Department of the Army | Carrie F. Ricci | 1/27/2022 | Denise Council-Ross | Army Office of General Counsel Ethics and Fiscal Law Division 104 Army Pentagon, 3C546 Washington DC 20310-0104 | |
Department of Defense - Department of the Navy | Hon. John P. Coffey | 2/16/2022 | Christopher French | Navy Office of General Counsel (OGC - Navy Civilian) | Complete Form 201 found at and submit to |
N/A |
Department of Defense - Office of the Secretary of Defense | Ruth M.S. Vetter | 1/20/2025 | Danica Irvine |
(703) 695-3422 | with the subject line “OGE Form 201 Request for Records" |
Department of Defense - Office of Inspector General | Paul Hadjiyane | 7/8/2019 | David Core |
(703) 604-9604 |
DoD OIG, OGC/Ethics Office 4800 Mark Center Drive, Suite 10B24 Alexandria, VA 22350-1500 |
N/A |
Department of Education | Marcella Goodridge-Keiller | 1/23/18 | Kristina Spencer |
(202) 401-8309 |
N/A | |
Department of Energy | Jocelyn Richards | 12/20/2023 | Laura Ames |
(202) 586-1522 |
Assistant General Counsel for Ethics and Personnel Law GC-21 1000 Independence Ave SW, Washington DC 20585 | |
Department of Health and Human Services | Randall Hall | 1/31/2022 | Gretchen H. Weaver | |||
Department of Homeland Security | John Havranek | 3/10/2024 | Michael O'Connor |
(202) 447-3515 |
N/A | |
Department of Housing and Urban Development | Vacant | N/A | Gayle E. Bohling | |||
Department of Justice | Jolene Ann Lauria | 6/4/2022 | William N. Taylor II | (202) 514-8196 |
Department of Labor | Vacant | Vanessa J. Myers |
202-693-5702 |
Department of State | Richard Visek | 9/29/2018 | Emily Kimball |
202-647-5461 |
L-EFD, 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520 |
Department of the Interior | Heather Gottry | 4/27/2020 | Monica Garcia |
(202) 208-7960 |
(202) 208-7960 |
Department of Transportation | Judy Kaleta | 7/29/2012 | Peter Constantine |
OST: |
(202) 366-4702 |
Department of Treasury | Brian J. Sonfield | 7/17/2022 | Mark Vetter | N/A | ||
Department of Veterans Affairs | Tracianna L. Winston | 8/24/2023 | Alison Richards | (VA Central Office) CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME,NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV AL, FL, GA, KY, Puerto Rico, SC, TN IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI AR, CO, LA, MS, MT, OK, TX, UT, WY AK, American Samoa, AZ, CA, Guam, HI, ID, NM, NV, OR, Philippines, WA |
N/A | |
Environmental Protection Agency | James Payne | 5/15/2024 | Justina Fugh |
(202) 564-1786 (202) 564-2200 |
(202) 564-2200 |
N/A |
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | Carol Miaskoff | 12/4/2017 | Gary J. Hozempa |
Office of Legal Counsel 131 M Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20507 |
N/A | |
Export-Import Bank of the United States | Lisa Terry | 10/3/2016 | Lance E. Mathews |
(202) 565-3195 |
N/A | |
Farm Credit Administration | Jane Virga | 8/23/2019 | David Grahn |
(703) 883-4071 |
(703) 883-4071 | |
Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation | Jane Virga | 8/23/2019 | David Grahn |
(703) 883-4071 |
(703) 883-4071 | |
Federal Communications Commission | Adam Candeub | 2/3/2025 | Kathleen Fulp | N/A | ||
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | Harrel M. Pettway | 1/3/2021 | Ami Richardson | N/A | ||
Federal Election Commission | Lisa J. Stevenson | 11/3/2016 | Lawrence L. Calvert Jr. |
202-694-1650 |
1-800-424-9530 (option 2) or 202-694-1120 Fax: (202) 501-0693 Public Records Federal Election Commission 1050 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20463 |
N/A |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | Charles Beamon | 10/14/2009 | Kathryn Allen |
202-502-6457 | | |
Federal Housing Finance Agency | Sean Dent | 2/16/2021 | Rachel Christopher | N/A | ||
Federal Labor Relations Authority | Thomas Tso | 5/23/2023 | Scott Weiss |
Office of the Solicitor Federal Labor Relations Authority 1400 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20424 |
N/A | |
Federal Maritime Commission | Daniel Lee | 7/18/2014 | Carol Draper | N/A | ||
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service | Anna Davis | 10/28/2022 | Alisa Zimmerman | | ||
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | Michael A. McCord | 3/13/2008 | Sarah Stewart | | ||
Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council | John Cossa | 2/22/2022 | Doug J. Choi | N/A | ||
Federal Reserve System Board of Governors | Sean Croston | 6/1/2022 | Monica Ashar | | ||
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board | Dharmesh Vashee | 10/5/2020 | Austen Townsend | N/A | ||
Federal Trade Commission | Lorielle Pankey | 2/5/2019 | Craig Bannon | N/A | ||
General Services Administration | J. Russell McGranahan | 1/20/2025 | Eugenia Ellison | 1800 F St. N.W. Room 3119A Washington, DC 20405 (202) 501-0765 |
(202) 501-0765 |
N/A |
Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council | Mark Bisgeier | 7/28/2015 | Frederick Sutter | N/A | ||
Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation | Dr. Terry Babcock Lumish | 7/1/2019 | Tara Yglesias |
(301) 295-3028 | | |
Institute Of Museum And Library Services | Tom M. Browder | 1/22/2025 | Jasmine Jennings | |||
Inter-American Foundation | Nichole Skoyles | 4/24/2023 | Nicole Stinson | N/A | ||
International Boundary and Water Commission | Jennifer Pena | 2/24/2020 | Rebecca Rizzuti |
(915) 832-4728 (915) 832-4729 |
N/A | |
International Joint Commission | Susan Daniel | 3/27/2009 | Edward Virden |
(202) 736-9011 (202) 736-9024 |
(202) 736-9011 |
N/A |
James Madison Memorial Scholarship Foundation | Julie E. Adams | 11/7/2024 | Oliver Alwes | N/A | ||
Japan-United States Friendship Commission | Paige Cottingham-Streater | 7/27/2011 | Niharika Chibber Joe | N/A | ||
Marine Mammal Commission | Michael Gosliner | 9/19/2016 | Peter Thomas |
301-504-0087 |
N/A | |
Merit Systems Protection Board | Allison Boyle | 9/13/2022 | Katherine M. Smith |
1615 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20419 |
N/A | |
Millennium Challenge Corporation | Perry Foreman | 1/17/2025 | Morgan Williams |
(202) 521-7270 |
(202) 521-7270 |
N/A |
Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation | Gwendolyn Franks | 8/29/2022 | Sara Moeller | N/A | ||
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Iris Lan | 6/5/2023 | Kathleen Spear |
Contact local NASA ethics contact listed at | |
National Archives and Records Administration | Jennifer Klein | 2/9/2023 | Rana Khandekar |
(301) 837-1750 |
(301) 837-0293 Fax |
N/A |
National Capital Planning Commission | Anne Schuyler | 6/10/2010 | Tamara Lewis |
(202) 482-7223 (202) 482-7228 |
(202) 482-7223 (202) 482-7228 |
N/A |
National Credit Union Administration | Katherine Easmunt | 3/1/2024 | Karena Dees | | ||
National Endowment for the Arts | Valencia Rainey | 3/14/2024 | Vacant |
N/A | ||
National Endowment for the Humanities | Lisette Voyatzis | 7/1/2019 | Shelby Fuchs | N/A | ||
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency | Allison Stevens | 4/5/2020 | Robert Leone |
(571) 557-8888 |
N/A | |
National Labor Relations Board | Monica L. Garcia | 8/12/2024 | Jamal Allen | | | N/A |
National Mediation Board | Maria-Kate Dowling | 10/10/2023 | Eileen Hennessey |
National Mediation Board Designated Agency Ethics Official 1301 K Street N.W., Suite 250E, Washington, D.C. 20005. | | |
National Science Foundation | Francisco Ruben | 6/30/2024 | Rebecca Hermanowicz | (703) 604-9604 |
N/A |
National Security Agency | Ariane Cerlenko | 11/2/2014 | Darrell Cook |
(410) 854-3910 |
(410) 854-3910 |
N/A |
National Security Council | Paul Ney | 2/7/2025 | Bradley A. Appleman | (202) 456-1414 | ||
National Transportation Safety Board | Tom McMurry | 8/7/2023 | Vacant |
Casey Q. Blaine (202) 314-6036 Kathleen Silbaugh (202) 314-6080 |
(202) 314-6080 |
N/A |
Northern Border Regional Commission | Bill Gallagher | 4/15/2019 | Jon O'Rourke | N/A | ||
Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Tison Campbell | 8/12/2024 | Eric V. Michel |
(301) 287-9158 |
(301) 287-9158 |
N/A |
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board | Neysa Slater-Chandler | 9/25/2017 | Daniel Ogg |
(703) 235-4473 |
N/A | |
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission | Nadine N. Mancini | 9/28/2022 | Natalie Huls-Simpson |
(202) 606-5410 (202) 606-5410 |
N/A |
Office of Administration | Vacant | Kimberly Richards | N/A | |||
Office of Management and Budget | Heather V. Walsh | 6/15/2022 | Laurie Adams | N/A | ||
Office of National Drug Control Policy | Anthony D. Jones | 11/03/2020 | Dwight Lacy | N/A | ||
Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation | Nancy Thomas | 6/24/2009 | Christopher Bavasi |
(928) 779-2721 |
N/A | |
Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy | Vacant | Vacant | N/A | |||
Office of Personnel Management | Andrew Kloster | 1/20/2025 | Beth Stratton |
(202) 606-1700 |
Office of Personnel Management Office of General Counsel 1900 E St., NW, Room 7534, Washington, DC 205415 FAX numbers: (202) 606-0082 (202) 606-1906 (202) 606-2609 |
N/A |
Office of Science and Technology Policy | Rachel Wallace | 2/4/2025 | Min Hee Kim | 202-456-4444 | ||
Office of Special Counsel | Susan Ullman | 1/1/2017 | Heidi Morrison |
(202) 804-7094 |
(202) 804-7094 |
N/A |
Office of the Director of National Intelligence | Tricia Wellman | 12/10/2021 | Araj Ahmed | N/A | ||
Office of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator | Steven Aitken | 08/07/2020 | Summer Kostelnik |
Steven Aitken (202) 395-4728 Summer Kostelnik (202) 395-4647
| | N/A |
Office of the National Cyber Director | VACANT | Ashley Martin | N/A | |||
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative | Janice Kaye | 7/1/2014 | Monique Ricker | N/A | ||
Office of the Vice President | Sean Cooksey | 1/31/2025 | Vacant | |||
Peace Corps | Kathryn "Colleen" Wallace | 5/12/2020 | Elizabeth "Anne" Kopley | N/A | ||
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation | C. Paul Chalmers | 5/30/2019 | Jaime Kunce | N/A | ||
Postal Regulatory Commission | David A. Trissell | 3/26/2014 | Stephanie Quick |
(202) 789-6818 901 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6828 901 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 |
N/A | |
Presidio Trust | Genevieve Coyle | 1/8/2025 | Huyen Nguyen |
103 Montgomery St P.O. Box 29052 San Francisco CA 94129 |
N/A | |
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board | Richard Morgan | 7/21/2023 | Lindsay Kennedy |
800 N. Capitol Street NW, # 565 Washington, DC 20002 |
N/A | |
Public Buildings Reform Board | Paul Walden | 5/24/2022 | Vacant |
202-716-8165 |
202-716-8165 |
N/A |
Railroad Retirement Board | Ana Kocur | 5/30/2017 | Peter J. Orlowicz | N/A | ||
Securities and Exchange Commission | Danae Serrano | 1/7/2019 | Latisha Brown |
(202) 551-5170 |
Selective Service System | Daniel Lauretano | 1/20/2023 | Charles Kreuberger |
(703) 605-4012 |
1501 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800 Arlington, VA 22209 |
N/A |
Small Business Administration | Lisa Lopez-Suarez | 11/12/2020 | Cynthia Brown | (202) 205-8570 | | N/A |
Social Security Administration | Dawn Wiggins | 5/20/2024 | Angela R. White |
(410) 965-2614 |
SSA Office of the General Counsel Ethics Office 6401 Security Boulevard G401 WHR Woodlawn, MD 21235 |
N/A |
Southeast Crescent Regional Commission | Dr. Jennifer Clyburn Reed | 1/6/2023 | Vacant |
202-599-8310 |
202-599-8310 202-794-0001 |
N/A |
Southwest Border Regional Commission | Juan Sanchez | 12/6/2022 | Vacant | |
N/A |
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction | Adam Weaver | 12/20/2024 | John Arlington | | N/A | |
Surface Transportation Board | Anika Cooper | 1/21/2024 | Chris Oehrle |
(202) 245-0271 |
(202) 245-0271 |
N/A |
Tennessee Valley Authority | David Fountain | 3/6/2021 | Jennifer L. Grace | | | |
Trade and Development Agency | Samuel Kwon | 4/18/2022 | Mahmud Kazaure | | | N/A |
U.S. Office of Government Ethics | David Apol | 8/26/2013 | David Meyers | For OGE PAS/DAEO reports: Request an Individual's Ethics Documents (Online Form 201) For all other reports: |
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences | Paul Hutter | 3/16/2023 | Samuel Smith |
(301) 295-3028 | | |
United States AbilityOne Commission | Marlin D. Paschal | 12/6/2021 | Steven Jones-Ellard |
(202) 823-0091 | | N/A |
United States Agency for International Development | John Ohlweiler | 5/20/2016 | Treyer Mason-Gale | | | N/A |
United States Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad | Barbi Broadus | 4/1/2018 | Vacant | (202) 254-3824 | | |
United States Commission on Civil Rights | David Ganz | 2/25/2021 | Pilar McLaughlin | N/A | ||
United States Election Assistance Commission | Camden Kelliher | 6/26/2023 | Andrew Sassoon | N/A | ||
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness | Vacant | 2/2/2022 | Sanya Cade | | | N/A |
United States International Trade Commission | Dominic Bianchi | 7/30/2012 | Charles F. Smith |
(202) 205-3408 (Charles F. Smith) | | |
United States Postal Service | Natalie Bonanno | 7/2/2019 | Jessica Brewster-Johnson |
(202) 268-6346 |
Office of General Counsel 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW Washington, DC 20260 |