Tracking Number and Date of Release | Description of Records Sought | Attachment |
FY 24 - 001 (10/11/2023) | A list of agencies that submitted initial Form 202 referrals to OGE in calendar year 2023 to date, including the number of referrals made by each agency. | OGE FOIA FY 24-001 Responsive records.pdf |
FY 25 - 001 (11/08/2024) | All FOIA request logs for the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024 | OGE FOIA FY 25-001 responsive records.pdf |
FY 18 - 002 (07/19/2018) | Theh following 2017 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) OGE reports: 1) the Agency Management Report 2) the Annual Employee Survey Report 3) the Trend Report 4) 1st Level Subagency Comparison Report 5) all Agency-Specific Item Reports (note: not all agencies participating in FEVS received this type of report, although the majority did) 6) all Demographic Comparison Reports (note: most, but not all, participating agencies received this type of report).
| 18-002 - Records released in full.pdf |
FY 20 - 002 (02/18/2021) | "1) The letter dated September 16, 2019 to OGE from the Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform (“Oversight Committee”), Elijah Cummings 2) All records that OGE provided in response to Chairman Cummings’s September 16, 2019 letter 3) All records of communications with any of the following regarding Chairman Cummings’ September 16, 2019 letter: Ranking Member Jim Jordan, Chairman Cummings, the Oversight Committee, committee staff, or any member’s staff and 4) All communications with the Department of Transportation regarding the September 16, 2019 letter from Chairman Cummings."
| OGE FOIA FY 20-002 Responsive records (combined for posting) Redacted.pdf |
FY 21 - 002 (04/05/2022) | Records, including emails, identifying any policies, procedures, training materials, or communications concerning the capture, preservation, and management of records from the virtual communication platform(s) used by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics. Date range remains the same: October 1, 2019 through date of request [October 8, 2020]." | OGE FOIA FY21-002 Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 20 - 003 (12/26/2019) | A copy of the results of a search of emails TO or FROM or CC each of the following individuals: David Apol and/or Cheryl Kane-Piasecki , for emails containing the following keywords, during the time period January 1, 2019 to present: Trump, Doral, or Mar-a-Lago. | OGE FY 20-003 - Records released in part.pdf |
FY 23 - 004 (03/13/2023) | Any conflicts or ethics waivers or authorizations pursuant to 5 C.F.R. § 2635.502 and pursuant to 18 U.S. Code § 208(b) and any records related to any recusal determination made or issued for employees of the Office of Government Ethics from Jan 1, 2018 to the present. | OGE FOIA FY 23-004 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 006 (10/28/2019) | All requests for records received by the Office of Government Ethics, its affiliates, or representatives, regarding any Senator Tina Smith or her office, and any responsive documents sent out by your office in response to these records requests. | OGE FOIA FY20-006 - Records.pdf |
FY 24 - 007 (10/17/2023) | Copies of OGE's 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 FOIA request logs. | OGE FOIA FY 24-007 Responsive records.pdf |
FY 19 - 008 (11/27/2018) | Any interaction in the OGE's Agency Information Management System that mentions "Zinke" or was sent to, received by or mentions Stephen (or Steve) Ryan, and any email communications sent to or received by any person in the Ethics Law and Policy Branch that is sent to, received by or mentions Stephen (or Steve) Ryan
| OGE FOIA FY19-008 - Records released in part.pdf |
FY 18 - 008 (02/05/2019) | Any correspondence, including letters and email, between the Office of Government Ethics and the designated agency ethics office of the Department of Education concerning Secretary Betsy DeVos, and her compliance with the ethics agreement dated January 19, 2017, and/or the filing of her Certification of Ethics Agreement Compliance and any correspondence, including letters and email, between the Office of Government Ethics and Secretary Betsy DeVos or her representatives regarding divestiture, her ethics agreement or her Certification of Ethics Agreement Compliance.
| OGE FOIA DeVos responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 008 (04/10/2020) | Any and all communication records related to the preparation, creation, distribution and reaction, including but not limited to contemporaneous and/or memorializing notes of meetings, certain information indicating that violations of President Trump's ethics pledge may have occurred in 2018 and reviewing of available information to determine whether there were any violations of the ethics pledge, regarding Questions 52 and 53 as well as Additional Comments for Part 11 of the 2018 Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire submitted by the Department of the Interior to the Office of Government Ethics. | _FY20-008 Responsive Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 19 - 009 (02/21/2020) | All e-mails sent or received by certain listed OGE staff that mention the following keywords in the subject, body, or attachment of the e-mail: “Diane Auer” “Diane Jones” “Auer Jones” “Auer-Jones” “Auer – Jones” “Excellence in Higher Education” “CEHE” “C.E.H.E.” “Career Education” “AJsquared” “Urban Institute” “Washington Campus” | OGE FOIA FY 19-009 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 18 - 010 (03/23/2018) | All e-mails (including attachments) exchanged between any of the listed staff in the Office of Government Ethics and Rex Wayne Tillerson, the current Secretary of State and former CEO of ExxonMobil. | OGE FOIA FY 18-010 - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 010 (02/18/2021) | 1) The letter dated September 16, 2019 to OGE from the Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform (“Oversight Committee”), Elijah Cummings 2) All records that OGE provided in response to Chairman Cummings’s September 16, 2019 letter 3) All records of communications with any of the following regarding Chairman Cummings’ September 16, 2019 letter: Ranking Member Jim Jordan, Chairman Cummings, the Oversight Committee, committee staff, or any member’s staff and 4) All communications with the Department of Transportation regarding the September 16, 2019 letter from Chairman Cummings. | OGE FOIA FY 20-010 Responsive records (combined for posting) Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 010 (02/07/2024) | From the month of August 2023, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'appointee', or 'appointment'. Exclusions:unsolicited "SPAM" emails, records regarding employee
1. Leave requests (e.g. sick leave, bereavement leave, etc.) 2. Performance reviews or standards 3. PIV card pick-up/activation appointments 4. Awards. | OGE FOIA FY 24-010 second rolling response_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 011 (09/27/2019) | All emails — sent between January 1, 2018, and the date of processing — concerning the EO 13770 Waiver granted Solicitor General Noel Francisco on April 24, 2018. | OGE FOIA FY 19-011 (Records released in part).pdf |
FY 24 - 011 (12/13/2023) | From the month of September 2023, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'appointee', or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-011 Responsive records (first rolling response) Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 011 (05/07/2024) | From the month of September 2023, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'appointee', or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-011 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 012 (12/19/2018) | Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire--Agency Responses for CY 13 and previous years. On November 24, 2018, the scope of the request was amended to ask for “summary reports of the questionnaires from 2005 through 2013 instead.” | OGE FOIA FY 19-012 Records Released in Full.pdf |
FY 19 - 012 (12/19/2018) | Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire--Agency Responses for CY 13 and previous years. On November 24, 2018, the scope of the request was amended to ask for “summary reports of the questionnaires from 2005 through 2013 instead.” | OGE FOIA FY 19-012 Records Released in Full.pdf |
FY 20 - 012 (03/23/2020) | Copies of all communications and other records that mention “The 45 Alliance” or “45 Alliance.” | OGE FOIA FY 20-012 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 21 - 012 (07/23/2021) | A copy of each AIMS resolved interaction page that is within the source category "Non-Agency." This request is limited to records during the timeframe January 1, 2020 through the date this request is processed.
| OGE FOIA FY 21-012 Responsive Records Pt 1 (Congress) [REDACTED].pdf |
FY 21 - 012 (07/23/2021) | A copy of each AIMS resolved interaction page that is within the source category "Non-Agency." This request is limited to records during the timeframe January 1, 2020 through the date this request is processed.
| OGE FOIA FY 21-012 Responsive Records Pt 2 (Press)[REDACTED].pdf |
FY 20 - 013 (03/23/2020) | All correspondence letters emails and attachments, text messages facsimiles voicemail messages, and transcripts, notes, or minutes of any meetings, telephone conversations, discussions, and attachments to emails or other records regarding The 45 Alliance. | OGE FOIA FY 20-013 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 21 - 013 (02/11/2021) | A copy or printout of the YouTube Creator's Page for the Office of Government Ethics, which shows nonpublic videos on the agency's YouTube account. | OGE FOIA FY 21-013 - Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 21 - 014 (04/02/2021) | A digital/electronic copy of the transition briefing document(s) (late 2020) prepared by OGE for the incoming Biden Administration. | OGE FOIA FY 21-014 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 25 - 014 (12/12/2024) | A copy of the primary briefing materials prepared in part or whole for purposes of the Presidential Transition Process. | OGE FOIA FY 25-014 responsive records.pdf |
FY 20 - 015 (02/21/2020) | A copy of the letter of request (or appeal) and the interim letters of response, along with the administrative processing notes, for each of the ten oldest pending FOIA requests and the five oldest pending FOIA Administrative Appeals at the Office of Government Ethics. | _OGE FOIA FY 20-015 (redacted).pdf |
FY 21 - 015 (03/29/2021) | All emails, memos or notes at the Office of Government Ethics in January 2021 regarding President Trump's Revocation of Executive Order 13770, releasing individuals from ethics requirements as of January 20, 2021. | OGE FOIA FY 21-015 Responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 016 (09/28/2018) | Emails, faxes, letters exchanged between listed OGE staff and listed WH staff between Jan. 20, 2017, and March 31, 2017. | OGE FOIA FY 18-016 Responsive Records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 016 (03/03/2020) | 1) A copy of the email from Lori Kelly to David J. Apol on Friday July 19, 2019 at 3:01:12 PM with the subject Heading: White House Filers, which begins: "List of White House filers "not received" at OGE as of 7/19/2019. 2) A copy of the most recent listing of White House filers "not received" at OGE.1) A copy of the email from Lori Kelly to David J. Apol on Friday July 19, 2019 at 3:01:12 PM with the subject Heading: White House Filers, which begins: "List of White House filers "not received" at OGE as of 7/19/2019. 2) A copy of the most recent listing of White House filers "not received" at OGE. | OGE FY 20-016 - Responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 21 - 016 (03/29/2021) | All emails, memos or notes at the Office of Government Ethics in January 2021 regarding President Trump's revocation of Executive Order 13770, releasing individuals from ethics requirements as of Jan. 20, 2021. | OGE FOIA FY 21-016 Responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 25 - 016 (11/19/2024) | All memos, reports, briefings and correspondence sent and/or received by Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, between September 5 and November 11, 2024 which refer to potential conflicts of interest and related ethics considerations in the event of Elon Musk being appointed to a role in the federal government. | OGE FOIA FY 25-016 responsive records (final).pdf |
FY 19 - 017 (03/03/2020) | Any and all emails and/or other correspondence regarding the new entrant 278e filing from Arthur Culvahouse Jr. between June 1, 2018 to Nov. 19, 2018. | OGE FOIA FY 19-017 responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 017 (11/14/2023) | Documents or data sufficient to account for the total number of full time and part time employees or contractors assigned to the agency's Freedom of Information Act Office, and the total number of employees employed by the agency (latest available number). | OGE FOIA FY 24-017 responsive records.pdf |
FY 18 - 019 (12/14/2018) | Any and all documents including all attachments to emails—to or from any staff of OGE
related to Certificate No. OGE-2017-111 issued by on Aug. 9 2017 involving Counselor to
the President Kellyanne Conway to OGE and the sale of her 100% stake in The Polling
Company/Woman Trend. | OGE FOIA FY 18-019 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 019 (12/29/2020) | All correspondence between the Office of Government Ethics and US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer at any point since January 3, 2017. This should include, but is not limited to, all correspondence involving this individual or his representatives concerning OGE Form 278e, the “Ethics Agreement” signed by Robert Lighthizer and any certificates of divestiture filed by Robert Lighthizer during this time period. | OGE FOIA FY 20-019 responsive records.pdf |
FY 23 - 019 (12/20/2022) | Any email correspondences with, copying, or regarding Margaret Hamburg. The timeline is the entire year of 2009. | OGE FOIA FY 23-019 responsive records.pdf |
FY 24 - 019 (12/13/2023) | From the last month of October 2023, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'appointee', or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-019 Responsive records (first rolling response)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 019 (01/29/2024) | From the last month of October 2023, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'appointee', or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-019 responsive records (second rolling response)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 019 (04/10/2024) | From the last month of October 2023, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'appointee', or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-019 responsive records (third rolling response)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 019 (05/16/2024) | From the last month of October 2023, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'appointee', or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-019 responsive records (fourth and final)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 020 (12/19/2018) | (1) FOIA Logs for FY16-18, (2) OIG Logs for 2017, (3) Info on what ethics office does(1) FOIA Logs for FY16-18, (2) OIG Logs for 2017, (3) Info on what ethics office does | OGE FOIA FY19-020 - Records Released in Full.pdf |
FY 19 - 021 (09/27/2019) | Communication records sent to and from the listed individuals regarding the $50,000 contribution from Diane Hendricks to former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's legal defense fund, including but not limited to advice, consultation and/or guidance asked for and/or given to any of the individuals listed below related to this contribution, from Nov. 1, 2017 to the date this request is processed. | OGE FOIA FY 19-021 (Record released in full).pdf |
FY 24 - 021 (11/20/2023) | From the last month of October 2023, A copy of the individual's browser history (whether exported from Chrome, Safari, Windows Explorer, Mozilla, etc). | OGE FOIA FY 24-021 responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 19 - 022 (02/11/2019) | Appeal of OGE FOIA FY 18/083, which sought "communication records sent to and from the listed individuals regarding the creation of as well as consultation and/or guidance related to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's legal defense fund from Jan. 20, 2017 to the date this FOIA request is processed." | OGE FOIA FY 19-022 Responsive Records - Redacted.pdf |
FY 23 - 022 (01/04/2023) | Any email correspondences with, copying, or regarding Margaret Hamburg from 1/1/2010 to 12/21/2015. | OGE FOIA FY 23-022 responsive records.pdf |
FY 19 - 023 (05/07/2019) | Records related to the preparation, creation, approval, declination and reaction, including but not limited to referrals and/or contemporaneous notes of meetings, regarding “consulting” provided by the Office of Government Ethics to the EPA Office of Inspector which involved whether former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s lodging agreement with a lobbyist’s wife constituted a gift. | OGE FOIA FY 19-023 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 21 - 023 (03/31/2021) | appeal of OGE FOIA FY 20/010 request for 1) The letter dated September 16, 2019 to OGE from the Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform (“Oversight Committee”), Elijah Cummings 2) All records that OGE provided in response to Chairman Cummings’s September 16, 2019 letter 3) All records of communications with any of the following regarding Chairman Cummings’ September 16, 2019 letter: Ranking Member Jim Jordan, Chairman Cummings, the Oversight Committee, committee staff, or any member’s staff and 4) All communications with the Department of Transportation regarding the September 16, 2019 letter from Chairman Cummings. | OGE FOIA FY 21-023 revised responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 023 (10/20/2021) | 1) Copies of all records regarding Peter Wright’s ownership of a financial interest in The Dow Chemical Company, DowDupont, Inc,. or its subsidiaries 2) Copies of all records describing or mentioning any responsibilities or duties that Mr. Wright performed in any official capacity during the period from July 1, 2018 through March 12, 2019 and 3) All records related to OGE’s requests to EPA, Mr. Wright, any representative of Mr. Wright, or the White House—and any responses OGE received— regarding “information from EPA concerning any possible conflict in light of the agency’s functions and Mr. Wright’s duties at EPA.” | OGE FOIA FY 20-023 responsive records.pdf |
FY 19 - 024 (09/27/2019) | All email correspondence, including attached documents, sent or received by any OGE officials involving "Sheri Dillon" or her email address between January 1, 2018 and the present. | OGE FOIA FY 19-024 (Records released in part).pdf |
FY 19 - 025 (02/07/2019) | All letters sent by Mr. David J. Apol or Mr. Emory A. Rounds since January 1, 2018 to officials within the Offices of Inspector General of the listed agencies. | We provided the requester with the link to one responsive record.pdf |
FY 23 - 025 (06/02/2023) | All ethics records related to Jonathan Kanter. On 2/14/23 requester limited the request to all records associated with ethics advice, opinion or decision for Jonathan Kanter including ethics advice associated with granted/denied waiver/s or authorization for Jonathan Kanter. | OGE FOIA FY 23-025 responsive records redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 025 (12/18/2023) | All communications between political appointees employed or assigned to the agency and the Partnership for Public Service (Email Domain All agency memorandums, memorandums for record (MFR’s), memorandums of understanding (MOU’s), policies, directives, event flyers or descriptions, grants or contracts between the agency and the Partnership for Public Service, including all supporting or supplemental documents. | OGE FOIA FY 24-025 responsive records.pdf |
FY 19 - 026 (06/28/2019) | (1) Any records, documents, emails, questionnaires, memoranda or other correspondence or communications between Walter Shaub, David Apol or Emory Rounds with Commerce ethics official David Maggi regarding Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross from March 11, 2017 through the present and (2) Any records, documents, emails, questionnaires, memoranda or other correspondence or communications between Walter Shaub, David Apol or Emory Rounds with US Department of Education ethics officials regarding Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, from January 1, 2017 through the present. | OGE FOIA responsive records Wilbur Ross (redacted).pdf |
FY 18 - 026 (01/02/2020) | Documents and records related to certificates of divestiture issued in 2017 to the following federal employees: Bannon, Stephen K. Conway, Kellyanne E. Katsas, Gregory G. Kushner, Jared C. Liddell, Christopher P. Powell, Dina H. Spicer, Sean M. Cohn, Gary D. | OGE FOIA FY 18-026 responsive records.pdf |
FY 20 - 026 (12/15/2020) | Referral from FMSHRC | OGE FOIA FY 20-026 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 19 - 027 (02/21/2019) | A complete copy of any and all current contracts that the agency has entered into for the provision of online legal research with any provider, including but not limited to Thompson Reuters | OGE FOIA FY 19-027 - Record (redacted).pdf |
FY 18 - 028 (04/19/2018) | OGE documents pertaining to Joseph Otting, of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (Department of Treasury), specifically: (1) Any Records related to Mr. Otting's request for a certificate of divestiture. For the purposes of this request, Records shall include emails, meeting notes and the request itself. (2) Any Records related to the statutorily-required meeting that Mr. Otting had with the Ethics Office to discuss his new financial holdings. For the purposes of this request, Records shall include emails and meeting notes.
| OGE FOIA FY 18-028 - Records Released in part (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 21 - 028 (08/23/2021) | A copy of the resume, any ethics agreements, and/or any correspondence with Ali Zaidi,
Deputy White House National Climate Advisor. | OGE FOIA FY21-028 Responsive Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 029 (07/21/2020) | 1) Copies of all communications and other records that (a) were created or modified at any time from December 1, 2019 through February 28, 2020 and (b) mention, identify or discuss any interest in Cadre held or divested by either Jared Kushner orIvanka Trump. 2) All OGE policies, guidance and other materials regarding the existence of a “blind divestment process” for assets held by government officials. 3) All records regarding the establishment of a qualified trust, pursuant to the Ethics in Government Act, by Jared Kushner. | OGE FOIA FY 20-029 responsive records (final)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 029 (12/08/2023) | (1) Copies of current OGE policies concerning OGE employees’ ownership of cryptocurrencies or blockchain digital assets, including disclosure and conflict of interest requirements.
(2) Any Privacy Impact Assessments that were performed related to the foregoing.
| OGE FOIA FY 24-029 Responsive records.pdf |
FY 18 - 030 (02/22/2018) | Your agency's FOIA request log covering 2017, which includes a field showing the subject of each request and a field for the final disposition. | OGE FOIA FY18-030 - Records released in full.pdf |
FY 23 - 030 (01/25/2023) | A copy of all correspondence between Mr. Jack Callender and Office of Government Ethics between 2010 and 2018. | OGE FOIA FY 23-030 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 030 (12/04/2023) | 1. Copies of all documentation and records on file with the Office of Government Ethics associated with OGE tracking number OGE-2023-0445. 2. Copies of email communication associated with OGE-2023-0445. | OGE FOIA FY 24-030 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 031 (03/29/2019) | Any and all communications sent or received by OGE between November 8, 2016, and today, February 8, 2019, that contain the words or phrases “Ira Greenstein” or “Greenstein” in either the body of the email or the email’s metadata. | OGE FOIA FY 19-031 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 21 - 031 (01/07/2022) | A copy of the financial disclosure, resume, ethics agreements, and/or any correspondence
with John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, from 12/1/20 to the present. On 4/16/21 requester clarified the request to any correspondence regarding John Kerry. | OGE FOIA FY 21-031 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 23 - 031 (02/15/2023) | A copy of the letter of request for each of the 20 oldest pending FOIA requests at the OGE a copy of the letter of appeal for each of the 15 oldest pending FOIA appeals at the OGE. | OGE FOIA 23-031 responsive records (final)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 25 - 031 (12/09/2024) | From the timeframe of January 1, 2024 to present, all of the following records from DAVID APOL, GENERAL COUNSEL: All communications sent by the custodian (via the custodian's email outbox) containing the terms ('SF-52' OR 'SF 52' OR 'SF 50' OR 'SF-50') AND ('realignment' OR 'transfer' OR 'mass transfer' OR 'OPM' OR 'title'). | OGE FOIA FY 25-031 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 032 (08/24/2020) | 1) A log showing all FOIA requests made to the above-named agency, to include date of request, name of requester, subject of request, tracking number and disposition of request. 2) A copy of the top agency official or Secretary’s daily calendar for the above-named agency, preferably in PDF form with optical character recognition having been performed. 3) Copies of all visitor logs for the above-named agency, preferably in PDF form with optical character recognition having been performed. 4) log of communications, to include but not be limited to official correspondence on congressional letterhead as well as emails sent from the members of the 115th and 116th Congress or their staffs, between the above-named agency and all members of Congress and their staffs in the time period covered. The time period is Oct. 9, 2018-present. | All records combined.pdf |
FY 23 - 032 (02/13/2023) | OGE's records associated with "Slack" and its usage at OGE. | OGE FOIA FY23-032 Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 22 - 033 (12/17/2021) | Documents related to Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and other named individuals. | OGE FOIA FY 22-033 Responsive records.pdf |
FY 18 - 034 (08/16/2018) | CLC requests all records that were created, revised, modified, edited, received, sent, or consulted (e.g., for a briefing, telephone call, presentation, discussion, or for purposes of drafting guidance) from January 20, 20171 to date concerning: (1) The subject of legal defense funds (2) Any individual legal defense fund related to current or former officials in the White House Office or the Office of the Vice President (3) Any contemplated legal defense fund related to current or former officials in the White House Office or the Office of the Vice President or (4) Any inquiry regarding the possibility of, or the requirements for, establishing a legal defense fund related to current or former officials in the White House Office or the Office of the Vice President. | OGE FOIA Responsive documents - Legal Defense Funds_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 034 (09/18/2018) | CLC requests all records that were created, revised, modified, edited, received, sent, or consulted (e.g., for a briefing, telephone call, presentation, discussion, or for purposes of drafting guidance) from January 20, 20171 to date concerning: (1) The subject of legal defense funds (2) Any individual legal defense fund related to current or former officials in the White House Office or the Office of the Vice President (3) Any contemplated legal defense fund related to current or former officials in the White House Office or the Office of the Vice President or (4) Any inquiry regarding the possibility of, or the requirements for, establishing a legal defense fund related to current or former officials in the White House Office or the Office of the Vice President. | OGE FOIA Responsive documents - Legal Defense Funds (2nd Rolling)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 20 - 034 (12/01/2020) | A list of correspondences between the Office of Government Ethics and members of Congress and their offices. Specifically, I would like to know what Congressional offices contacted the Office of Government Ethics from 01.01.2001 to 12.31.2019. | OGE FOIA FY 20-034 - Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 24 - 034 (06/28/2024) | From the month of November 2023, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. Exclusions: (1) Unsolicited “spam” emails and related communications records regarding employee (2) leave requests, (3) performance reviews or standards, (4) PIV card pick-up/activation appointments, and (5) awards. | OGE FOIA 24-034 second and final rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 035 (08/23/2019) | Correspondence involving any OGE staff members and any of the listed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or Office of Management and Budget officials and employees between and including November 20, 2017, and the present. | OGE FOIA FY 18-035 redacted.pdf |
FY 20 - 035 (04/10/2020) | Referral from NLRB | _NLRB-2019-001370 Final Referral Records to OGE.pdf |
FY 21 - 035 (05/21/2021) | A copy of the portions marked "Not a Responsive Record" in each part (including the parts referred to other records) of Office of Government Ethics FOIA Case OGE FY21/016. | OGE FOIA FY 21-035 Responsive Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 035 (12/27/2023) | From the month of November 2023, all of the following records from Dale Christopher Jr, Deputy Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-035 (first rolling response)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 035 (01/16/2025) | From the month of November 2023, all of the following records from Dale Christopher Jr, Deputy Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-035 Responsive Records (2nd RR)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 22 - 036 (01/27/2022) | Clarified request is for all ethics agreements, guidelines, or other records pertaining to Hunter Biden’s sale of artwork. This includes, but is not limited to, all related records of communication between any official or employee of the Office of Government Ethics and any official or employee of any other branch, department, agency, or office of the Federal government. In the interest of efficiency, please exclude the following as nonresponsive to this request: unsolicited communications from the public, records pertaining to other FOIA requests, and emails containing news clippings and/or legislative updates.
| OGE FOIA FY22-036 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 036 (04/02/2024) | From the month of November 2023, all of the following records from Nicole Stein, Supervisory Government Ethics, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-036 second rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 20 - 037 (04/17/2020) | A copy of the request letter and the response letter to completed OGE FOIA request 19-010. | OGE FOIA FY20-037 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 24 - 037 (12/27/2023) | From the month of November 2023, all of the following records from David J. Apol, Supervisory Attorney Advisor, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-037 responsive records (first rolling response)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 038 (03/21/2019) | The letter dated January 22, 2019 to OGE from the Chair of the House Committee on
Oversight and Reform (“Oversight Committee”), Elijah Cummings, which is refenced in
the January 31, 2019 letter from OGE Director Emory Rounds | OGE FOIA FY 19-038 - Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 18 - 038 (09/30/2019) | All completed copies of OGE Form 202: Notice of Conflict of Interest Referral that were turned in to OGE from January 20, 2017, to January 20, 2018. | (Resonsive records redacted).pdf |
FY 18 - 039 (08/16/2018) | Any and all records mentioning or referring to the “Patriot Legal Defense Fund.” | OGE FOIA Responsive documents - Legal Defense Funds_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 039 (09/18/2018) | Any and all records mentioning or referring to the “Patriot Legal Defense Fund.” | OGE FOIA Responsive documents - Legal Defense Funds (2nd Rolling)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 039 (05/03/2019) | All records that OGE provided in response to Chairman Cummings’ January 22, 2019
letter. While CREW has access to records posted on the Oversight Committee’s public
website, CREW is seeking all other records provided to any of the following: the
Oversight Committee, any member of the Oversight Committee, committee staff, or any
member’s staff. | OGE FOIA FY 19-039 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 21 - 039 (08/23/2021) | All records reflecting communications between (a) the OGE officials listed below or anyone communicating on their behalf such as a Chief of Staff, scheduler, or assistant and (b) the DOT officials listed below or anyone communicating on their behalf such as a Chief of Staff, scheduler, or assistant. | OGE FOIA FY 21-039 Responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 040 (03/26/2020) | All records of communications with any of the following regarding Chairman
Cummings’ January 22, 2019 letter: Ranking Member Jim Jordan, Chairman Cummings,
the Oversight Committee, committee staff, or any member’s staff. | OGE FOIA FY 19-040 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 21 - 040 (05/21/2021) | Referral from HHS OIG. | OGE FOIA FY 21-040 responsive records.pdf |
FY 23 - 040 (03/29/2023) | A copy of the agenda/itinerary (or similar record) for each of the three (3) most recent Annual Government National Ethics Conferences. On 3/16/23 requester clarified that he's referring to the OGE's 2020 Virtual National Government Ethics Summit. | OGE FY 23-040 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 040 (03/07/2024) | Copies of all implementing directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, or memorandums of understanding (MOUs) pertaining to Executive Order 14052 (E.O. 14052): Implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Subsequently (in relation to E.O. 14052), all directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, or memorandums of understanding (MOUs), or contracts pertaining to the Infrastructure Implementation Task Force, Justice40 Initiative, or mentioning ‘environmental justice’. The timeframe of the search from November 15, 2021 to present. Clarification: on 2/23/24 requester asked to interpret the first and second portions separately. | OGE FOIA FY 24-040 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 041 (02/05/2019) | 1) Certification of Ethics Agreement Compliance filed by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and submitted to OGE from Feb. 7, 2017, to present 2) All documents from Feb. 7, 2017 to present that evidence or pertain to actions taken by Secretary DeVos to comply with her Jan. 10, 2017 ethics agreement, which the Dept. of Education submitted to OGE 3) All communications from Feb. 7, 2017 to present between Dept. of Ed. and OGE concerning Secretary DeVos's compliance with her ethics agreement 4) Documents from Feb. 7, 2017 to present that evidence or pertain to any transfer of assets by Secretary DeVos to a family trust and/or any actions she took to make a gift of assets in order to comply with divestiture requirements 5) Documents from Feb. 7, 2017 to present that reflect or pertain to Secretary DeVos's recusal from certain matters and 6) Documents from Feb. 7, 2017 to present reflecting or pertaining to any ethics advice Secretary DeVos sought and/or received to purchase additional shares of Neurocore. | OGE FOIA DeVos responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 19 - 041 (05/06/2019) | All records that OGE provided in response to the February 21, 2019 letter from Ranking Member Jordan and Rep. Mark Meadows. CREW is seeking all records provided to any of the following: Ranking Member Jim Jordan, Chairman Cummings, the Oversight Committee, committee staff, or any member’s staff. | OGE FOIA FY 19-041 - Responsive Records (released online).pdf |
FY 20 - 041 (05/14/2020) | Appeal of FY20/013, which sought "emails and attachments, text messages facsimiles voicemail messages, and transcripts, notes, or minutes of any meetings, telephone conversations, discussions, and attachments to emails or other records regarding The 45 Alliance by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE)." | Revised Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 21 - 041 (09/29/2021) | An electronic copy of any records that indicate membership on an interview or hiring committee that hired, since January 1, 2017, individuals into a non-political position at the Agency as an attorney or economist at the GS-13 level or higher. For purposes of this request, please consider any employee in a PAS position, a presidentially appointed position, a non-career SES position, a Schedule C position, or any administratively-determined position to be a “political appointee,” and thus outside the scope of
this request. All other employees who meet the above criteria should be included in this request.
on 7/2/21 the requester clarified and stated that they're asking for the followings:
• A list of all OGE employees/officials who participated in the hiring or interview, since 1/1/2017, of any individual into a nonpolitical position as an attorney or economist at the GS-13 level or higher.
• The titles of the above OGE employees/officials.
• The title and grade of the opening for which the hiring or interview was done.
| OGE FOIA FY 21-041 responsive records.pdf |
FY 24 - 041 (02/20/2024) | Copies of all implementing directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, or memorandums of understanding (MOUs) pertaining to Executive Order 14008 or (E.O. 14008): Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. Subsequently, all directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, memorandums of understanding (MOUs), or agency implementing instructions pertaining to ‘climate change’, ‘climate risk’, ‘climate policy’, or ‘environmental justice’. The search from January 27, 2021 to present. | OGE FOIA 24-041 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 042 (02/26/2018) | A list of single issue reviews conducted by OGE from January 1, 2010, to the present. | OGE FOIA FY 18-042 - Records Released in Full.pdf |
FY 19 - 042 (05/06/2019) | All records of communications with any of the following regarding the February 21, 2019 letter from Ranking Member Jordan and Rep. Mark Meadows: Ranking Member Jim Jordan, Chairman Cummings, the Oversight Committee, committee staff, or any member’s staff. | OGE FOIA FY 19-042 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 19 - 043 (05/14/2020) | All communications with the White House or the Office of Management and Budget regarding the January 22, 2019 letter from Chairman Cummings or the February 21, 2019 letter from Ranking Member Jordan and Rep. Meadows. | OGE FOIA FY 19-043 - Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 20 - 043 (09/02/2020) | All email communications sent to, copied to, or received by OGE Director Emory Rounds, Chief of Staff Shelley Finlayson, General Counsel David Apol, Chief of the Ethics Law and Policy Branch Seth Jaffe, and Chief of the Presidential Nominations Branch Deborah Bortot from March 1, 2020 to the present regarding:
1) The impact of COVID-19 or the coronavirus on the presidential transition process.
2) The timeline for the designation of agency transition leads.
3) The timeline for the establishment of transition councils.
4) Any change or potential change to the General Services Administration’s “Major Activities Timeline” for the 2020/2021 presidential transition process.
5) The Trump administration’s compliance with the Presidential Transitions Improvements Act of 2015 or the Presidential Transition Enhancement Act of 2019.
| OGE FOIA FY 20-043 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 044 (03/13/2019) | All emails, to and from Emory Rounds, Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics, that contain the word “KUSHNER” from July 13, 2018 to present. | OGE FOIA FY 19-044 - Records Released in Full.pdf |
FY 19 - 045 (03/29/2019) | All email correspondence from or to Office of Government Ethics staff between the dates of Nov. 9, 2016, and Feb. 28, 2017, including but not limited to attachments, exhbits and supplemental material, that contain one of the following two phrases: “Trump ethics pledge”, “ethics pledge”
| OGE FOIA FY 19-045 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 22 - 045 (09/30/2022) | As clarified, the request seeks all communications between employees of the Federal Reserve's Legal Division and employees of the Office of Government Ethics, excluding: (1) routine communications relating to the generation or substantive review of nominee/new entrant, annual, and termination (but not transaction) Financial Disclosure reports (2) records relating to training materials (3) communications sent to the Federal Reserve as part of a mass communication to all or most agency ethics offices (4) records relating to OGE program inspections and reviews and/or (5) materials related to OGE presentations/panel discussions. | OGE FOIA FY22-045 Responsive Records - 1st Rolling Response Redacted.pdf |
FY 22 - 045 (03/08/2023) | As clarified, the request seeks all communications between employees of the Federal Reserve's Legal Division and employees of the Office of Government Ethics, excluding: (1) routine communications relating to the generation or substantive review of nominee/new entrant, annual, and termination (but not transaction) Financial Disclosure reports (2) records relating to training materials (3) communications sent to the Federal Reserve as part of a mass communication to all or most agency ethics offices (4) records relating to OGE program inspections and reviews and/or (5) materials related to OGE presentations/panel discussions. | OGE FOIA FY22-045 Responsive Records 2nd rolling response_Redacted.pdf |
FY 23 - 046 (05/04/2023) | A copy of the results of an email search for each of the following phrases: "Clarence Thomas" OR "Justice Thomas" OR "Justice Clarence Thomas", in the email accounts of each of the following OGE employees: Emory Rounds, Dale Christopher, Elizabeth Hurton, Patrick Shepherd, Seth Jaffe, Diana Veilleux, and Shelley Finlayson, during the time period January 1, 2023 to the present. Please omit compilations of news articles (news clippings) from the scope of this request. | OGE FY 23-046 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 046 (02/26/2024) | From the month of December 2023, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-046 First rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 046 (07/11/2024) | From the month of December 2023, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-046 second and final rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 047 (06/28/2019) | All records created by the Office of Government Ethics in preparation for, distributed during and/or as the result of the meeting between OGE Director Emory Rounds and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler held on March 19, 2019 | OGE FOIA FY 19-047 - Redacted Records.pdf |
FY 20 - 047 (08/31/2021) | 1) All records FERC provided OGE in response to OGE's request for all records of ethics-related advice and counseling given by FERC’s OGC to PAS officials from January 28, 2017, through November 26, 2019. 2) All records regarding OGE's review with FERC to discuss the review.
on May 14, 2021 requester clarified that he is looking for communications between OGE and FERC to discuss the review. | OGE FOIA FY 20-047 responsive records redacted.pdf |
FY 21 - 047 (05/19/2022) | From November 23, 2020 through the date this request is processed, all waivers, impartiality determinations, or any other guidance issued to political appointees of the Biden Administration exempting them from any part of their obligations as defined in relevant laws, regulations, rules, and/or the Biden Administration’s Ethics Pledge. This request also includes any records and communications between OGE employees as well as any records and communications between the OGE and any political appointees regarding waivers or impartiality determinations. This request was clarified to include communications with agency ethics officials. The request became limited to the followings:
(1) all conflict of interest waivers issued pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 208 (“208 waivers”) (2) all gift reporting waivers (3) all authorizations issued pursuant to 5 CFR §502(d) and (4) and all waivers issued pursuant to section 3 of Executive Order 13989 (“pledge waivers”). The request also includes any records and communications between OGE employees, between OGE employees and agency ethics officials, and/or between OGE and the political appointees in question regarding waivers or impartiality determinations. The portion of the request related to 208 waivers was limited to the following individuals: Jigar Shah, Jennifer Wilcox, Andrew Slavitt, Benjamin Sommers, Eric Lander, Nancy Sumption, Rex Sturm, James McCrystal, and Yacov Koffler. The portion of the request related to pledge waivers was limited to the following individuals: Gabriela Chojkier, David Cohen, Celeste Drake, Erika Moritsugu, Marianne Engleman-Lado, Dr. Suhas "Micky" Tripathi, Natasha Bilimoria, Alethea Predeoux, Aviva Aron-Dine, Michelle Brané, Charanya Krishnaswami. The time frame is November 23, 2020 through the date this request is processed. | OGE FOIA FY 21-047 Responsive Records Redacted (Third Partial Response).pdf |
FY 21 - 047 (09/12/2022) | From November 23, 2020 through the date this request is processed, all waivers, impartiality determinations, or any other guidance issued to political appointees of the Biden Administration exempting them from any part of their obligations as defined in relevant laws, regulations, rules, and/or the Biden Administration’s Ethics Pledge. This request also includes any records and communications between OGE employees as well as any records and communications between the OGE and any political appointees regarding waivers or impartiality determinations. This request was clarified to include communications with agency ethics officials. The request became limited to the followings:
(1) all conflict of interest waivers issued pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 208 (“208 waivers”) (2) all gift reporting waivers (3) all authorizations issued pursuant to 5 CFR §502(d) and (4) and all waivers issued pursuant to section 3 of Executive Order 13989 (“pledge waivers”). The request also includes any records and communications between OGE employees, between OGE employees and agency ethics officials, and/or between OGE and the political appointees in question regarding waivers or impartiality determinations. The portion of the request related to 208 waivers was limited to the following individuals: Jigar Shah, Jennifer Wilcox, Andrew Slavitt, Benjamin Sommers, Eric Lander, Nancy Sumption, Rex Sturm, James McCrystal, and Yacov Koffler. The portion of the request related to pledge waivers was limited to the following individuals: Gabriela Chojkier, David Cohen, Celeste Drake, Erika Moritsugu, Marianne Engleman-Lado, Dr. Suhas "Micky" Tripathi, Natasha Bilimoria, Alethea Predeoux, Aviva Aron-Dine, Michelle Brané, Charanya Krishnaswami. The time frame is November 23, 2020 through the date this request is processed. | OGE FOIA FY 21-047 responsive records (fourth rolling response)_Redacted....pdf |
FY 21 - 047 (09/26/2022) | From November 23, 2020 through the date this request is processed, all waivers, impartiality determinations, or any other guidance issued to political appointees of the Biden Administration exempting them from any part of their obligations as defined in relevant laws, regulations, rules, and/or the Biden Administration’s Ethics Pledge. This request also includes any records and communications between OGE employees as well as any records and communications between the OGE and any political appointees regarding waivers or impartiality determinations. This request was clarified to include communications with agency ethics officials. The request became limited to the followings:
(1) all conflict of interest waivers issued pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 208 (“208 waivers”) (2) all gift reporting waivers (3) all authorizations issued pursuant to 5 CFR §502(d) and (4) and all waivers issued pursuant to section 3 of Executive Order 13989 (“pledge waivers”). The request also includes any records and communications between OGE employees, between OGE employees and agency ethics officials, and/or between OGE and the political appointees in question regarding waivers or impartiality determinations. The portion of the request related to 208 waivers was limited to the following individuals: Jigar Shah, Jennifer Wilcox, Andrew Slavitt, Benjamin Sommers, Eric Lander, Nancy Sumption, Rex Sturm, James McCrystal, and Yacov Koffler. The portion of the request related to pledge waivers was limited to the following individuals: Gabriela Chojkier, David Cohen, Celeste Drake, Erika Moritsugu, Marianne Engleman-Lado, Dr. Suhas "Micky" Tripathi, Natasha Bilimoria, Alethea Predeoux, Aviva Aron-Dine, Michelle Brané, Charanya Krishnaswami. The time frame is November 23, 2020 through the date this request is processed. | OGE FOIA FY 21-047 responsive records (Fifth rolling response).pdf |
FY 23 - 047 (04/18/2023) | Referral received from USDA. We asked USDA about the codes and they said the YYPP column includes the year the leave was taken and the pay period the leave was taken. For example, on page 1 of the responsive records, the first entry in the YYPP column is “1801.” “18” is the year, i.e. 2018, and “01” is the pay period, i.e. pay period 1 of 2018. | OGE FOIA FY 23-047 responsive records.pdf |
FY 21 - 047 (05/02/2023) | From November 23, 2020 through the date this request is processed, all waivers, impartiality determinations, or any other guidance issued to political appointees of the Biden Administration exempting them from any part of their obligations as defined in relevant laws, regulations, rules, and/or the Biden Administration’s Ethics Pledge. This request also includes any records and communications between OGE employees as well as any records and communications between the OGE and any political appointees regarding waivers or impartiality determinations. This request was clarified to include communications with agency ethics officials. The request became limited to the followings:
(1) all conflict of interest waivers issued pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 208 (“208 waivers”) (2) all gift reporting waivers (3) all authorizations issued pursuant to 5 CFR §502(d) and (4) and all waivers issued pursuant to section 3 of Executive Order 13989 (“pledge waivers”). The request also includes any records and communications between OGE employees, between OGE employees and agency ethics officials, and/or between OGE and the political appointees in question regarding waivers or impartiality determinations. The portion of the request related to 208 waivers was limited to the following individuals: Jigar Shah, Jennifer Wilcox, Andrew Slavitt, Benjamin Sommers, Eric Lander, Nancy Sumption, Rex Sturm, James McCrystal, and Yacov Koffler. The portion of the request related to pledge waivers was limited to the following individuals: Gabriela Chojkier, David Cohen, Celeste Drake, Erika Moritsugu, Marianne Engleman-Lado, Dr. Suhas "Micky" Tripathi, Natasha Bilimoria, Alethea Predeoux, Aviva Aron-Dine, Michelle Brané, Charanya Krishnaswami. The time frame is November 23, 2020 through the date this request is processed. | OGE FOIA FY 21-047 Responsive records (Sixth rolling response) v4_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 047 (04/11/2024) | From the month of December 2023, all of the following records from Dale Christopher Jr, Deputy Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-047 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 048 (04/18/2019) | Copies of all designations that OGE has received since January 19, 2017 in reference to the White House’s Designated Agency Ethics Official (“DAEO”) position or Alternate DAEO (“ADAEO”) position. | OGE FOIA FY 19-048 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 20 - 048 (12/04/2020) | A copy of the Questions For the Record (QFR) and agency QFR responses to Congress responding to QFRs during calendar years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 to date, for the Office of Government Ethics | Responsive Record Unredacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 048 (01/29/2024) | From the month of December 2023, all of the following records from Nicole Stein, Supervisory Government Ethics, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-048 first rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 048 (04/05/2024) | From the month of December 2023, all of the following records from Nicole Stein, Supervisory Government Ethics, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-048 responsive records - final_Redacted.pdf |
FY 20 - 049 (09/03/2020) | A) All email communications sent to, copied to, or received by OGE Director Emory Rounds, Chief of Staff Shelley Finlayson, General Counsel David Apol, Chief of the Ethics Law and Policy Branch Seth Jaffe, and Chief of the Presidential Nominations Branch Deborah Bortot from May 5, 2020 to the present regarding:
1) the Agency Transition Directors Council meeting hosted by the Office of Management and Budget and the General Services Administration on or around May 27, 2020.
2) the impact of COVID-19 or the coronavirus on the presidential transition process.
3) future Agency Transition Directors Council meetings.
B) Any and all agendas, meeting notes, summaries, or attendance lists prepared for or distributed at the Agency Transition Directors Council meeting hosted by the Office of Management and Budget and the General Services Administration on or around May 27, 2020.
C) All email communications sent to, copied to, or received by OGE Director Emory Rounds, Chief of Staff Shelley Finlayson, General Counsel David Apol, Chief of the Ethics Law and Policy Branch Seth Jaffe, and Chief of the Presidential Nominations Branch Deborah Bortot and any representative of the presidential campaigns of Donald J. Trump orJoseph R. Biden from March 1, 2020 to the present. | OGE FOIA FY 20-049 responsive records Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 049 (03/04/2024) | From the month of December 2023, all of the following records from David J. Apol, Supervisory Attorney Advisor, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-049 responsive records (first rolling response)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 25 - 049 (01/16/2025) | 1) Documentation or records identifying any personnel who transitioned from Schedule C appointments to SES positions within the last year, including the dates and circumstances of such transitions. 2) A complete list of all SES employees hired in the last year, or promoted to SES in the last year. The resume provided by the individual to the agency in connection with determining the appropriate salary for the individual, or if that is not available, a recent resume contained within the agency's records. Copies of any SF-50 forms for the individual reflecting any change in position, title, or salary, including when the employee starts or leaves a position. 3) The most recent organizational and hierarchy charts published or disseminated internally by the agency or subordinate organizational entity. | OGE FOIA FY 25-049 responsive records.pdf |
FY 24 - 049 (01/24/2025) | From the month of December 2023, all of the following records from David J. Apol, Supervisory Attorney Advisor, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-049 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 051 (02/28/2018) | The Organizational Charts for the Chief Information Officer of Office of Government Ethics- something that includes the names and titles/departments of the people who report to the Chief Information Officer of Office of Government Ethics. | Posting Exemption.pdf |
FY 20 - 051 (06/23/2020) | FOIA logs from January 1, 2019 to the date that the request is perfected. | FY20 Log.pdf |
FY 21 - 051 (09/30/2021) | Any and all forms completed by or submitted by or on behalf of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, including but not limited to any Form 450s.
Any and all complaints filed by, naming, referencing, or regarding Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
| OGE FOIA FY 21-051 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 18 - 052 (05/31/2018) | 1) All records addressing, discussing, referencing, or including the directive signed by Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”), titled
“Strengthening and Improving Membership on EPA Federal Advisory Committees” (“the
policy”) on October 31, 2017. 2) All records addressing, discussing, referencing, or including the memorandum issued by EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt titled “Strengthening and Improving Membership on EPA Federal Advisory Committees” (“the memorandum”) on October 31, 2017. 3) All records created in the years 2016 to 2018 addressing, discussing, or referencing the EPA process that concluded in the decision to issue the policy and the memorandum, or any other process to address conflicts of interest, perceived conflicts of interest, lack of impartiality, perceived lack of impartiality, lack of independence, or perceived lack of independence, created by EPA grants. 4) All non-confidential records addressing, discussing, or relating to conflicts of interest, perceived conflicts of interest, lack of impartiality, perceived lack of impartiality, lack of independence, or perceived lack of independence, created by receipt of grants from EPA or other federal agencies. | OGE FOIA FY 18-052 - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 052 (04/23/2021) | (1) records pertaining to communication regarding, or consideration of, the possibility of OGE granting a Certificate of Divestiture for Marc Short at any time on or after March 11, 2019. (2) records that mention, discuss or contain information regarding Marc Short on or after April 23, 2020. (3) records of communications between OGE and the Office of the Vice President on or after April 23, 2020. | OGE FOIA FY 20-052 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 19 - 053 (09/21/2020) | 1. Copies of any and all records, which includes but is not limited to emails, analyses, reports, and letters, mentioning or referring to the evaluation of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s 2018 financial disclosure report. 2. Any and all records memorializing discussions between any senior official within the Treasury Department and any senior official within the OGE mentioning or referring to the evaluation of Secretary Mnuchin’s financial disclosure | OGE FOIA FY 19-053 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 23 - 054 (06/16/2023) | FOIA logs, years 2000-present. | OGE FOIA FY 23-054 Responsive Records (first rolling response)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 23 - 054 (08/01/2023) | FOIA logs for the last ten years | OGE FOIA FY 23-054 Responsive records.pdf |
FY 20 - 055 (10/07/2020) | Copies of all records concerning the withdrawal of the certificate of divestiture originally issued to Jared Kushner on February 26, 2020. This request includes, but is not limited to, email communications related to the withdrawal of the certificate of divestiture. The time frame for this request is between February 26, 2020 through the date search is conducted. | OGE FOIA FY 20-055 responsive records (revised)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 056 (02/21/2017) | 1) Written communications – including OGE documentation summarizing verbal communications – between OGE and the transition staff or private staff of President-Elect Donald J. Trump (“President-Elect Trump”), including but not limited to calendar appointments and minutes of meetings 2) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the decision to post on Twitter comments directed towards the Twitter handle of President-Elect Trump on November 30, 2016, including but not limited to final decisions regarding the specific language that would be encompassed within the posts published by OGE on its Twitter handle 3) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding steps which must be taken by President-Elect Trump to place his personal and corporate financial assets in a “blind trust” in a manner that would resolve potential or real “conflicts of interest”, as that term is defined by OGE and applied to the President of the United States 4) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which, as a general matter, the President of the United States is subject to the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution and 5) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which the contract language in the General Service Administration’s (“GSA”) lease of the Post Office Pavilion to Trump Old Post Office LLC – for the purpose of constructing the International Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. – implicates the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and particularly with respect to the Office of the President of the United States 6) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which President-Elect Trump’s position as President of the United States will conflict with the contract language in GSA’s lease identified in category #5. | OGE FOIA FY 17 056 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 18 - 056 (03/04/2020) | CLC requests all records of communications between Acting Director of the Office of Government Ethics (“OGE”) David J. Apol, and: 1. Any individual who is employed in OGE’s Ethics Law and Policy Branch, if the subject of the record is legal defense funds or a specific legal defense fund, including the Patriot Legal Expense Fund Trust or
2. Any Senior Level (“SL”) employee at OGE if the subject of the record is legal defense funds or a specific legal defense fund, including the Patriot Legal Expense Fund Trust or
3. Any individual whose email address has the domain This request encompasses records that include any of the above listed individuals or entities in the “to,” “from,” “cc,” or “bcc” fields, but excludes any record the subject of which solely regards an executive branch nominee. Please note that this request applies to all emails, sent and received, on governmental email addresses, as well as to all emails, sent and received, on all other email addresses and accounts used to conduct official business. As used in this request, the term “legal defense fund” refers to any arrangement, promise, trust, corporation, or other entity to facilitate the payment of legal fees of a government employee other than by the employee himself or herself. | OGE FOIA FY 18-056 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 20 - 056 (10/28/2020) | copies of all correspondence pertaining to President Trump's annual personal financial report, from March 1, 2020 - present. | Responsive Records OGE FOIA FY 20-056 (redacted).pdf |
FY 23 - 056 (06/13/2023) | Referral received from NARA. | OGE FOIA FY 23-56 responsive records.pdf |
FY 19 - 057 (05/01/2019) | Copies of all year-end status reports OGE sent to Designated Agency Ethics Officials on or before April 19, 2019 regarding the processing of 2018 annual public financial disclosure reports required to be transmitted to OGE. | OGE FOIA FY19-057 Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 19 - 057 (05/03/2019) | Copies of all year-end status reports OGE sent to Designated Agency Ethics Officials on or before April 19, 2019 regarding the processing of 2018 annual public financial disclosure reports required to be transmitted to OGE. | OGE FOIA FY19-057 Responsive Records(2).pdf |
FY 20 - 058 (06/02/2021) | a copy of all emails in the enterprise email system or computer systems of OGE marked TO and/or FROM and/or CC, for each of the following individuals at the Office of Government Ethics: Seth Jaffe Monica Ashar Rachel Dowell Leigh Francis Patrick Lightfoot Elaine Newton Jim Robertson Emory Rounds Vincent Salamone and Kimberly Sikora Panza. Request is limited to emails that include the word TRUMP and emails during the time frame: April 1, 2020 to July 11, 2020. | OGE FOIA FY 20-058 Responsive Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 058 (07/13/2021) | a copy of all emails in the enterprise email system or computer systems of OGE marked TO and/or FROM and/or CC, for each of the following individuals at the Office of Government Ethics: Seth Jaffe Monica Ashar Rachel Dowell Leigh Francis Patrick Lightfoot Elaine Newton Jim Robertson Emory Rounds Vincent Salamone and Kimberly Sikora Panza. Request is limited to emails that include the word TRUMP and emails during the time frame: April 1, 2020 to July 11, 2020. | OGE FOIA FY 20-058 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 22 - 059 (10/06/2022) | All calendars or calendar entries for Emory Rounds, including any calendars maintained on his behalf, from January 20, 2021, through the date on which this request is fulfilled. | OGE FOIA FY22-059 Responsive Records_1st Rolling Response (redacted).pdf |
FY 22 - 059 (10/06/2022) | All calendars or calendar entries for Emory Rounds, including any calendars maintained on his behalf, from January 20, 2021, through the date on which this request is fulfilled. | OGE FOIA FY22-059 Responsive Records_2nd Rolling Response_Redacted.pdf |
FY 23 - 059 (06/12/2023) | All ethics agreements, guidelines, or other records pertaining to Hunter Biden’s sale of artwork. | OGE FOIA FY23-059 Responsive Records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 059 (03/19/2024) | Documents sufficient to account for all marketing materials the agency has created, implemented, or disseminated in support of implementing Executive Order 14019. | OGE FOIA FY 24-059 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 060 (06/12/2018) | Any emails, memos, electronic postings, transmissions, or other documents or discussions accessible to the Office of Government Ethics created after November 1, 2016, about encouraging, preferring, allowing, limiting, preventing or otherwise authorizing government travel to properties, owned by, licensed by, named for Donald Trump or otherwise involving the names, “Trump” or “Mar-a-Lago” (aka Maralago, Mar A Lago). This should include, but not be limited to any internal OGE discussions, along with directives, questions, or requests made to any government agency, or Travel Management System. | OGE FOIA FY 18-060 - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 060 (04/23/2021) | A copy of any agreement establishing or related to the MRP Legal Expense Trust Fund, a legal expense fund created by James D. Atterholt for Vice President Mike Pence, the sole beneficiary. And copies of all communications related to the MRP Legal Expense Trust Fund and/or James Atterholt. This request includes, but is not limited to, email communications between OGE and Mr. Atterholt or his representatives. | OGE FOIA FY 20-060 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 060 (02/07/2024) | 1. All FOIA logs, FOIA appeal logs, and Mandatory Declassification Review logs for the year of 2023 (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023)
2. All FOIA logs and FOIA appeal logs from January 1, 2024, to January 31, 2024
3. The most updated organizational hierarchy chart of the agency
4. The most recent organizational hierarchy chart for the Office of the Senior-most Executive of the Agency (such as the Office of the Administrator, or Office of the Secretary).
Date range: January 1, 2021, to the present.
| OGE FOIA FY 24-060 - responsive records.pdf |
FY 20 - 061 (12/29/2020) | A copy of each email containing the word GOYA found in email accounts of individuals within 1) Office of the Director and/or 2) Ethics Law and Policy Branch, from an electronic search of emails, between July 12 and the present. | OGE FOIA FY 20-061 and 20-062 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 22 - 061 (09/11/2023) | All records from the Office of Government Ethics regarding potential or actual conflicts of interest from any appointees to the Department of Education or Federal Student Aid from January 20, 2021 to present. All documents reflecting the conclusion or response to the Office of Government Ethics, including all appeals, to any inquiries or questions concerning information of potential or actual conflicts of interest of the named individuals. All documents and correspondence between the Office of Government Ethics and the Department of Education or Federal Student Aid. | OGE FOIA FY 22-061 Fourth and Final Rolling Response - Responsive Records (final)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 062 (04/05/2024) | Documents sufficient to to account for all agencywide training materials (such as course materials, videos, powerpoint presentations, or slides) presented to agency employees or contractors between January 1, 2021 and December, 2023 mentioning 'DEI', 'Transgender', 'Equity', or 'Pronouns'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-062 responsive records - final.pdf |
FY 19 - 063 (11/19/2020) | All Office of Government Ethics Congressional Correspondence Logs or other records that track Congressional communications, including those maintained by component, regional or program offices, for correspondence received between January 1, 2007, and December 31, 2018. | OGE FOIA FY 19-063 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 20 - 064 (01/07/2021) | A list of correspondences between the Office of Government Ethics and members of Congress and their offices. The time frame of this request is January 1, 2019 to the present. | OGE FOIA FY 20-064 - Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 24 - 064 (03/18/2024) | Documents sufficient to account for All Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) or administrative policies, instructions, memorandums, guidance, standard operating procedures, or procedural documents mentioning 'transgender', or 'gender affirming', or 'pronoun' AND 'usage'. Date range: January 20, 2021, to the present. | OGE FOIA FY 24-064 responsive records.pdf |
FY 18 - 065 (04/27/2018) | Current list of all Office of Government Ethics employees | Posting Exemption.pdf |
FY 19 - 065 (10/24/2019) | Copies of all records related to the issuance of a Certificate of Divestiture to Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of White House Information Technology Charles Herndon for CSRA stock, including the request package submitted by the White House to OGE, related communications, and other records | OGE FOIA FY 19-065 (redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 065 (01/26/2021) | A copy of the OGE Twitter Clearance Process/Policy and the Social Media Clearance Process/Policy for posting content on the agency's Twitter or other Social Media accounts. | OGE FOIA FY 20-065 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 22 - 065 (04/05/2022) | Policies on the retention and management of instant messages. Policies on the use of instant messaging and other records related to instant messaging. | OGE FOIA FY22-065 Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 18 - 066 (04/03/2018) | A copy of the complete email associated with this email header: "Subject: RE: Human beings are just odd"
| FOIA Request 18-066 - Released in full.pdf |
FY 20 - 066 (08/26/2020) | Appeal of OGE FOIA FY 20/029 for 1) Copies of all communications and other records that (a) were created or modified at any time from December 1, 2019 through February 28, 2020 and (b) mention, identify or discuss any interest in Cadre held or divested by either Jared Kushner orIvanka Trump. 2) All OGE policies, guidance and other materials regarding the existence of a “blind divestment process” for assets held by government officials. 3) All records regarding the establishment of a qualified trust, pursuant to the Ethics in Government Act, by Jared Kushner. | OGE FOIA FY 20-066 revised responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 066 (02/22/2024) | Documents sufficient for the vacancy or occupancy rates of the agency’s largest building or headquarters building, by month (or days if available), for the year of 2023 (January 1, 2023 to December, 2023). Documents sufficient for the number of full-time employees (FTE) subject or covered under Agency telework agreements as of 1 January 2024. | OGE FOIA FY 24-066 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 067 (01/15/2020) | Any and all documents in the agency's possession that pertain to the WikiLeaks website or organization from January 2006 to the present date | OGE FY 19-067 Responsive Records [REDACTED].pdf |
FY 20 - 067 (01/13/2021) | 1) all communications between OGE and the White House, President Trump, and/or President Trump’s personal lawyers such as Sheri Dillon regarding Rudy Giuliani.
2) all records related to Rudy Giuliani’s pro bono legal services for President Trump.
3) all communications between OGE and the White House, President Trump, and/or President Trump’s personal lawyers such as Sheri Dillon regarding President Trump’s resort in Aberdeen, Scotland, Trump International Golf Club Scotland Limited, or Trump International Golf Links – Scotland.
4) all records related to a personal loan from President Trump to his resort in Aberdeen, Scotland, Trump International Golf Club Scotland Limited, or Trump International Golf Links – Scotland. | OGE FOIA FY 20-067 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 22 - 067 (05/18/2022) | All notes, emails, texts, telephone logs, calendar, records, statements, memorandum of record, or other contemporary records of then OGE employee Rachel Molinaro, also known as Rachel Christopher. For the period February 15, 2009 to March 1, 2009. | OGE FOIA FY 22-067 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 25 - 068 (02/10/2025) | Referral received from Air Force Office of Special Investigations. | OGE FOIA FY 25-068 responsive records.pdf |
FY 24 - 069 (04/05/2024) | From the month of January 2024, all of the following records from Nicole Stein, Supervisory Government Ethics, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment' | OGE FOIA FY 24-069 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 070 (08/21/2019) | Any and all communications sent or received by OGE between April 1, 2018, and today, May 28, 2019, and the following email address: “” and a copy of any financial disclosure report maintained by OGE for the following special governmental employee: Paul Packer, commissioner of the US Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad.
| OGE FOIA FY 19-070 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 21 - 070 (09/29/2021) | All electronic correspondence from November 6, 2020 through July 20, 2021 that relates to the nomination or confirmation or vetting of Kenneth A. Polite for the position of Assistant Attorney General at the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. | OGE FOIA FY 21-070 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 25 - 070 (01/24/2025) | List of Purchase Card Managers and/or Approving Officials. Date Range for Record Search: personnel currently active or personnel active in 2024. | OGE FOIA FY 25-070 responsive records.pdf |
FY 24 - 071 (09/23/2024) | From the month of January 2024, all of the following records from David J. Apol, Supervisory Attorney Advisor, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-071 Responsive Records Redacted (first rolling response).pdf |
FY 24 - 071 (01/28/2025) | From the month of January 2024, all of the following records from David J. Apol, Supervisory Attorney Advisor, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-071 Responsive Records (2nd and final RR)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 072 (06/26/2017) | Records related to President-elect Trump appointees supplied to OGE by the Trump Transition Team or any federal agency. 1. public financial disclosure reports of Cabinet-level nominees
2. ethics agreements involving blind trusts, divestment, or screening or recusal
3. conflict of interest waivers
4. certificates of divestiture
5. ethics pledge waivers
6. ethics issues involving Cabinet-level nominees
7. the continued application of E.O. 13490, including the ethics pledge, after the
end of the Obama Administration
In addition, vetting packages for Trump Administration Cabinet-level nominees,
and related records. | OGE FOIA FY 17-072 Final Response Records (All Nomination, Preclearance, and Senate transmittals)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 072 (06/26/2017) | Records related to President-elect Trump appointees supplied to OGE by the Trump Transition Team or any federal agency. 1. public financial disclosure reports of Cabinet-level nominees
2. ethics agreements involving blind trusts, divestment, or screening or recusal
3. conflict of interest waivers
4. certificates of divestiture
5. ethics pledge waivers
6. ethics issues involving Cabinet-level nominees
7. the continued application of E.O. 13490, including the ethics pledge, after the
end of the Obama Administration
In addition, vetting packages for Trump Administration Cabinet-level nominees,
and related records. | OGE FOIA FY 17-072 Final Response Records (Emails)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 072 (12/07/2017) | Records related to President-elect Trump appointees supplied to OGE by the Trump Transition Team or any federal agency. 1. public financial disclosure reports of Cabinet-level nominees
2. ethics agreements involving blind trusts, divestment, or screening or recusal
3. conflict of interest waivers
4. certificates of divestiture
5. ethics pledge waivers
6. ethics issues involving Cabinet-level nominees
7. the continued application of E.O. 13490, including the ethics pledge, after the
end of the Obama Administration
In addition, vetting packages for Trump Administration Cabinet-level nominees,
and related records. | Redacted Records (released).pdf |
FY 17 - 072 (01/19/2018) | Records related to President-elect Trump appointees supplied to OGE by the Trump Transition Team or any federal agency. 1. public financial disclosure reports of Cabinet-level nominees
2. ethics agreements involving blind trusts, divestment, or screening or recusal
3. conflict of interest waivers
4. certificates of divestiture
5. ethics pledge waivers
6. ethics issues involving Cabinet-level nominees
7. the continued application of E.O. 13490, including the ethics pledge, after the
end of the Obama Administration
In addition, vetting packages for Trump Administration Cabinet-level nominees,
and related records. | Responsive Records - Batch 1 of Ross Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 072 (01/30/2018) | Records related to President-elect Trump appointees supplied to OGE by the Trump Transition Team or any federal agency. 1. public financial disclosure reports of Cabinet-level nominees
2. ethics agreements involving blind trusts, divestment, or screening or recusal
3. conflict of interest waivers
4. certificates of divestiture
5. ethics pledge waivers
6. ethics issues involving Cabinet-level nominees
7. the continued application of E.O. 13490, including the ethics pledge, after the
end of the Obama Administration
In addition, vetting packages for Trump Administration Cabinet-level nominees,
and related records. | Sessions - Records Released in Part (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 072 (02/27/2018) | Records related to President-elect Trump appointees supplied to OGE by the Trump Transition Team or any federal agency. 1. public financial disclosure reports of Cabinet-level nominees
2. ethics agreements involving blind trusts, divestment, or screening or recusal
3. conflict of interest waivers
4. certificates of divestiture
5. ethics pledge waivers
6. ethics issues involving Cabinet-level nominees
7. the continued application of E.O. 13490, including the ethics pledge, after the
end of the Obama Administration
In addition, vetting packages for Trump Administration Cabinet-level nominees,
and related records. | Ross - Responsive Records - Batch 2 (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 072 (03/02/2018) | Records related to President-elect Trump appointees supplied to OGE by the Trump Transition Team or any federal agency. 1. public financial disclosure reports of Cabinet-level nominees
2. ethics agreements involving blind trusts, divestment, or screening or recusal
3. conflict of interest waivers
4. certificates of divestiture
5. ethics pledge waivers
6. ethics issues involving Cabinet-level nominees
7. the continued application of E.O. 13490, including the ethics pledge, after the
end of the Obama Administration
In addition, vetting packages for Trump Administration Cabinet-level nominees,
and related records. | Puzder - Responsive Records (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 072 (03/23/2018) | Records related to President-elect Trump appointees supplied to OGE by the Trump Transition Team or any federal agency. 1. public financial disclosure reports of Cabinet-level nominees
2. ethics agreements involving blind trusts, divestment, or screening or recusal
3. conflict of interest waivers
4. certificates of divestiture
5. ethics pledge waivers
6. ethics issues involving Cabinet-level nominees
7. the continued application of E.O. 13490, including the ethics pledge, after the
end of the Obama Administration
In addition, vetting packages for Trump Administration Cabinet-level nominees,
and related records. | Tillerson - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 072 (06/13/2018) | Records related to President-elect Trump appointees supplied to OGE by the Trump Transition Team or any federal agency. 1. public financial disclosure reports of Cabinet-level nominees
2. ethics agreements involving blind trusts, divestment, or screening or recusal
3. conflict of interest waivers
4. certificates of divestiture
5. ethics pledge waivers
6. ethics issues involving Cabinet-level nominees
7. the continued application of E.O. 13490, including the ethics pledge, after the
end of the Obama Administration
In addition, vetting packages for Trump Administration Cabinet-level nominees,
and related records. | Zinke Perdue - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 072 (06/27/2018) | Records related to President-elect Trump appointees supplied to OGE by the Trump Transition Team or any federal agency. 1. public financial disclosure reports of Cabinet-level nominees
2. ethics agreements involving blind trusts, divestment, or screening or recusal
3. conflict of interest waivers
4. certificates of divestiture
5. ethics pledge waivers
6. ethics issues involving Cabinet-level nominees
7. the continued application of E.O. 13490, including the ethics pledge, after the
end of the Obama Administration
In addition, vetting packages for Trump Administration Cabinet-level nominees,
and related records. | Price, Pruitt, McMahon, Mnuchin Records - Records released in part.pdf |
FY 17 - 072 (09/20/2018) | Records related to President-elect Trump appointees supplied to OGE by the Trump Transition Team or any federal agency. 1. public financial disclosure reports of Cabinet-level nominees
2. ethics agreements involving blind trusts, divestment, or screening or recusal
3. conflict of interest waivers
4. certificates of divestiture
5. ethics pledge waivers
6. ethics issues involving Cabinet-level nominees
7. the continued application of E.O. 13490, including the ethics pledge, after the
end of the Obama Administration
In addition, vetting packages for Trump Administration Cabinet-level nominees,
and related records. | Shulkin, Mulvaney, Kelly, and Chao (Redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 072 (01/03/2022) | Copies of Mr. DeJoy's financial disclosures, ethics agreements, recusal agreements, correspondence with ethics officials about his financial interests, and any related documents. | OGE FOIA FY 20-072 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 21 - 072 (06/08/2022) | Copies of any and all employee/appointee Public Financial Disclosures transmitted by the Department of Education. on 7/30/21 requester clarified that he's asking for copies of all records related to all Department of Education employees/appointees Public Financial Disclosure and copies of their public financial disclosure reports. | OGE FOIA FY 21-072 responsive records (1st rolling response redacted).pdf |
FY 21 - 072 (08/19/2022) | Copies of any and all employee/appointee Public Financial Disclosures transmitted by the Department of Education. on 7/30/21 requester clarified that he's asking for copies of all records related to all Department of Education employees/appointees Public Financial Disclosure and copies of their public financial disclosure reports. | OGE FOIA FY 21-072 responsive records (2nd and final RR Redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 072 (04/29/2024) | From the month of January 2024, all of the following records from Dale Christopher Jr, Deputy Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY24-072 responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 073 (01/30/2017) | 1) Any documents produced in the last 20 years by the Office of Government Ethics (OGE)—and not yet made publicly available—which cite to the Emoluments Clause of the United States Constitution and 2) Any documents produced in the last 20 years by the OGE—and not yet made publicly available—which cite the Presidential Emoluments Clause of the United States Constitution.
| OGE FOIA FY 17 73 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 18 - 073 (07/12/2018) | 1) All records since January 20, 2017 referencing or relating to the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity and 2) All records since January 20, 2017 referencing or relating to Kris Kobach. | OGE FOIA FY 18-073 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 21 - 073 (10/15/2021) | A list of agencies that submitted Form 202s ("Notice of Conflict of Interest Referral") to the U.S. Office of Government Ethics between 1/20/2021 and 8/7/2021. | OGE FOIA FY21-073 Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 22 - 073 (04/06/2022) | The Congressional Budget Justification for OGE for FY2006 and FY2007. | OGE FOIA FY22-073 Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 19 - 074 (01/28/2020) | All correspondence between OGE and Judith Kaleta or any other ethics official of the Department of Transportation concerning Sec. Elaine Chao's compliance with her January 2017 ethics agreement.
| OGE FOIA FY 19-074 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 20 - 074 (11/02/2020) | All OGE records related to Mike Pompeo's Republican National Convention speech, including emails, memos, letters, congressional inquiries, complaints or other documents or records. Also, a copy of each OGE guidance that includes discussion of participation by federal officials in national political party conventions. | OGE FOIA FY 20-074 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 075 (01/30/2017) | Each and any advisory memorandum prepared by OGE since January 1, 2001 regarding the so-called Emoluments Clause of the Constitution of the United States, Article I, Section 9 and/or the so-called Presidential Emoluments Clause, Article II, Section 1. | OGE FOIA FY 17-75 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 19 - 075 (08/23/2019) | All communications between the Office of Government Ethics and EPA's Office of Inspector General regarding the EPA OIG's investigation into allegations that former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt used his official position and staff to seek business opportunities for his wife | OGE FOIA 19-075 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 075 (04/24/2020) | All records OGE provided via flash drive to members of the US House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on April 12, 2018. | OGE FOIA FY 18-075 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 20 - 075 (11/02/2020) | All OGE records related to Mike Pompeo's Republican National Convention speech, including emails, memos, letters, congressional inquiries, complaints or other documents or records. Also, a copy of each OGE guidance that includes discussion of participation by federal officials in national political party conventions. Omitting news clippings. | OGE FOIA FY 20-075 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 075 (03/22/2024) | all records under the following records system: "OGE/GOVT–3, OGE Legal Expense Fund Trust Documents, Reports, and Other Name-Retrieved Records." | OGE FOIA FY 24-075 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 076 (02/02/2017) | The name, title, and work email and mailing address for persons in certain listed positions in the agency. | Posting Exemption.pdf |
FY 18 - 076 (11/20/2018) | 1) All e-mails sent or received by OGE FOIA Officer Rachel K. Dowell from February 9, 2017 to the present regarding the Freedom of Information Act request associated with tracking number: OGE FOIA FY 17/182 and 2) All e-mails sent or received by OGE FOIA Officer Rachel K. Dowell from October 31, 2017 to March 23, 2018 regarding the Freedom of Information Act request associated with tracking number: OGE FOIA FY 18/010.
| OGE FOIA FY 18-076 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 076 (08/23/2019) | Any and all records related to the preparation, creation, approval, declination and reaction, including but not limited to referrals and/or contemporaneous notes of meetings, regarding “coordinating” provided by the Office of Government Ethics to the EPA Office of Inspector General on the case that involved whether former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt used his official position and staff to seek business opportunities for his wife with Chick-fil-A and Concordia. | OGE FOIA FY 19-076 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 20 - 076 (11/02/2020) | Copies of all emails, memos, letters, congressional inquiries, complaints or other documents or records related to Mike Pompeo's speech and the State Department’s policies and federal law. Also, a copy of each OGE guidance that includes discussion of participation by federal officials in national political party conventions. Omitting news clippings. | OGE FOIA FY 20-076 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 076 (03/14/2024) | Documents sufficient to account for all year-end status reports regarding annual financial
disclosure reports created by OGE, and subsequently, sent to each agency’s designated
ethics official. On March 11, 2024, requester limited the request to the year-end status letters for the agencies that had outstanding 278's. | OGE FOIA FY 24-076 responsive records.pdf |
FY 17 - 077 (02/06/2017) | Each email, note, letter or text message sent or received by any of the listed OGE employees, between Nov. 1, 2016, and January 6, 2017, in correspondence with Mr. Donald “Don” McGahn, incoming White House counsel and lawyer on the Trump campaign and transition team. | Documents OGE FOIA FY 17_077_Redacted.pdf |
FY 20 - 077 (11/02/2020) | All Office of Government Ethics records about Mr. Pompeo's National Convention speech, including emails, memos, letters, congressional inquiries, complaints or other documents or records. Also, a copy of any OGE guidance that includes discussion of participation by federal officials in national political party conventions. | OGE FOIA FY 20-077 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 23 - 077 (08/09/2023) | Any documents relating to Kanye West from Jan. 1, 2000 to present. | OGE FOIA FY 23-077 responsive records(redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 077 (03/22/2024) | From the month of February 2024, all of the following records from Nicole Stein, Supervisory Government Ethics, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-077 responsive records-final_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 078 (06/26/2017) | Submissions from Donald Trump, his transition team and nominees regarding financial status, potential conflicts of interest, etc. Please include OGE responses to these documents. Please include any materials submitted in 2016 up through the date of the processing of this request. | OGE FOIA FY 17-078 Final Response Records (Emails)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 078 (06/26/2017) | Submissions from Donald Trump, his transition team and nominees regarding financial status, potential conflicts of interest, etc. Please include OGE responses to these documents. Please include any materials submitted in 2016 up through the date of the processing of this request. | OGE FOIA FY 17-078 Final Response Records (All Nomination, Preclearance, and Senate transmittals)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 078 (12/07/2017) | Submissions from Donald Trump, his transition team and nominees regarding financial status, potential conflicts of interest, etc. Please include OGE responses to these documents. Please include any materials submitted in 2016 up through the date of the processing of this request. | Redacted Records (released).pdf |
FY 17 - 078 (01/19/2018) | Submissions from Donald Trump, his transition team and nominees regarding financial status, potential conflicts of interest, etc. Please include OGE responses to these documents. Please include any materials submitted in 2016 up through the date of the processing of this request. | Responsive Records - Batch 1 of Ross Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 078 (01/30/2018) | Submissions from Donald Trump, his transition team and nominees regarding financial status, potential conflicts of interest, etc. Please include OGE responses to these documents. Please include any materials submitted in 2016 up through the date of the processing of this request. | Sessions - Records Released in Part (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 078 (02/27/2018) | Submissions from Donald Trump, his transition team and nominees regarding financial status, potential conflicts of interest, etc. Please include OGE responses to these documents. Please include any materials submitted in 2016 up through the date of the processing of this request. | Ross - Responsive Records - Batch 2 (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 078 (03/02/2018) | Submissions from Donald Trump, his transition team and nominees regarding financial status, potential conflicts of interest, etc. Please include OGE responses to these documents. Please include any materials submitted in 2016 up through the date of the processing of this request. | Puzder - Responsive Records (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 078 (03/23/2018) | Submissions from Donald Trump, his transition team and nominees regarding financial status, potential conflicts of interest, etc. Please include OGE responses to these documents. Please include any materials submitted in 2016 up through the date of the processing of this request. | Tillerson - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 078 (06/13/2018) | Submissions from Donald Trump, his transition team and nominees regarding financial status, potential conflicts of interest, etc. Please include OGE responses to these documents. Please include any materials submitted in 2016 up through the date of the processing of this request. | Zinke Perdue - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 078 (06/27/2018) | Submissions from Donald Trump, his transition team and nominees regarding financial status, potential conflicts of interest, etc. Please include OGE responses to these documents. Please include any materials submitted in 2016 up through the date of the processing of this request. | Price, Pruitt, McMahon, Mnuchin Records - Records released in part.pdf |
FY 17 - 078 (09/20/2018) | Submissions from Donald Trump, his transition team and nominees regarding financial status, potential conflicts of interest, etc. Please include OGE responses to these documents. Please include any materials submitted in 2016 up through the date of the processing of this request. | Shulkin, Mulvaney, Kelly, and Chao (Redacted).pdf |
FY 20 - 078 (10/23/2020) | A copy of all emails (TO, FROM, CC, etc.) that include the phrase "Hatch Act" in the email accounts of the following individuals at USOGE: Mr. Rounds, Ms. Finlayson, Mr. Apol, and Mr. Christopher. Search is limited to emails dated between August 25th and August 27, 2020. | Responsive records_ Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 078 (08/09/2024) | From the month of February 2024, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-078 first rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 079 (01/30/2018) | Records (to include Emails) individuals at the Office of Government Ethics working on the presidential transition produced since Nov. 8, 2016, regarding incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Attorney General Nominee Jefferson Beauregard "Jeff" Sessions III. | Sessions - Records Released in Part (Redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 079 (08/14/2024) | From the month of February 2024, all of the following records from Dale Christopher Jr, Deputy Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-079 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 080 (11/20/2018) | 1) Any records or communications between any employee of OGE, including Acting Director David J. Apol, and any employee of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including Administrator Scott Pruitt, regarding consultation or advice about any legal defense fund or legal expense fund and 2) Any other records regarding a legal expense fund set up by or for the benefit of any EPA employee. | OGE FOIA FY 18-080 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 19 - 080 (03/23/2020) | Copies of all emails referencing Emmet Flood that included any of the following individuals in the “to,” “from,” “cc” or “bcc” fields: Emory Rounds, David Apol, Seth Jaffe, Dale Christopher, Megan Granahan, Deborah Bortot, or Heather Jones. | OGE FOIA FY 19-080 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 24 - 080 (02/04/2025) | From the month of February 2024, all of the following records from David J. Apol, Supervisory Attorney Advisor, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-080 responsive records (first rolling response)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 23 - 081 (08/02/2023) | A copy of the FDA's Government Ethics Office report on Margaret Hamburg regarding her financial interests when she took office as FDA commissioner in 2009. On 7/24/23 requester clarified the request to OGE's records of any discussions and emails related to Margaret Hamburg's finances before and after she took office. | OGE FOIA FY 23-081 Responsive Records (first rolling response).pdf |
FY 23 - 082 (08/01/2023) | A current organizational hierarchy chart for the Office of Government Ethics. | OGE FOIA FY 23-082 responsive records.pdf |
FY 17 - 084 (06/27/2017) | All documents, including emails, memos, interoffice electronic chats, that contain the word MATTIS produced between November 1, 2016 and the present. | OGE FOIA FY 17-084 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 20 - 084 (08/18/2021) | A copy of the official daily calendar for 1) the OGE Director and for 2) the OGE Deputy Director, covering the time period January 1, 2020 to the present. | OGE FOIA FY 20-084 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 22 - 084 (06/08/2022) | A copy of each internal FOIA Standard Operating Procedure currently in use at the OGE FOIA Office. | OGE FOIA FY22-084 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 23 - 084 (08/16/2023) | 1) All records on Margaret Hamburg related to her financial holdings/interests.2) All prior FOIA requests and their related content regarding Margaret Hamburg and her finances. 3) All communications, reports, information and emails related to the requester at any time. | OGE FOIA FY 23-084 PA 23-011 responsive records first rolling response (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 085 (02/07/2017) | Purchasing records from 2010-01-01 to current. | OGE FOIA FY 17-085 (Final Response Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 085 (02/07/2017) | Purchasing records from 2010-01-01 to current. | OGE FOIA FY 17-085 (Final Response Redacted Records).pdf |
FY 24 - 085 (08/21/2024) | Copies of all documents produced in response to Congressional inquiries, Congressional subpoenas, or in response to Congressional communications with the agency, from October 1, 2023 to present. Copies of all documents produced from the agency to any Congressional Committee or personal office from October 1, 2023 to present. | OGE FOIA FY 24-085 first rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 086 (01/19/2017) | 1) Copies of all official correspondence received by the Office of Government Ethics from Congressional Offices between December 6, 2016 and present and 2) Copies of all official correspondence sent from the Office of Government Ethics to Congressional Offices in response to Congressional inquiries between December 6, 2016.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-087 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 19 - 086 (10/10/2019) | Copies of all Certification of Ethics Agreement Compliance forms filed with OGE from May 1, 2017, through the date on which OGE conducts the search for these records | OGE FOIA FY 19-086 Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 24 - 086 (04/15/2024) | Any filed complaints, disciplinary actions, human resources disputes, litigation notices, or settlements (or settlement negotiations) for or against any SES employees, GS-15 employees, or any appointees (including Schedule C or detailed Appointees) from January 1, 2022 to present. | OGE FOIA FY 24-086 responsive records.pdf |
FY 17 - 087 (02/15/2017) | 1) All and any correspondence with Jared Kushner and his attorneys and representatives from any entity such as WilmerHale, including but not limited to Jamie Gorelick and 2) Documents, communications and correspondence related to consultations with the Mr. Kushner and his representatives regarding his businesses and business relationships as he considers working in the Trump administration
| Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_087_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 087 (07/01/2019) | Communications, emails, notes of phone calls or copies of documents relating to steps that Wilbur Ross took to comply with his ethics agreement between Nov. 30, 2016 until May 23, 2018. | OGE FOIA responsive records Wilbur Ross (redacted).pdf |
FY 19 - 087 (01/23/2020) | A copy of the most current version of the user guide for the “Integrity” electronic filing system for financial disclosure. | Posting Exemption.pdf |
FY 17 - 088 (06/27/2017) | All communications to and from the U.S. Office of Government Ethics referring or relating to former Texas Gov. Rick Perry and/or his nomination to serve as Secretary of the Department of Energy. Please search from Nov. 8, 2016 forward. | OGE FOIA FY 17-088 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 18 - 088 (07/11/2018) | Copies of all emails containing the terms "MuckRock", "Muck Rock" or "", excluding emails sent to or from a email address. | OGE FOIA FY 18-088 - Records (redacted) - Website.pdf |
FY 19 - 088 (01/29/2021) | Any and all correspondence regarding the nomination of, or intent to nominate, Eugene Scalia to be the US Labor Department secretary. | OGE FOIA FY 19-088 responsive records (redacted final).pdf |
FY 22 - 088 (07/14/2022) | All communications from Nancy Pelosi's office during December 1, 2020 to January 20, 2021. | OGE FOIA FY 22-088 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 088 (04/15/2024) | All completed Notification of Conflict of Interest Referrals, otherwise known as the OGE Form 202, submitted to the Office of Government Ethics from Jan. 20, 2017 to April 7, 2024. | OGE FOIA FY 24-088 responsive records (first rolling response).pdf |
FY 17 - 089 (03/23/2018) | All communications to and from the U.S. Office of Government Ethics referring or relating to Rex Tillerson and/or his nomination to serve as Secretary of State. Please search from Nov. 8, 2016 forward. | Tillerson - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 090 (01/21/2025) | From the month of March 2024, all of the following records from David J. Apol, Supervisory Attorney Advisor, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-090 responsive records (first rolling response redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 090 (02/05/2025) | From the month of March 2024, all of the following records from David J. Apol, Supervisory Attorney Advisor, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-090 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 091 (02/15/2017) | Communications between 1) OGE staff and Jared Kushner (or his designee) and 2) OGE staff and Ivanka Trump (or her designee) from Jan. 1, 2015 - date of search. | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_091_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 091 (08/06/2024) | From the month of March 2024, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-091 first rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 091 (02/06/2025) | From the month of March 2024, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-091 Responsive Records (2nd and final)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 092 (01/19/2017) | 1) Records related to the authorship and/or approval of any Twitter messages sent from OGE's twitter account directed to and/or containing the identifier "@realDonaldTrump" and 2) Records related to the FOIA request submitted by NPR re: the twitter messages. | OGE FOIA FY 17 92 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 19 - 092 (02/21/2020) | OGE Form 278 and instructions for completing OGE Form 278 for the years 2010-2016 | OGE FOIA FY 19-092 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 24 - 092 (08/16/2024) | From the month of March 2024, all of the following records from Dale Christopher Jr, Deputy Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-092 (responsive records unredacted)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 093 (02/07/2017) | All records pertaining to the discovery, notification or research described in the following quoted portion of the Office of Government Ethics Federal Register publication on January 3, 2017: “This month, however, OGE learned that the American Law Institute’s Third Restatement of the Law of Trusts may suggest a contrary analysis as to the financial interests of eligible income beneficiaries of discretionary trusts, at least in some jurisdictions.” | OGE FOIA FY 17-093 (Final Response Records) REDACTED.pdf |
FY 18 - 093 (03/29/2019) | All communications between OGE officials and Charles Rettig or representatives for Charles Rettig between January 1 2018 and [July 19, 2018] as well as all documents, communications and correspondence related to consultations with Mr. Rettig or his representatives regarding his firm or client relationships. | OGE FOIA FY 18-093 Responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 093 (08/06/2024) | From the month of March 2024, all of the following records from Nicole Stein, Supervisory Government Ethics, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-093 first rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 093 (01/31/2025) | From the month of March 2024, all of the following records from Nicole Stein, Supervisory Government Ethics, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-093 Responsive records (2nd and final)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 094 (02/02/2017) | Appeal of FY 17/056: 1) Written communications – including OGE documentation summarizing verbal communications – between OGE and the transition staff or private staff of President-Elect Donald J. Trump (“President-Elect Trump”), including but not limited to calendar appointments and minutes of meetings 2) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the decision to post on Twitter comments directed towards the Twitter handle of President-Elect Trump on November 30, 2016, including but not limited to final decisions regarding the specific language that would be encompassed within the posts published by OGE on its Twitter handle 3) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding steps which must be taken by President-Elect Trump to place his personal and corporate financial assets in a “blind trust” in a manner that would resolve potential or real “conflicts of interest”, as that term is defined by OGE and applied to the President of the United States 4) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which, as a general matter, the President of the United States is subject to the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution and 5) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which the contract language in the General Service Administration’s (“GSA”) lease of the Post Office Pavilion to Trump Old Post Office LLC – for the purpose of constructing the International Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. – implicates the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and particularly with respect to the Office of the President of the United States 6) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which President-Elect Trump’s position as President of the United States will conflict with the contract language in GSA’s lease identified in category #5. | Batch 2 - pages 18, 46.pdf |
FY 17 - 094 (02/02/2017) | Appeal of FY 17/056: 1) Written communications – including OGE documentation summarizing verbal communications – between OGE and the transition staff or private staff of President-Elect Donald J. Trump (“President-Elect Trump”), including but not limited to calendar appointments and minutes of meetings 2) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the decision to post on Twitter comments directed towards the Twitter handle of President-Elect Trump on November 30, 2016, including but not limited to final decisions regarding the specific language that would be encompassed within the posts published by OGE on its Twitter handle 3) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding steps which must be taken by President-Elect Trump to place his personal and corporate financial assets in a “blind trust” in a manner that would resolve potential or real “conflicts of interest”, as that term is defined by OGE and applied to the President of the United States 4) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which, as a general matter, the President of the United States is subject to the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution and 5) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which the contract language in the General Service Administration’s (“GSA”) lease of the Post Office Pavilion to Trump Old Post Office LLC – for the purpose of constructing the International Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. – implicates the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and particularly with respect to the Office of the President of the United States 6) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which President-Elect Trump’s position as President of the United States will conflict with the contract language in GSA’s lease identified in category #5. | 365 page document - pages 312-20, page 356.pdf |
FY 17 - 094 (02/02/2017) | Appeal of FY 17/056: 1) Written communications – including OGE documentation summarizing verbal communications – between OGE and the transition staff or private staff of President-Elect Donald J. Trump (“President-Elect Trump”), including but not limited to calendar appointments and minutes of meetings 2) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the decision to post on Twitter comments directed towards the Twitter handle of President-Elect Trump on November 30, 2016, including but not limited to final decisions regarding the specific language that would be encompassed within the posts published by OGE on its Twitter handle 3) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding steps which must be taken by President-Elect Trump to place his personal and corporate financial assets in a “blind trust” in a manner that would resolve potential or real “conflicts of interest”, as that term is defined by OGE and applied to the President of the United States 4) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which, as a general matter, the President of the United States is subject to the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution and 5) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which the contract language in the General Service Administration’s (“GSA”) lease of the Post Office Pavilion to Trump Old Post Office LLC – for the purpose of constructing the International Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. – implicates the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and particularly with respect to the Office of the President of the United States 6) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which President-Elect Trump’s position as President of the United States will conflict with the contract language in GSA’s lease identified in category #5. | Batch 1 - pages 12-13, 17-18, 58.pdf |
FY 19 - 094 (12/09/2020) | All ethics advice, guidance, or materials from the Office of Government Ethics provided to: 1) Any employee in Interior’s Office of the Secretary 2) Any employee in Interior’s Office of the Solicitor and 3) Any Interior agency ethics official from August 1, 2017 to date. | OGE FOIA FY 19-094 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 096 (02/09/2017) | | Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 18 - 096 (10/03/2018) | All records, such as emails, complaints, letters, memos, mentioning or referring to a June 23, 2018 Tweet by Sarah Huckabee Sanders (which can be found here, the White House press secretary, and The Red Hen restaurant. | OGE FOIA FY 18-096 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 19 - 096 (05/22/2020) | All correspondence, including emails, attached documents or letters/memos, sent or received by any OGE officials involving "Sheri Dillon" or the email address "" between December 1, 2018 and the present. | OGE FOIA FY 19-096 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 22 - 096 (09/29/2022) | Referral received from DOE. | OGE FOIA FY 22-096 responsive records.pdf |
FY 23 - 096 (12/01/2023) | Correspondence related to any of President Trump's public financial disclosure reports and their certifications from August 1, 2022 to September 13, 2023, excluding news clippings/legislative updates and unsolicited emails from members of the public. | OGE FOIA FY 23-096 first rolling response - responsive records final_Redacted.pdf |
FY 23 - 096 (01/23/2024) | Correspondence related to any of President Trump's public financial disclosure reports and their certifications from August 1, 2022 to September 13, 2023, excluding news clippings/legislative updates and unsolicited emails from members of the public. | OGE FOIA FY 23-096 - Second rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 23 - 096 (03/27/2024) | Correspondence related to any of President Trump's public financial disclosure reports and their certifications from August 1, 2022 to September 13, 2023, excluding news clippings/legislative updates and unsolicited emails from members of the public. | OGE FOIA FY 23-096 third rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 23 - 096 (07/08/2024) | Correspondence related to any of President Trump's public financial disclosure reports and their certifications from August 1, 2022 to September 13, 2023, excluding news clippings/legislative updates and unsolicited emails from members of the public. | OGE FOIA FY 23-096 - fourth rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 23 - 096 (10/29/2024) | Correspondence related to any of President Trump's public financial disclosure reports and their certifications from August 1, 2022 to September 13, 2023, excluding news clippings/legislative updates and unsolicited emails from members of the public. | OGE FOIA FY 23-096 - fifth rolling response-responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 097 (03/02/2018) | Communications to and from OGE that reference “Andrew Puzder” or “Andy Puzder” or “Puzder” between and including 11/8/2016 and 1/10/2017, specifically any records that identify private and/or in-house lawyers who are communicating with OGE on behalf of Mr. Puzder. | Puzder - Responsive Records (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 23 - 097 (10/19/2023) | Copies of all FOIA appeal logs by year (calendar years 2010 to present). Copies of all Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request and appeal logs by year (calendar years 2010 to present). A copy of all opened or closed Inspection General Investigations (OIG) for calendar years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Copies of the Congressional Correspondence Control logs (or similar control logs containing logs of all Congressional correspondence) for calendar years 2010 to present. | OGE FOIA FY 23-097 responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 098 (02/07/2017) | All emails exchanged since November 23, 2016, between OGE Director Walter Shaub and any individual using one of the following domain email addresses: (a) (b) (c) or (d) | Responsive Documents OGE FOIA FY 17_098_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 099 (01/19/2017) | 1) Documents establishing the trust that will hold the assets for President-elect Donald Trump and 2) Correspondence, including emails and letters, between the Office of Government Ethics and President-elect Donald Trump or his designated representatives describing the trust or other arrangements by which the President-elect could avoid or remove conflicts of interest.
| OGE FOIA FY-099 Final Response Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 100 (02/27/2017) | A copy of the FOIA log for the Office of Government Ethics for October 1, 2016 to current. | FOIA Log 10.1.2016 to 1.25.2017.pdf |
FY 18 - 100 (07/01/2019) | Any and all communications, emails, notes of phone calls or copies of documents relating to steps that Wilbur Ross took to comply with his ethics agreement. Please send me all materials from May 24, 2018 to the date of receipt of this FOIA. | OGE FOIA responsive records Wilbur Ross (redacted).pdf |
FY 22 - 100 (07/25/2022) | A copy of data associated with OGE’s Glomar responses for each fiscal year from 2017-2021. | OGE FOIA FY 22-100 responsive records.pdf |
FY 23 - 100 (11/03/2023) | Documents and data sufficient to account for the monthly occupancy or vacancy rates for the agency's five largest buildings (measured by square footage) from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2022. A copy of all agency telework policies or directives that were in place due to COVID-19 and/or the pandemic between 1 January 2020 and April 1, 2023. | OGE FOIA FY 23-100 Second and Final Rolling Response - Responsive Records_final.pdf |
FY 17 - 101 (02/14/2017) | Emails and text messages sent or received by Walter M. Shaub, Dale 'Chip' Christopher, Nelson Cabrera and Shelley Finlayson that mention “Trump” “DJT” “DT” or “president elect” between Oct. 15, 2016 and January 13, 2017 and any emails or texts sent or received by these people between January 1 to January 12, 2017 that mention “Brookings Institute”. | OGE FOIA FY 17-101 (Final Response Redacted Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 101 (02/14/2017) | Emails and text messages sent or received by Walter M. Shaub, Dale 'Chip' Christopher, Nelson Cabrera and Shelley Finlayson that mention “Trump” “DJT” “DT” or “president elect” between Oct. 15, 2016 and January 13, 2017 and any emails or texts sent or received by these people between January 1 to January 12, 2017 that mention “Brookings Institute”. | OGE FOIA FY 17-101 (Final Response Records).pdf |
FY 24 - 101 (10/09/2024) | From the month of April 2024, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment' | OGE FOIA FY 24-101 - first rolling response - responsive records_final.pdf |
FY 17 - 102 (02/10/2017) | Memos circulated by staff of the Office of Government Ethics in 2016 and 2017 to date that deal in whole or part with the possible conflicts Donald J. Trump may face as president given his business holdings, as well as any memos circulated by staff of the Office of Government Ethics in 2016 and 2017 regarding Jared Kushner or Ivanka Trump. | OGE FOIA FY 17-102 (Final Response Records) Redacted.pdf |
FY 23 - 102 (09/20/2023) | A copy of all internal policy documents, memorandums or guidance pertaining to FOIA processing and procedures, FOIA Appeal processing and procedures, and Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) processing Policy and Procedures between 2018 and present. A list of the oldest 50 FOIA's still open with the Agency including the request date, request body/text, and requestor. | OGE FOIA FY 23-102 Responsive records (final)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 103 (01/15/2020) | All emails Christopher Dale sent, received, or was copied on from June 14, 2018 to June 19, 2018.
| OGE FOIA FY 18-103 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 23 - 103 (09/19/2023) | Documents sufficient to account for the agency's usage and retention policies or directives for official communications via Slack, Signal, Microsoft Teams, Lync, or any other internal messaging platforms from 2018 to present. | OGE FOIA FY23-103 Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 24 - 103 (08/26/2024) | From the month of April 2024, all of the following records from David J. Apol, Supervisory Attorney Advisor, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-103 responsive records Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 104 (02/10/2017) | 1) Copies of all Office of Government Ethics emails regarding Director Walter Shaub’s speech on Wednesday, Jan. 11, at the Brookings Institution 2) Internal emails regarding Donald Trump’s ethics plan for his businesses, which was announced at a press conference on Wednesday, Jan. 11 and 3) Emails regarding Donald Trump’s ethics plan for his businesses that were exchanged between Office of Government Ethics employees and anyone with an email address including or
| OGE FOIA FY 17-104 (Final Response Records).pdf |
FY 18 - 104 (01/15/2020) | All emails David Apol sent, received, or was copied on from June 14, 2018 to June 19, 2018.
| OGE FOIA FY 18-104 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 104 (09/04/2024) | From the month of April 2024, all of the following records from Dale Christopher Jr, Deputy Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-104 responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 105 (01/17/2017) | 1) Copies of all emails to or from Mr. Jason Chaffetz from December 1 2016 to January 14, 2017 and 2) Copies of all emails to or from Mr. Jason Chaffetz's senior staff, including, but not limited to, Amber Talley, Clay White, Danielle Suber, Shannon Sorensen, Paul Johnson and MJ Henshaw, from December 1 2016 to January 14, 2017.
| Corr regarding the scheduling of meetings with Chairman Chaffetz (11-1-2016 to 1-17-2017) (2).pdf |
FY 18 - 107 (11/19/2018) | Each email in the email accounts of each of the 9 listed OGE employees that contains the word EPA from June 27, 2018 to present | OGE FOIA FY 18-107 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 107 (06/18/2024) | All documents sufficient to detail all incurred expenses, costs, or receipts associated with the implementation or execution of Executive Order 14019 by the agency. All documents that identify the source or line of funding used for the expenses/expenditures associated with implementation or execution of Executive Order 14019. All legal opinions or memos surrounding Executive Order 14019 drafted, created, or retained by the agency. All documents, emails, or correspondence that include both the text of 'Executive Order 14019' OR ‘14019’ AND 'Antideficiency Act'. All communications between the agency and Justin Levitt (, or Justin Levitt (, or Justin Vail, Special Assistant to the President for Democracy and Civic Participation. Search the inboxes of personnel assigned to the agency’s Office of General Counsel (or the agency’s equivalent) as the primary custodians. | OGE FOIA FY 24-107 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 108 (02/14/2017) | I respectfully request a copy of records, electronic or otherwise, of all emails, to and from Walter M. Shaub, Jr., Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics, that contain the word “TRUMP” since Nov. 1, 2016.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-108 (Final Response Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 108 (02/14/2017) | I respectfully request a copy of records, electronic or otherwise, of all emails, to and from Walter M. Shaub, Jr., Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics, that contain the word “TRUMP” since Nov. 1, 2016.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-108 (Final Response Redacted Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 109 (02/15/2017) | A copy of records, electronic or otherwise, of documents relating to the OGE website going down on January 13, 2017. | Posting Exemption.pdf |
FY 22 - 109 (08/16/2022) | Any and all information pertaining to January 6, 2021 riot and Matt Gaetz. | OGE FOIA FY 22-109 responsive records(redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 109 (06/13/2024) | Referral received from EEOC. | OGE FOIA FY 24-109 responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 110 (02/15/2017) | A copy of of each memo or report or email concerning the failure of the OGE website on January 13, 2017. | Posting Exemption.pdf |
FY 22 - 110 (11/09/2022) | Any communications with the Department of Veterans Affairs concerning the ethics waiver granted to Kurt DelBene. | OGE FOIA FY 22-110 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 110 (09/11/2024) | From the month of May 2024, all of the following records from Dale Christopher Jr, Deputy Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-110 (responsive records Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 111 (07/26/2018) | 1) Communications between Walter Shaub, Director of the OGE, and any officials at the
U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) regarding Jeff Sessions for the period beginning
January 1, 2017, to June 30, 2017. 2) Communications between any officials at OGE other than Walter Shaub and any officials at DOJ regarding Jeff Sessions for the period beginning January 1, 2017, to June 30, 2017. | OGE FOIA FY 18-111 Final Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 111 (09/11/2024) | From the month of May 2024, all of the following records from David J. Apol, Supervisory Attorney Advisor, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-111 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 112 (03/14/2017) | All email communications or memorandums exchanged between the Office of Government Ethics (“OGE”) and counsel or legal representatives for Donald J. Trump (and/or The Trump Organization) from November 8, 2016, and the date of this request. | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_112 _Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 112 (10/09/2018) | I would like to request an electronic listing of all cardholders who are supported by the GSA SmartPay Program and are employed by the U.S. Federal Government, since 1998. It is my understanding that the Program includes travel, purchase, fleet and integrated charge cards, and serves hundreds of government agencies and more than a million cardholders. I would like to receive the names all Federal employees holding any charge card at any point between January 1, 1998 and December 31, 2016. For each employee, please provide: full name agency and sub-agency location of duty occupation supervisor who recommended the employee card type (purchase, etc.) whether the card is billed individually or centrally and the date range during which the employee held the card | OGE FOIA_FY18_112 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 24 - 112 (10/09/2024) | From the month of May 2024, all of the following records from Nicole Stein, Supervisory Government Ethics, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-112 - first rolling response - responsive records_final.pdf |
FY 17 - 113 (02/15/2017) | All email communications or memorandums exchanged between OGE and counsel or legal representatives for Jared Kushner from November 8, 2016, and the date of this request. | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_113_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 113 (10/02/2018) | “[a]n electronic listing of all transactions by SmartPay-supported travel cards, held by U.S. Federal employees, since 1998. It is my understanding that SmartPay Program supports travel charge cards issued to more than a million Federal employees. Some transaction-level databases are available online, for limited time range and for selected agencies. I would like to receive the full dataset of all transactions. For each transaction, please provide me with the following details: cardholder information (name, agency, title, occupation, location of duty) card information (issuance, expiry date) bank information (name, branch) transaction information (full date, amount, purpose of expense). | OGE FOIA_FY18_113 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 22 - 113 (09/15/2022) | The FOIA request designated 22-067. | OGE FOIA FY 22-113 responsive records (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 24 - 113 (10/17/2024) | From the month of May 2024, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-113 - first rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 114 (12/07/2017) | All email communications exchanged between OGE and counsel or legal representatives for Elisabeth “Betsy” DeVos from November 8, 2016, and the date of this request. | Redacted Records (released).pdf |
FY 22 - 114 (09/15/2022) | The most recent list of all political appointees at OGE. | OGE FOIA FY 22-114 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 115 (03/02/2018) | All email communications exchanged between OGE and counsel or legal representatives for Andrew Puzder from November 8, 2016, and the date of this request. | Puzder - Responsive Records (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 22 - 115 (09/15/2022) | Referral received from DOJ. | OGE FOIA FY 22-115 responsive records.pdf |
FY 17 - 116 (01/19/2018) | All email communications exchanged between OGE and counsel or legal representatives for Wilbur Ross from November 8, 2016, and the date of this request. | Responsive Records - Batch 1 of Ross Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 116 (02/27/2018) | All email communications exchanged between OGE and counsel or legal representatives for Wilbur Ross from November 8, 2016, and the date of this request. | Ross - Responsive Records - Batch 2 (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 18 - 116 (09/25/2018) | Documents pertaining to misconduct cases involving Office of Government Ethics employees in the fiscal year 2016, 2017 and 2018 (through July 30, 2018) | EXEMPT OGE FOIA FY 18-116.pdf |
FY 22 - 116 (09/15/2022) | A copy of FOIA request submitted under the tracking number FY22-067. | OGE FOIA FY 22-116 responsive records(redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 117 (03/23/2018) | All email communications exchanged between OGE and counsel or legal representatives for Rex Tillerson from November 8, 2016, and the date of this request. | Tillerson - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 118 (02/24/2017) | All communications exchanged between OGE and any Congressional office from December 6, 2016, through the date of this request. | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_118_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 119 (02/24/2017) | Each inquiry letter or email received from a Congressional Office, Congressional Committee or Subcommittee, Member or Senator, or staffer, by the Office of Government Ethics, including the Director and the Legal, External Affairs and Performance Branch during the following time period November 8, 2016, through the date you process my request as well as each response provided by OGE to the Congressional Office or Congressional Committee or Subcommittee, Member or Senator, or staffer, during the time period November 8, 2016, through the date you process my request. In addition, I am requesting a copy of the Congressional Correspondence Log maintained by OGE during the time period November 8, 2016 through the date you process my request.
| Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_119_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 120 (03/14/2017) | I am writing to request any and all correspondence from December 16, 2016 to January 18, 2017 from any and all members of the Presidential transition team of Donald Trump, lawyers from the firms Jones Day and Morgan Lewis Bockius, employees of the Trump Organization and among OGE staff, including all replies, regarding the presidential transition. | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_120_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 120 (10/24/2024) | Specific ethics records pertaining to Jonathan Kanter. | OGE FOIA FY 24-120 responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 121 (02/21/2017) | 1) Legal opinions, memoranda, or advisories addressing actual or potential financial or other ethical conflicts of interest, including interpretations of the U.S. Constitution, federal criminal laws, or government regulations 2) Policy, educational, or program management memoranda, advisories, or evaluations addressing actual or potential financial or other ethical conflicts of interest and 3) Communications-including but not limited to emails, letters, social-media posts, Twitter direct messages-to, from, or about the presidential transition addressing actual or potential financial or other ethical conflicts of interest. | OGE FOIA FY-121 Final Response Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 122 (02/16/2017) | All internal, draft and/or public memos written by members of the Office of Government Ethics about Tom Price or the nomination process for secretary of the Health and Human Services Department between Jan. 1, 2017 and the present and all emails between members of the Office of Government Ethics and members of Congress containing the phrases “Tom Price,” “Dr. Price” or “HHS nominee” between Jan. 1, 2017 and the present | OGE FOIA FY 17-122 (Final Redacted Records).pdf |
FY 18 - 122 (10/16/2018) | 1. All records, such as ethical guidance, legal guidance, opinions, studies, emails, mentioning or referring to a requirement by the Trump White House to have employees in the White House to sign non-disclosure agreements. 2. All records, such as ethical guidance, legal guidance, opinions, studies, emails, mentioning or referring to so-called "HUSH MONEY" payments made to former White House employees who sign NDAs in exchange for their silence.
| OGE FOIA FY 18-122 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 123 (02/16/2017) | Records regarding, concerning, or related to the "Bipartisan Statement Applauding OGE and its Director Walter Shaub" by Richard Painter and Norman Eisen. | OGE FOIA FY 17-123 (Final Response Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 123 (02/16/2017) | Records regarding, concerning, or related to the "Bipartisan Statement Applauding OGE and its Director Walter Shaub" by Richard Painter and Norman Eisen. | OGE FOIA FY 17-123 (Final Redacted Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 124 (02/16/2017) | 1) Records reflecting the identities of all international visitors to OGE in CY16, and 2) records reflecting travel expenses incurred by the Director and COS in CY16. | OGE FOIA FY 17-124 (Final Response Records)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 18 - 124 (12/04/2018) | A transcript of every private message sent and received on the @realDonaldTrump twitter handle | OGE FOIA FY 19-006 - Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 17 - 125 (02/21/2017) | FOIA requests filed by or on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) between January 13, 2017 and January 20, 2017, along with any further correspondence about them. | OGE FOIA FY-125 Final Response Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 18 - 125 (09/21/2018) | Records referred from Dept. of State. | OGE FOIA FY 18-125 (Referral from State) Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 126 (02/21/2017) | Request for the same records requested by the ACLU in its January 19, 2017 request to OGE. | OGE FOIA FY-126 (121) Final Response Records (redacted smaller).pdf |
FY 17 - 127 (02/21/2017) | A copy of any documents deemed responsive to the Jan. 19, 2017 ACLU request for documents related to Conflicts of Interest or the Potential of Conflicts of Interest within the Trump administration. | OGE FOIA FY-127 (121) Final Response Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 127 (10/31/2024) | From the month of June 2024, all of the following records from Nicole Stein, Supervisory Government Ethics, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-127 - first rolling response - responsive records_redacted_final.pdf |
FY 17 - 128 (02/21/2017) | A copy of any documents deemed responsive to the Jan. 19, 2017 ACLU request for documents related to Conflicts of Interest or the Potential of Conflicts of Interest within the Trump administration. | OGE FOIA FY-128 (121) Final Response Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 128 (11/12/2024) | From the month of June 2024, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment' | OGE FOIA FY 24-128 - first rolling response - responsive records_Redacted(final).pdf |
FY 17 - 129 (02/21/2017) | A copy of any documents deemed responsive to the Jan. 19, 2017 ACLU request for documents related to Conflicts of Interest or the Potential of Conflicts of Interest within the Trump administration. | OGE FOIA FY-129 (121) Final Response Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 24 - 129 (09/17/2024) | From the month of June 2024, all of the following records from Dale Christopher Jr, Deputy Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-129 Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 130 (01/21/2025) | From the month of June 2024, all of the following records from David J. Apol, Supervisory Attorney Advisor, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All background materials, briefs, notes, or supplemental materials that were used in the preparation of statements made on the record or during public press conferences or events open to the public. All communications to/from the following email domains:,, and | OGE FOIA FY 24-130 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 131 (03/17/2017) | 1) Written communications – including OGE documentation summarizing verbal communications – between OGE and the transition staff or private staff of President-Elect Donald J. Trump (“President-Elect Trump”), including but not limited to calendar appointments and minutes of meetings 2) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the decision to post on Twitter comments directed towards the Twitter handle of President-Elect Trump on November 30, 2016, including but not limited to final decisions regarding the specific language that would be encompassed within the posts published by OGE on its Twitter handle 3) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding steps which must be taken by President-Elect Trump to place his personal and corporate financial assets in a “blind trust” in a manner that would resolve potential or real “conflicts of interest”, as that term is defined by OGE and applied to the President of the United States 4) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which, as a general matter, the President of the United States is subject to the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution 5) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which the contract language in the General Service Administration’s (“GSA”) lease of the Post Office Pavilion to Trump Old Post Office LLC – for the purpose of constructing the International Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. – implicates the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and particularly with respect to the Office of the President of the United States 6) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which President-Elect Trump’s position as President of the United States will conflict with the contract language in GSA’s lease identified in category #5 7) Any written communications – including OGE documentation summarizing verbal communications, as well as inter-agency communications, intra-agency communications, and communications with transition staff or private staff of President Trump – addressing President Trump’s business and financial conflicts of interest, including, but not limited to, the “white paper” issued by President Trump’s legal team regarding conflicts of interest. For categories #1-#6, OGE can limit the timeframe of its search from December 14, 2016, up until the date the agency begins conducting actual searches for responsive records. For category #7, OGE can limit the timeframe of its search from November 8, 2016, up until the date the agency beings conducting actual searches for responsive records | OGE FOIA FY 17 131 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 24 - 131 (07/26/2024) | From 1-1-2014 to present, provide all Program Review Reports (inspection, follow-up, plenary, special issue) and Oversight Correspondence (program compliance, individual compliance and OIG reports) regarding the Food and Drug Administration (under HHS or otherwise categorized). | OGE FOIA FY 24-131 responsive records.pdf |
FY 17 - 132 (02/21/2017) | 1) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the binding applicability of 5 U.S.C. § 3110, as well as any other anti-nepotism statutory or regulatory provisions, to the President of the United States 2) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff addressing circumstances in which the President of the United States can appoint or employ (or advocate for appointment or employment of) a “relative” – as defined in 5 U.S.C. § 3110(a)(3) – for a position (whether formal or informal) within the U.S. Government without violating the anti-nepotism restrictions set forth in 5 U.S.C. § 3110, as well as any other anti-nepotism laws or regulatory provision 3) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff addressing the extent to which the President of the United States can authorize a “relative” – as defined in 5 U.S.C. § 3110(a)(3) – for access to U.S. Government classified information without violating the anti-nepotism restrictions set forth in 5 U.S.C. § 3110, as well as any other anti-nepotism laws or regulatory provision and
4) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff identifying positions (whether formal or informal) that “relatives” – as that term is defined in 5 U.S.C.
§ 3110(a)(3) – of President-Elect Trump can fill without violating the anti-nepotism restrictions set forth in 5 U.S.C. § 3110, as well as any other anti-nepotism laws or regulatory provision 5) Any records in the possession of the OGE memorializing final recommendations received from President-Elect Trump (or his appropriate designees, transition staff, or private staff) with respect to positions (whether formal or informal) within the U.S. Government set to be filled by “relatives”, as that term is defined in 5 U.S.C. § 3110(a)(3) 6) Any records in the possession of the OGE memorializing final recommendations received from President-Elect Trump (or his appropriate designees, transition staff, or private staff) with respect to “relatives” – as that term is defined in 5 U.S.C. § 3110(a)(3) – who will be processed for access to U.S. Government classified information 7) Any written communications between OGE staff and Jared Kushner and 8) Any written communications between OGE staff and Ivanka Trump. | OGE FOIA FY 17-132 (Final Response Records) redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 135 (12/10/2024) | From the month of July 2024, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All communications to/from the following email domains:,,,,,,,,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-135 - first rolling response - responsive records_redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 136 (02/21/2017) | 1) Documents containing determinations by the Office of Government Ethics on:President Trump’s financial interest in the Washington D.C. Trump hotel the aforementioned Trump hotel lease from the federal government and whether it implicates the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution President Trump’s proposal to allow his sons to keep running his business interests rather than divest or place his interests in a blind trust 2) Documents containing analyses by the Office of Government Ethics on each of the above subjects 3) Any communications from or on behalf of Donald J. Trump, the Trump Organization, or any other entity or person affiliated with Donald J. Trump concerning the above matter 4) Any communications from the Office of the President on or after January 20, 2017 containing any directions or orders, whether direct or indirect, to the Office of Government Ethics on the above subjects 5) Any documents concerning the President’s refusal to release his tax returns and how such refusal may affect the Office of Government Ethics’ ability to perform its functions.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-136 (Final Response Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 137 (03/15/2017) | Letters Emails sent to the Trump administration concerning conflicts of interest since November 7, 2016. | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_137_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 137 (11/07/2024) | From the month of July 2024, all of the following records from Nicole Stein, Supervisory Government Ethics, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All communications to/from the following email domains:,,,,,,,,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-137 - first rolling response - responsive records_redacted (final).pdf |
FY 17 - 139 (01/27/2017) | Log of all requests received by the Office of Government Ethics from the start of the 2017 Fiscal Year to present. | FOIA Log 10.1.2016 to 1.25.2017.pdf |
FY 17 - 140 (02/02/2017) | Copies of all written correspondence exchanged between Office of Government Ethics staff and the office of Congressman Jason Chaffetz (including staff and Congressman Chaffetz) between January 17, 2017 and January 24, 2017. | OGE FOIA FY 17 140 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 24 - 142 (09/12/2024) | Copies of all Form 202s, including Parts 1, 2 and/or 3, that were submitted to OGE in calendar years 2022, 2023 and 2024. | OGE FOIA FY 24-142 responsive records.pdf |
FY 24 - 143 (10/23/2024) | Communications between OGE and the following candidates’ representatives regarding their respective 2024 individual financial disclosures in these capacities: 1. Donald J. Trump, Presidential Candidate
2. Kamala Harris, Presidential Candidate
3. James David Vance, Vice Presidential Candidate
4. Timothy Walz, Vice Presidential Candidate | OGE FOIA FY 24-143 first rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 143 (11/06/2024) | Communications between OGE and the following candidates’ representatives regarding their respective 2024 individual financial disclosures in these capacities: 1. Donald J. Trump, Presidential Candidate
2. Kamala Harris, Presidential Candidate
3. James David Vance, Vice Presidential Candidate
4. Timothy Walz, Vice Presidential Candidate | OGE FOIA FY 24-143 responsive records second rolling response (final)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 145 (05/12/2017) | All certificates of divestiture issued by the Office of Government Ethics from Jan. 20, 2001, to Jan. 20, 2017 | Certificates of Divestiture.pdf |
FY 17 - 147 (02/07/2017) | Documents related to the establishment, composition, appointment process and functioning of the federal fiscal control (or oversight) board that was authorized under the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act (“PROMESA”), 48 U.S.C.A. § 2121. | OGE FOIA FY 17-147 (Final Response Records) Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 148 (02/16/2017) | A copy of the Director's appointment calendar since August 22, 2016. | Documents OGE FOIA FY 17_148_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 149 (03/06/2017) | Copies of communications between the Office of Government Ethics and Jared Kushner and/or Blake Roberts and copies of any emails that include certain terms related to Kushner from Dec. 1, 2016 to Feb. 1, 2017. | Responsive Documents OGE FOIA FY 17_149.pdf |
FY 17 - 150 (03/06/2017) | Communications between the Office of Government Ethics and campaign and/or transition officials working for President Trump regarding the enforcement and applicability of Executive Order 13490. I am requesting all communications related to the Trump transition/administration’s views on 13490 (“Ethics Pledge”) and whether the executive order would apply to Trump appointees. | OGE FOIA FY 17-150 (Final Redacted Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 150 (03/06/2017) | Communications between the Office of Government Ethics and campaign and/or transition officials working for President Trump regarding the enforcement and applicability of Executive Order 13490. I am requesting all communications related to the Trump transition/administration’s views on 13490 (“Ethics Pledge”) and whether the executive order would apply to Trump appointees. | OGE FOIA FY 17-150 (Final Response Records).pdf |
FY 24 - 150 (11/12/2024) | From the month of August 2024, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All communications to/from the following email domains:,,,,,,,,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-150 first rolling response - responsive records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 151 (02/15/2017) | Each ethics advice memo produced by the Office of Government Ethics in December 2016 and
Each ethics advice memo produced by the Office of Government Ethics in January 2017.
| Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_151_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 152 (02/15/2017) | Each ethics advice memo it has produced during the month of January 2017 and the month of December 2016. | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_152_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 153 (02/15/2017) | Copies of the Office of Government Ethics' advice memos on these nominees and appointees from the month of January 2017 and the month of December 2016. | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_153_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 155 (02/24/2017) | OGE records pertaining to issues of confidentiality in ethics advice. | OGE FOIA FY 17-155 (Final Response Record).pdf |
FY 17 - 157 (02/15/2017) | Ethics advice memos produced by OGE in the months of December 2016 and January 2017. | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_157_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 158 (02/15/2017) | Each ethics advice memo it has produced during the month of January 2017 and the month of December 2016 | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_158_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 159 (03/15/2017) | A copy of communications including emails, talking points, and memos between this office and the Donald Trump transition team that mention any of the following key words: emoluments, conflicts, businesses. Please limit this request to documents generated or received between 011/07/16 and the date this request is processed.
| Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_159_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 160 (04/27/2017) | Copies of any and all emails sent or received by OGE employees that mention President Donald Trump's executive order regarding ethics and lobbying requirements for executive branch appointees. | OGE FOIA FY 17-160 (Second rolling response records)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 160 (03/23/2017) | Copies of any and all emails sent or received by OGE employees that mention President Donald Trump's executive order regarding ethics and lobbying requirements for executive branch appointees. | OGE FOIA FY 17-160 (First rolling response records)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 24 - 162 (12/10/2024) | From the month of September 2024, all of the following records from Shelley K. Finlayson, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All communications to/from the following email domains:,,,,,,,,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-162 - first rolling response - responsive records_redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 163 (02/10/2017) | Copies of any documents produced for OGE FOIA request FY17/045 as it pertains to the first part of the request regarding Donald Trump's trusts | OGE FOIA FY 17-163 (Final Response Documents).pdf |
FY 24 - 163 (12/19/2024) | From the month of September 2024, all of the following records from Nicole Stein, Supervisory Government Ethics, U.S. Office of Government Ethics: A full calendar export with all entries during business hours, or outside of business hours if in an official capacity. Documents sufficient to account for all flight logs, whether commercial flights, chartered, or military flights for all travel in any official capacity. All congressional correspondence and communications to/from Congressional Offices or Committees for the previous month including responses or document productions to outstanding, extant, or previous congressional inquiries or oversight efforts. All communications to/from the following email domains:,,,,,,,,, and All communications sent (not received) via email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, or Slack mentioning 'policy draft', 'updated policy', 'investigation', 'investigation', 'appointee', 'alias', 'pseudonym', 'NARA' or 'appointment'. | OGE FOIA FY 24-163 - first rolling response - responsive records_redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 164 (02/07/2017) | Any documents produced for OGE FOIA request FY17/099. | OGE FOIA FY-164 (099) Final Response Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 166 (03/02/2018) | Copies of any and all email communications discussing Andy Puzder’s ethics review process for his nomination to be labor secretary between Puzder, his representatives, the Office of Government Ethics and/or the staffers on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. | Puzder - Responsive Records (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 167 (02/27/2017) | All emails, memos, correspondence, inter-office communications, Twitter statements, directives and all other written materials related to President Donald J. Trump’s finances and plans regarding the disposition of his financial assets and corporate operations from 1/1/17 to 2/3/17. | OGE FOIA FY 17-167 (Final Response Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 167 (02/27/2017) | All emails, memos, correspondence, inter-office communications, Twitter statements, directives and all other written materials related to President Donald J. Trump’s finances and plans regarding the disposition of his financial assets and corporate operations from 1/1/17 to 2/3/17. | OGE FOIA FY 17-167 (Final Response Redacted Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 169 (02/26/2019) | A copy of all emails from the domain to senior managers encompassed within the required agency system for retaining emails of senior officials from Jan. 20, 2017 to present. | OGE FOIA 17-169 170 171 First Rolling Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 169 (07/16/2019) | A copy of all emails from the domain to senior managers encompassed within the required agency system for retaining emails of senior officials from Jan. 20, 2017 to present. | OGE FOIA 17-169 -170 -171 Second and Last Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 170 (02/26/2019) | A copy of all emails from the domain to senior managers encompassed within the required agency system for retaining emails of senior officials from Jan. 20, 2017 to present. | OGE FOIA 17-169 170 171 First Rolling Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 170 (07/16/2019) | A copy of all emails from the domain to senior managers encompassed within the required agency system for retaining emails of senior officials from Jan. 20, 2017 to present. | OGE FOIA 17-169 -170 -171 Second and Last Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 171 (02/26/2019) | A copy of all emails from the domain,,, or to senior managers encompassed within the required agency system for retaining emails of senior officials from Jan. 1, 2017 to Feb. 7, 2017. | OGE FOIA 17-169 170 171 First Rolling Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 171 (07/16/2019) | A copy of all emails from the domain,,, or to senior managers encompassed within the required agency system for retaining emails of senior officials from Jan. 1, 2017 to Feb. 7, 2017. | OGE FOIA 17-169 -170 -171 Second and Last Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 172 (02/16/2017) | A copy of all emails/memoranda/letters/correspondence from White House Counsel Don McGahn to senior managers or OGE commissioners. He may also refer to himself as Donald McGahn and/or Donald F. McGahn from Jan. 1, 2017 to Feb. 7, 2017. | Documents OGE FOIA FY 17_172_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 173 (02/15/2017) | Ethics advice memos or ethics decisions for agencies. | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_173_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 176 (05/04/2017) | All records involving your agency and its relationship with the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the US House of Representatives from November 9, 2016, to the date on which this request is processed. | OGE FOIA FY 17-176 Final Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 177 (03/09/2017) | Any internal or external communications or memorandums regarding Ivanka Trump's clothing line or other business interests. | OGE FOIA FY 17-177 (Final Redacted Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 179 (04/27/2017) | All emails, excluding news clips, sent TO, or FROM, or CC'd with certain listed OGE employees sent between January 20, 2017 and February 8, 2017 mentioning any of the following words: Trump, POTUS, President, White House, Bannon, Priebus, Chaffetz.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-179 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 180 (03/09/2017) | All records of communications (including emails, letters, and any other form of communication) between employees of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) and members or staff members of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. January 1st - February 8th. | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_180_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 181 (03/07/2017) | Emails related to Steven Mnuchin’s financial disclosure forms. Include the words “Cayman Islands,” “tax haven,” “Mnuchin,” and “offshore” in the search, and look at emails TO and/or FROM and/or CC: Dale 'Chip' Christopher Daniel L. Skalla and Doug Chapman.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-181 (Final Response Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 181 (03/07/2017) | Emails related to Steven Mnuchin’s financial disclosure forms. Include the words “Cayman Islands,” “tax haven,” “Mnuchin,” and “offshore” in the search, and look at emails TO and/or FROM and/or CC: Dale 'Chip' Christopher Daniel L. Skalla and Doug Chapman.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-181 (Final Redacted Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 182 (03/02/2018) | All records (including emails, memos, letters, and any other document) that includes at least one mention of the name “Puzder” | Puzder - Responsive Records (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 182 (07/12/2018) | All records (including emails, memos, letters, and any other document) that includes at least one mention of the name “Puzder” | _OGE FOIA FY 17-182 released in part (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 183 (05/17/2017) | Materials relating to any outages, problems or take down/removal decisions regarding the OGE website (, OGE computer networks and or intranets beginning on February [9], 2017. | Posting exemption.pdf |
FY 17 - 184 (03/09/2017) | 1) Incoming-and-outgoing email correspondence between certain positions/offices at the Office of Government Ethics and Kellyanne Conway on February 9, 2017 and 2) Certain referral letters submitted to the Office of Government Office from February 9, 2017 through February 10, 2017.
| Responsive Records OGE FOIA FY 17_184_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 187 (03/09/2017) | Each email or text message sent or received on Feb. 9, 2017, and Feb. 10, 2017, by any of the following OGE employees – in communication with any and all employees of the OGE, of the White House, of the Justice Department, of Congress, of the Government Accountability Office, of the FBI, of the Office of Special Counsel, of the Trump Organization or of Morgan Lewis (aka Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP) – related to Kellyanne Conway’s remarks promoting Ivanka Trump’s brand – OR containing references to abuse or misuse of power rules. | Documents Related to Statement Made by Conway.pdf |
FY 17 - 188 (03/09/2017) | Any communications—including but not limited to emails—between the Office of Government Ethics and either: the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, or Rep. Elijah Cummings, including but not limited to members of their congressional staffs between Nov. 7, 2017 and the date this request is processed. | Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17_188_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 190 (05/12/2017) | Copies of all certificates of divestitures, and related attachments, issued by OGE from Nov. 8, 2016 to present. | Certificates of Divestiture.pdf |
FY 17 - 192 (03/09/2017) | OGE records regarding remarks made by White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway on February 9, 2017. | Documents Related to Statement Made by Conway.pdf |
FY 17 - 192 (03/09/2017) | OGE records regarding remarks made by White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway on February 9, 2017. | Public Comment Re Conway from Feb9 to Feb Feb14_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 193 (02/22/2017) | AIMS records since February 6, 2017. | OGE FOIA FY 17-193 (Final Response Records)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 194 (03/14/2017) | | Responsive Records-2003_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 194 (03/14/2017) | | Responsive Records-2004_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 198 (03/09/2017) | Records relating to OGE’s 2/14/17 call for the White House to investigate Kellyanne Conway for endorsing Ivanka Trump’s merchandise | Responsive Records OGE FOIA FY 17_198_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 199 (03/09/2017) | Communications relating to or mentioning Kellyanne Conway, including communications received from or sent to Mrs. Conway between 1/20/2017 and the present day. | Documents Related to Statement Made by Conway.pdf |
FY 17 - 199 (03/09/2017) | Communications relating to or mentioning Kellyanne Conway, including communications received from or sent to Mrs. Conway between 1/20/2017 and the present day. | Public Comment Re Conway from Feb9 to Feb Feb14_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 200 (03/29/2017) | All communications sent from OGE's Director or his representatives to the head of an agency or the President regarding any individual which the Director has “reason to believe” has committed an ethics violation, pursuant to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. app § 402(f)(2)(A), including all communications regarding any subsequent investigations, determinations, findings, and/or disciplinary actions. | OGE FOIA FY 17-200 Final Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 201 (03/17/2017) | In a Dec. 5 email to Donald McGahn and Ann Donaldson, Director Walter Shaub said he planned to send a letter detailing OGE’s recommendations for an ethics plan then-President-elect Donald Trump at the time planned to introduce on Dec. 15 (and which was subsequently delayed). Please provide a copy of any letters sent after Dec. 5 from Mr. Shaub to Donald McGahn and/or Ann Donaldson. Please also provide records of all other communications, including emails and records of phone calls, between Mr. Shaub and Donald McGahn or Ann Donaldson during the period from Dec. 1, 2016 to Jan. 21, 2017. | OGE FOIA FY 17 201 Final Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 202 (03/28/2017) | | RESPONSIVE RECORDS - 17-202.pdf |
FY 17 - 207 (12/07/2017) | 1) Copies of all communications between the Office of Government Ethics and Betsy DeVos 2) Copies of all communications between the Office of Government Ethics and associates of the Windquest Group and 3) Copies of any emails sent or received by OGE employees or contractors that include listed search terms.
| Redacted Records (released).pdf |
FY 17 - 208 (03/09/2017) | 1) All training or education materials regarding 5 C.F.R. 2635.702 provided to Kellyanne Conway 2) All correspondence pertaining to Kellyanne Conway’s endorsement of Ivanka Trump’s brand (excluding correspondence received from the general public) 3) All records pertaining to the counseling provided to Kellyanne Conway or other executive branch employees who may violate or have violated 5 C.F.R. 2635.702 4) All legal opinions, memoranda, advisories, or other records addressing 5 C.F.R. 2635.702 5) All training materials and educational and policy memoranda, advisories, or evaluations regarding 5 C.F.R. 2635.702 6) All training materials and educational and policy memoranda, advisories, or evaluations pertaining to 5 C.F.R. 2635.702 and 7) All correspondence with White House Counsel Don McGahn. | Documents Related to Statement Made by Conway.pdf |
FY 17 - 209 (04/06/2017) | Records relating to the OGE website going down on January 13, 2017 (picking up from the cut off date for responsive records from his last request). | Posting Exemption.pdf |
FY 17 - 210 (03/21/2017) | A copy of records, electronic or otherwise, of all emails, to and from Walter M. Shaub, Jr., Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics, that contain the word “KELLYANNE” and/or “CONWAY | OGE FOIA FY 17-210 (Final Redacted Records Released).pdf |
FY 17 - 211 (03/21/2017) | A copy of records, electronic or otherwise, of all emails, to and from OGE spokesperson Seth Jaffe, that contain the word “KELLYANNE” and/or “CONWAY”. | OGE FOIA FY 17-211 (Final Records Released).pdf |
FY 17 - 211 (03/21/2017) | A copy of records, electronic or otherwise, of all emails, to and from OGE spokesperson Seth Jaffe, that contain the word “KELLYANNE” and/or “CONWAY”. | OGE FOIA FY 17-211 (Final Redacted Records Released).pdf |
FY 17 - 213 (04/27/2017) | A log of all FOIAs submitted to the Government Ethics Department after Jan. 21, 2017. I am also seeking a copy of the subject line of all emails sent and received by Walter M. Shaub, Jr. Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics since the inauguration of President Trump. | OGE FOIA FY 17-213 Final Response Records (second rolling)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 213 (03/21/2017) | A log of all FOIAs submitted to the Government Ethics Department after Jan. 21, 2017. I am also seeking a copy of the subject line of all emails sent and received by Walter M. Shaub, Jr. Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics since the inauguration of President Trump. | OGE FOIA FY 17-213 Final Response Records (first rolling).pdf |
FY 17 - 214 (05/12/2017) | CDs filed by Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump and waivers provided by OGE to these three individuals. | Certificates of Divestiture.pdf |
FY 17 - 216 (03/09/2017) | 1) All training or education materials regarding 5 C.F.R. 2635.702 provided to Kellyanne Conway 2) All correspondence pertaining to Kellyanne Conway’s endorsement of Ivanka Trump’s brand (excluding correspondence received from the general public) 3) All records pertaining to the counseling provided to Kellyanne Conway or other executive branch employees who may violate or have violated 5 C.F.R. 2635.702 4) All legal opinions, memoranda, advisories, or other records addressing 5 C.F.R. 2635.702 5) All training materials and educational and policy memoranda, advisories, or evaluations regarding 5 C.F.R. 2635.702 6) All training materials and educational and policy memoranda, advisories, or evaluations pertaining to 5 C.F.R. 2635.702 and 7) All correspondence with White House Counsel Don McGahn. | Documents Related to Statement Made by Conway.pdf |
FY 17 - 217 (05/12/2017) | Copies of all Certificates of Divestiture issued from 2016 through the date of the processing of this request. | Certificates of Divestiture.pdf |
FY 17 - 218 (04/07/2017) | Records of communications between OGE and the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel from November 8, 2016 through the time when searches pursuant to this request commence.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-218 Final Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 223 (03/09/2017) | 1) All internal and external Office of Government Ethics emails related to Kellyanne Conway's public comments about Ivanka Trump and her business from January 20, 2017 to February 27, 2017, including her February 9th comment, and 2) All Office of Government Ethics emails related to Donald Trump's public comments about Ivanka Trump's brand and business products from January 20, 2017 to February 27, 2017, including his February 8th tweet regarding her treatment by Nordstrom. | Documents Related to Statement Made by Conway.pdf |
FY 17 - 224 (08/30/2017) | Communications between OGE and the EOP or transition team regarding or individials acting on behalf of 8 listed individuals pertaining to FD, COI, or ethics issues. | OGE FOIA FY 17_224 - Responsive Records (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 225 (04/28/2017) | Documents concerning, discussing, or referencing the process by which OGE would make publicly available executive branch financial disclosure reports submitted to the White House since November 8, 2016, and how press and other public inquiries regarding these reports would be handled. | OGE FOIA FY 17-225 Final Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 226 (03/28/2017) | Communications between OGE and EOP, transition team, or representatives regarding the President and Vice President's financial disclosure reports, COI, anti-nepotism restrictions, and emoluments. | OGE FOIA FY 17-226 (Final Redacted Records Released).pdf |
FY 17 - 228 (03/03/2017) | Any statistics provided to the legislative branch since Nov. 8, 2016, for the processing of nominees during the White House transition. | OGE FOIA FY17-228 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 229 (04/07/2017) | 1) Documentation submitted by Steve Bannon to OGE 2) Financial paperwork submitted by Bannon to OGE 3) Correspondence between Bannon and OGE 4) Documentation reflecting substantive determinations by OGE regarding Bannon and 5) Records reflecting communications among OGE staff within the scope of #1-4 and which were disseminated using AIMS. | OGE FOIA FY 17 229 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 231 (05/12/2017) | Copies of all Certificates of Divestitures, and related attachments, issued by OGE from Feb 10, 2017 to present. | Certificates of Divestiture.pdf |
FY 17 - 232 (04/14/2017) | Emails, notes or letters sent or received by any of the listed OGE employees, between Jan. 1, 2017, and March 6, 2017, as well as any other documents and ethics filings related to Chris Liddell, White House Director of Strategic Initiatives – including, but not limited to, Form 278-T. | Responsive Records OGE FOIA FY 17_232_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 235 (03/21/2017) | 1) All internal Office of Government Ethics memos or emails dated between March 6 and the present date discussing the White House promotion of the Exxon Mobil announcement by White House press release and President Trump's twitter accounts and 2) All internal Office of Government Ethics memos and emails dated between February 15 and the present date discussing ethics issues associated with Twitter and the use of Twitter by members of the current administration.
| Responsive Document OGE FOIA FY 17_235.pdf |
FY 17 - 236 (03/21/2017) | FOIA Case Log, the FOIA Appeals Log and the Mandatory Declassification Review Log (MDR) for calendar year 2016. | OGE FOIA FY 17-236 -256 -257 Final Response Records (FY 2016).pdf |
FY 17 - 236 (03/21/2017) | FOIA Case Log, the FOIA Appeals Log and the Mandatory Declassification Review Log (MDR) for calendar year 2016. | OGE FOIA FY 17-236 -256 -257 Final Response Records (FY 2017).pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (06/26/2017) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | OGE FOIA FY 17-237 Final Response Records (All Nomination, Preclearance, and Senate transmittals)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (06/26/2017) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | OGE FOIA FY 17-237 Final Response Records (Emails)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (06/26/2017) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | OGE FOIA FY 17-237 Final Response Records (1st rolling - spreadsheet).pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (12/07/2017) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | Redacted Records (released).pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (01/19/2018) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | Responsive Records - Batch 1 of Ross Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (01/30/2018) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | Sessions - Records Released in Part (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (02/27/2018) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | Ross - Responsive Records - Batch 2 (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (03/02/2018) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | Puzder - Responsive Records (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (03/23/2018) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | Tillerson - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (06/13/2018) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | Zinke Perdue - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (06/27/2018) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | Price, Pruitt, McMahon, Mnuchin Records - Records released in part.pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (09/20/2018) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | Shulkin, Mulvaney, Kelly, and Chao (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 237 (12/20/2018) | 1) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals nominated, or anticipated to be nominated, by President Trump for Senate-confirmed positions in the federal government, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such nominees or prospective nominees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such nominees or prospective nominees and 2) Records containing or reflecting communications between OGE and individuals appointed, or anticipated to be appointed, by President Trump for positions in the Executive Office of the President in the White House, including communications with attorneys or agents acting on behalf of such appointees or prospective appointees, as well as members of the Trump administration, the Trump transition team, or the Trump campaign about such appointees or prospective appointees. | OGE FOIA FY 17-237 Responsive Records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 239 (02/23/2018) | Copies of all communications between the Office of Government Ethics and the following officials in the White House Counsel's office: Stefan C. Passantino Uttam Dhillon Scott Gast James D. Schultz and Don McGahn between 1/25/17 - 3/10/17.
| OGE FOIA FY17-239 - Responsive Records (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 240 (01/19/2018) | Any records, documents, emails, questionnaires, memoranda or other correspondence or communications regarding Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross regarding his financial and ethics disclosures and potential conflicts of interest. | Responsive Records - Batch 1 of Ross Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 240 (02/27/2018) | Any records, documents, emails, questionnaires, memoranda or other correspondence or communications regarding Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross regarding his financial and ethics disclosures and potential conflicts of interest. | Ross - Responsive Records - Batch 2 (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 240 (03/09/2018) | Any records, documents, emails, questionnaires, memoranda or other correspondence or communications regarding Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross regarding his financial and ethics disclosures and potential conflicts of interest. | Ross - Responsive Records - Batch 3 (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 241 (04/12/2017) | Original request sought: Copies of communications between the Office of Government Ethics and Jared Kushner and/or Blake Roberts and copies of any emails that include certain terms related to Kushner from Dec. 1, 2016 to Feb. 1, 2017. | Additional Records Released FY17-241.pdf |
FY 17 - 242 (05/04/2017) | | OGE FOIA FY 17-242 Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 243 (05/10/2017) | All current and former federal employees, including all Senior Executive Service competitive and excepted service (including temporary, time-limited, intermittent and seasonal appointments in Schedule A, B, C, or D, or unpaid and volunteer equivalents) employees, hired between Jan. 20, 2017, and the date this request is released, along with the employee’s position, start date, end date (if applicable), pay scale and applicable appointment authority. | Posting exemption.pdf |
FY 17 - 243 (03/30/2017) | All current and former federal employees, including all Senior Executive Service competitive and excepted service (including temporary, time-limited, intermittent and seasonal appointments in Schedule A, B, C, or D, or unpaid and volunteer equivalents) employees, hired between Jan. 20, 2017, and the date this request is released, along with the employee’s position, start date, end date (if applicable), pay scale and applicable appointment authority. | OGE FOIA FY17-243 (Final Records Released).pdf |
FY 17 - 245 (05/30/2017) | A copy of all letter correspondence at the Office of Government Ethics TO or FROM the Government Accountability Office (GAO) during calendar years 2015, 2016 and 2017 to date. | Responsive Records OGE FOIA FY 17_245_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 246 (05/12/2017) | Certificates of divestiture for the following individuals: Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, Counselor, Dina Powell, Jared Kushner, Gary Cohn, Boris Epshteyn, and Reed Cordish. | Certificates of Divestiture.pdf |
FY 17 - 247 (04/12/2017) | Original request sought: AIMS records since February 6, 2017. | Additional Records Released FY 17-247.pdf |
FY 17 - 248 (04/12/2017) | Original request sought: OGE records regarding remarks made by White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway on February 9, 2017. | Additional Records Released FY 17-248.pdf |
FY 17 - 249 (09/24/2018) | OGE Ethics Law and Policy Branch emails that contain the word "Trump" sent from January 1 2017 onward | OGE FOIA FY 17-249 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 250 (09/23/2019) | Emails and all other written communications between Walter Shaub and the White House from January 1 2017 onward | OGE FOIA FY 17-250 and 17-251 (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 253 (03/27/2018) | Communications between OGE and representatives for Jared Kushner or Ivanka Trump from February 1 2017 onward | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 255 (05/10/2017) | Emails sent or received by Seth Jaffe or Heather Jones that mentions Richard Painter from Dec. 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 (excluding emails received from listservs, e.g., news clippings) | OGE FOIA FY 17-255 (Final Response Redacted records).pdf |
FY 17 - 255 (05/10/2017) | Emails sent or received by Seth Jaffe or Heather Jones that mentions Richard Painter from Dec. 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 (excluding emails received from listservs, e.g., news clippings) | OGE FOIA FY 17-255 (Final Response Records).pdf |
FY 17 - 256 (03/21/2017) | A list of all FOIA Requests received by the Office of Government Ethics, for the dates of October 1, 2016 through to the date of processing this request. | OGE FOIA FY 17-236 -256 -257 Final Response Records (FY 2016).pdf |
FY 17 - 256 (03/21/2017) | A list of all FOIA Requests received by the Office of Government Ethics, for the dates of October 1, 2016 through to the date of processing this request. | OGE FOIA FY 17-236 -256 -257 Final Response Records (FY 2017).pdf |
FY 17 - 257 (03/21/2017) | A copy of records, electronic or otherwise, of the FOIA Case Log, the FOIA Appeals Log and the Mandatory Declassification Review Log (MDR) for January 1, 2017 through the date of processing this request | OGE FOIA FY 17-236 -256 -257 Final Response Records (FY 2016).pdf |
FY 17 - 257 (03/21/2017) | A copy of records, electronic or otherwise, of the FOIA Case Log, the FOIA Appeals Log and the Mandatory Declassification Review Log (MDR) for January 1, 2017 through the date of processing this request | OGE FOIA FY 17-236 -256 -257 Final Response Records (FY 2017).pdf |
FY 17 - 258 (06/19/2017) | Any documents or materials, including but not limited to, guides, manuals, handbooks, policies, or presentations used to instruct or train USOGE personnel with regard to communications generally, in terms of both internal and external communications. This request includes any documents that provide information or direction on how USOGE organizes and prioritizes communications through various communicative channels, including but not limited to, telephone, email, social media, and face-to-face communication. | Responsive Documents OGE FOIA FY 17_258_Re.pdf |
FY 17 - 261 (08/25/2017) | All emails, memos, correspondence, inter-office communications, financial disclosures and other statements, ethics agreements, lobbying filings, directives and all other written materials related to Trump administration chief economic adviser and Director of National Economic Council Gary D. Cohn regarding the disposition of his financial assets and corporate operations. | OGE FOIA FY 17 261 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 262 (09/18/2017) | All emails, memos, correspondence, inter-office communications, financial disclosures and other statements, ethics agreements, lobbying filings, directives and all other written materials related to Trump administration assistant to the president Stephen K. Bannon regarding the disposition of his financial assets and corporate operations. | OGE FOIA FY17-262 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 265 (03/27/2018) | All emails, memos, correspondence, inter-office communications, financial disclosures and other statements, ethics agreements, lobbying filings, directives and all other written materials related to Mr. Kushner’s finances and plans regarding the disposition of his financial assets and corporate operations. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 266 (04/14/2017) | All emails, memos, correspondence, inter-office communications, financial disclosures and other statements, ethics agreements, lobbying filings, directives and all other written materials related to Mr. Gorka’s finances and plans regarding the disposition of his financial assets and corporate operations. | OGE FOIA FY 17-266 Final Response Records .pdf |
FY 17 - 271 (03/27/2018) | Copies of any and all emails and attached documents sent or received by OGE employees that pertain Ivanka Trump and her position in the Trump White House. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 272 (06/22/2018) | Copies of all communications, including but not limited to email, text messages and other written correspondence, between the Office of Government Ethics and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price or any person acting on behalf of Mr. Price between November 28, 2016 to the date of the release of this information. | Price Records - Records released in part.pdf |
FY 17 - 273 (03/27/2018) | All for any and all records of pertaining to Ivanka Trump's taken of a White House job. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 274 (03/27/2018) | All records regarding Ivanka Trump. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 276 (04/06/2017) | Referral from Dept. of State. | OGE FOIA FY-276 Final Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 278 (03/27/2018) | Any and all records pertaining to Ivanka Trump's taking of a White House job. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 279 (06/23/2017) | All records of communications between the OGE and Scott Gottlieb and/or his representatives since January 1, 2017. | OGE FOIA FY 17 279 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 280 (05/04/2017) | All communications to and from the Office of Government Ethics regarding the role of Carl Icahn as special adviser to President Donald Trump. | Responsive Documents OGE FOIA FY 17_280_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 281 (05/17/2017) | Initial request sought "materials relating to any outages, problems, or take down/removal decisions regarding the OGE website (, OGE computer networks and or intranets beginning on February 17, 2017." | Posting exemption.pdf |
FY 17 - 282 (09/19/2017) | All communications related to White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon's OGE financial disclosure, ethics agreements and his financial interests. | OGE FOIA FY17-282 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 292 (11/26/2018) | All records dated between January 20, 2017, and the present (up to and including the day this request is processed) related to Kenneth Juster, a White House official appointed Jan. 20 serving both on the National Economic Council and the National Security Council. This request includes but is not limited to any correspondence related to Juster and ethics issues between OGE and White House Counsel officials, and any memos describing Juster’s plans to comply with ethics laws. | OGE FOIA FY 17-292 - Records Released in Part.pdf |
FY 17 - 293 (05/15/2017) | Final draft of a memorandum from White House Counsel Donald McGahn to OGE regarding a certificate of divestiture. | Responsive Record OGE FOIA FY 17_293_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 294 (09/27/2019) | All requests by agencies and/or The White House to exclude positions from public financial disclosure requirements, and the determinations by OGE to permit such exclusions, and requests and determinations regarding alternative financial disclosure procedures. You may limit my request to records created between January 20, 2017 and April 14, 2017 (or whenever this request is fulfilled, whichever is later). | _OGE FOIA FY17-294 (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 297 (06/25/2018) | Records of correspondence between the Office and public (correspondence log, not correspondence itself). | OGE FOIA FY 17-297 - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 300 (05/22/2017) | Original request sought:
Description of Records Sought
1) Written communications – including OGE documentation summarizing verbal communications – between OGE and the transition staff or private staff of President-Elect Donald J. Trump (“President-Elect Trump”), including but not limited to calendar appointments and minutes of meetings 2) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the decision to post on Twitter comments directed towards the Twitter handle of President-Elect Trump on November 30, 2016, including but not limited to final decisions regarding the specific language that would be encompassed within the posts published by OGE on its Twitter handle 3) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding steps which must be taken by President-Elect Trump to place his personal and corporate financial assets in a “blind trust” in a manner that would resolve potential or real “conflicts of interest”, as that term is defined by OGE and applied to the President of the United States 4) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which, as a general matter, the President of the United States is subject to the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution 5) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which the contract language in the General Service Administration’s (“GSA”) lease of the Post Office Pavilion to Trump Old Post Office LLC – for the purpose of constructing the International Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. – implicates the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and particularly with respect to the Office of the President of the United States 6) Any records memorializing final determinations by OGE staff regarding the extent to which President-Elect Trump’s position as President of the United States will conflict with the contract language in GSA’s lease identified in category #5 7) Any written communications – including OGE documentation summarizing verbal communications, as well as inter-agency communications, intra-agency communications, and communications with transition staff or private staff of President Trump – addressing President Trump’s business and financial conflicts of interest, including, but not limited to, the “white paper” issued by President Trump’s legal team regarding conflicts of interest. For categories #1-#6, OGE can limit the timeframe of its search from December 14, 2016, up until the date the agency begins conducting actual searches for responsive records. For category #7, OGE can limit the timeframe of its search from November 8, 2016, up until the date the agency beings conducting actual searches for responsive records | Revised Responsive Docs OGE FOIA FY 17-300.pdf |
FY 17 - 302 (03/23/2018) | A list of the OGE Mastercard, VISA, American Express (or any other credit card) purchases during FY2017 to date. | 17-302 Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 17 - 303 (05/15/2017) | A copy of the memorandum to the OGE applying for a certificate of divestiture for Jared C. Kushner [[the final version, not the draft]] | Responsive Record OGE FOIA FY 17_303_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 304 (04/27/2017) | 1) Waivers from ethics rules relating to the hiring of lobbyists since Jan. 20, 2017 and 2) Records of communications regarding potential conflicts of interest involving Catanzaro, Wolf, Knight, Gribbin, Burr, and Leggitt from Nov. 8, 2016 to present. | OGE FOIA FY 17-304 Final Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 306 (03/12/2018) | All records pertaining to OGE’s determination that Cambridge Analytica LLC and Glittering Steel LLC posed a conflict of interest all records that pertain to “Glittering Steel ” all records that pertain to “Cambridge Analytica ” and all correspondence with White House officials regarding Steve Bannon. Timeframe is November 9, 2016 to April 26, 2017 | OGE FOIA FY17-306 - Responsive Records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 307 (07/30/2018) | Any communication between the Office of Government Ethics and the Department of Justice concerning the nomination of Makan Delrahim. | OGE FOIA FY 17-307 Responsive Records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 310 (02/28/2019) | With reference to the email subject lines released under FOIA tracking number OGE FOIA FY17/213, I request the release of full text of any and all emails under the following subject lines or as follow-ups or replies to the emails sent under those subject lines:
“Quick call” “Secretary Tillerson must recuse himself from t” “Secretary Tillerson must recuse himself from the K” “[GRAYMAIL] Urge Tillerson to recuse himself from K” “Jared Kushner” “sensitive matter” “Referral of possible violation of 18 USC 208” “Abuse of power in the Executive” “Politico report on Scaramucci” “Certificate of Divestiture of Jared C. Kushner” “questions on the Puzder report” “Politico inquiry”.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-310- Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 311 (09/12/2019) | Copy of all computer files included in the flash drive provided by the Office of Government Ethics to the office of Senator Claire McCaskill on or about April 27, 2017 containing “copies of relevant documents” in response to Senator McCaskill’s letter dated March 23, 2017. For reference, the flash drive and files referred to in Director Walter Schaub’s April 27 letter to Senator McCaskill. | OGE FOIA FY 17-311 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 312 (03/27/2018) | Copies of all communications between employees of OGE and any other individual regarding the identification of or the resolution of potential conflicts of interest for Ivanka Trump. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 313 (01/26/2018) | All information disclosed to OGE regarding the nature of BFPS Ventures, LLCs ownership and its investments, to include the names of individuals associated with and investors in the LLC and specific assets the LLC has invested in. | OGE FOIA FY 17-313 - Records released in part_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 314 (03/27/2018) | All documents received by the Office of Government Ethics from the White House or Wilmer Hale related to an application for a certificate of divestiture for Ivanka Trump | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 318 (05/15/2017) | All responses to PA-17-02, "Data Call for Certain Waivers and Authorizations" (see attached PDF), received by OGE from April 28, 2017, to the date your office processes this request. | OGE FOIA FY 17-318 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 319 (11/02/2018) | All correspondence between OGE and the following Congressional Committees since 1/1/15: House Oversight and Govt Reform Senate Homeland Security and Govt Affairs
| OGE FOIA FY 17-319 - WEBSITE - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 321 (06/09/2017) | Referral from Dept. of State. | OGE FOIA FY 17-321 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 322 (03/27/2018) | Any and all records concerning, regarding, or relating to the handling of Jared Kushner's government ethics disclosure materials. Such records include, but are not limited to, any communications regarding said materials between OGE officers, officials, or employees and members of the press. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 323 (10/18/2018) | Any and all communications between officials, officers, or employees of OGE and any member, staffer, or representative of the following U.S. Senate committees: 1) Committee on the Judiciary 2) Committee on Foreign Relations 3) Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions and 4) Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. | OGE FOIA FY 17-323 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 325 (05/19/2017) | Any and all documents, including emails, memos, correspondence, inter-office communications, financial disclosures and other statements, ethics agreements, lobbying filings, directives and all other written records relating to communications between representatives of Donald Trump and OGE about his filing of a public financial disclosure for the calendar year 2016. | OGE FOIA FY 17-325 - Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 328 (05/22/2017) | Copies of any correspondence, including attachments, between the Office of [Government] Ethics and the Executive Office of the President, the Office of Policy Management, or the Department of Justice, related to the OGE data request from April 28, 2017 identified as PA-17-02. | OGE FOIA FY 17-328_redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 329 (06/07/2017) | Request copies of responses agencies are providing to April 28, 2017 PA-17-02. Narrowed to “covered documents” received by OGE, as defined in the program advisory (including written information submitted pursuant to section IV of the advisory). | OGE FOIA FY 17-329 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 331 (04/17/2018) | 1) Any and all communications (including but not limited to emails and letters) between the office of OGE or its employees and former national security adviser Michael Flynn, or his representatives, since June 2016 2) Any and all communications between the office of OGE or its employees and WH chief strategist Steve Bannon or his representatives (including but not limited to emails and letters) since June 2016 and 3) Any attachments included in any of these correspondences listed above. | OGE FOIA FY17-331- Responsive Records (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 332 (03/27/2018) | 1) Any and all communications between the office of OGE or its employees and senior White House adviser Jared Kushner or his representatives (including but not limited to emails and letters) since June 2016 2) Any and all communications between the office of OGE or its employees and now-assistant to the president Ivanka Trump or her representatives (including but not limited to emails and letters) since June 2016 and 3) Any attachments included in any of these correspondences listed above
| Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 333 (02/28/2018) | 1) All correspondence between the Office of Government Ethics and Jared Kushner, including his non-governmental attorneys Blake Roberts, Jamie Gorelick or other representatives from the WilmerHale firm, that include the keywords, “BFPS Ventures LLC,” “BFPS Ventures,” “BFPS” (in reference to the financial holding), “JCK Cadre,” or “Cadre.” 2) All correspondence between the Office of Government Ethics and the White House Counsel’s office, including but not limited to attorneys Donald McGahn and Stefan Passantino, that include the keywords “BFPS Ventures LLC,” “BFPS” (in reference to the financial holding), “JCK Cadre,” or “Cadre.”
| OGE FOIA FY 17-333 - Records released in part (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 334 (03/27/2018) | All emailed, faxed or written correspondence with Jared Kushner, his counsel(s) or representative(s) or correspondence with other government officials about Jared Kushner since March 1, 2017. This should exclude correspondence with members of the news media containing references to Jared Kushner. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 336 (08/04/2017) | All correspondence between OGE and President Trump's representatives at the law firm Morgan Lewis, including but not limited to attorney Sheri Dillon since Jan. 20, 2017. | OGE FOIA FY 17 336 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 337 (08/04/2017) | All emailed, faxed or written correspondence with Sheri A. Dillon (“Sheri Dillon”) or representatives of the Trump Organization since April 1, 2017. This can exclude correspondence related to President Trump's 2016 financial disclosure between April 1 and May 10. | OGE FOIA FY 17 337 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 338 (06/07/2017) | All documents, data and written responses to Director Shaub’s memorandum PA-17-02, with subject line “Data Call for Certain Waivers and Authorizations,” dated April 28, 2017 | OGE FOIA FY 17-338 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 341 (03/20/2018) | I am requesting that a copy of documents containing responses to Director Walter Shaub’s May 22, 2017, letter to OMB Director Mick Mulvaney about the ethics waiver data call. In particular, I am seeking any responses to that letter from Director Mulvaney, officials in the Office of the White House Counsel and the Justice Department. | OGE FOIA FY 17-341 Final Response Records Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 342 (03/27/2018) | All email communication, documents or reports produced at OGE the financial disclosures of the following people: Jared Kushner Ivanka Trump Boris Epshteyn. In addition, any and all email communications from December 1, 2016 through May 22, 2017 involving any “” email address regarding the above financial disclosures/ethics agreements/ethics reviews.
| Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 344 (06/25/2018) | AIMS logs regarding communications between the White House, Executive Office of the President and/or personal representatives of high-level staff including the Trump family since January 20, 2017 to present, and any related correspondence to those interactions. | OGE FOIA FY 17-344 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 348 (12/07/2017) | All correspondence between the Office of Government Ethics and any of the following
individuals or their representatives at any point since November 8, 2016: Elisabeth “Betsy” DeVos and Richard “Dick” DeVos. This should include, but is not limited to, all correspondence involving any of these individuals or their representatives concerning OGE Form 278e, the “Ethics Agreement” signed by Betsy DeVos dated January 19, 2017 and any certificates of divestiture filed by Ms. DeVos or her husband during this time period.
| Redacted Records (released).pdf |
FY 17 - 349 (12/12/2017) | Correspondence between the Department of Commerce and the Office of Government Ethics regarding Mr. Todd Ricketts, from the time of his nomination for the Deputy Secretary of Commerce on Nov. 30, 2016 to the present correspondence between Mr. Ricketts or his representatives and the Office of Government Ethics from the time of Mr. Ricketts' nomination for the Deputy Secretary of Commerce on Nov. 30, 2016 to the present copies of proposed ethics agreements for Mr. Ricketts and copies of proposed SF-278 new entrant forms for Mr. Ricketts. | Responsive records - Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 350 (06/22/2017) | Appeal of OGE FOIA FY 17/293, for the final draft of a Memorandum from White House Counsel Donald McGahn to the Office of Government Ethics regarding an Application for a Certificate of Divestiture for Jared C. Kushner. | Responsive Records Revised OGE FOIA FY 17-350.pdf |
FY 17 - 351 (06/22/2017) | | Responsive Records Revised OGE FOIA FY 17-351.pdf |
FY 17 - 354 (06/07/2017) | Any documents submitted in response to the Office of Government Ethics’ April 28, 2017 program advisory. Narrowed to “covered documents” received by OGE, as defined in the program advisory (including written information submitted pursuant to section IV of the advisory). Excludes “no response” letters/emails, transmittal letters/emails, and other non-substantive correspondence.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-354 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 357 (08/21/2018) | 1) Copies of all communications between employees of OGE and any individual
within the Executive Office of the President ("EOP") regarding waivers under 18
U.S.C. § 208(b)(l) issued for White House Director of Strategic Initiatives and
Assistant to the President Christopher Liddell and/or Special Assistant to the
President Rene Augustine 2) Copies of all communications between employees of OGE and any individual
acting on behalf of Mr. Liddell and/or Ms. Augustine regarding waivers under 18
U.S.C. § 208(b )(1 ) and
3) Copies of signed waivers issued for Mr. Liddell and/or Ms. Augustine provided
to OGE. | OGE FOIA FY 17-357 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 360 (07/12/2017) | 200 sample contacts with the ethics office in their entirety, a breakdown of broad categories of the kinds of communications these 39,105 contacts represent, and details on the disposition of the complaints. | OGE FOIA FY17-360 - Responsive Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 362 (12/07/2017) | All correspondence between the Office of Government Ethics and Education Secretary Elisabeth DeVos or her attorneys from Nov. 1, 2016, to the [present]. | Redacted Records (released).pdf |
FY 17 - 363 (06/08/2017) | Any memorializing by OGE of the applicability of the requirement to sign an ethics pledge for Administratively Determined (“AD”) appointees at the EPA (appointed under the Safe Drinking Water Act). | OGE FOIA FY17-363_Responsive Recod_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 364 (06/16/2017) | Referral from CFTC related to PA-17-02. | OGE FOIA FY 17 364 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 365 (12/12/2017) | Any records, documents, emails, questionnaires, memoranda or other correspondence or communications between OGE employees regarding Todd Ricketts, or from OGE employees to Todd Ricketts or any of his representatives. | Responsive records - Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 366 (08/04/2017) | Documents related to President Trump's plans to file a personal financial disclosure statement, since his election on Nov. 8, 2016 to present. | OGE FOIA FY 17 366 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 367 (08/17/2017) | Correspondence, including letters and email, and advice memos mentioning legal defense funds or arrangements that can be used to pay personal legal fees incurred by executive branch officials received or sent by the Office of Government Ethics between Feb. 14, 2017 and the present date. | OGE FOIA FY 17-367 - Responsive Records (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 371 (06/22/2017) | A copy of the May 18, 2017 letter from Congressman Walter B. Jones to the Office of Government Ethics concerning the reported activities of family members of a senior Presidential appointee. | OGE FOIA FY 17-371 - Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 17 - 372 (06/22/2017) | A copy of the May 18, 2017, letter sent by Rep. Walter Jones to the Office of Government Ethics requesting that OGE evaluates whether reported activities of family members of a senior Presidential appointee violated the criminal conflict of interest statute. | OGE FOIA FY 17-372 - Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 17 - 376 (06/30/2017) | Referral from CFTC | OGE FOIA FY 17 376 Final Response Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 377 (07/11/2017) | A copy of FOIA request # 17/233 received by the Office of Government Ethics concerning “Three documents that originated at OGE" and a copy of all correspondence and responsive records produced by OGE in response to this request.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-377 Final Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 378 (03/08/2018) | Copies of all logs of congressional correspondence regarding correspondence to or from any officials at Office of Government Ethics and Rep. Darrell Issa between January 1, 2000, and June 26, 2017. | OGE FOIA FY 17-378 - Records Released in Full.pdf |
FY 17 - 379 (09/17/2019) | 1) An updated total number of nominations forwarded to the Office of Government Ethics for vetting up to the date of your office fulfills this request 2) An agency-by-agency breakdown of how many nominees have been forwarded to the Office of Government Ethics (does not need to include specific names of nominees and 3) The average amount of time it takes the Office of Government Ethics to process and complete its review of the nominees.
| Document1.pdf |
FY 17 - 380 (03/27/2018) | Correspondence (including emails) between OGE employees and the White House and/or Jared Kushner’s personal legal team (of the WilmerHale law firm), concerning the investment vehicle BFPS Ventures LLC. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 381 (09/20/2018) | All emails between OGE and the Office of Management and Budget, between May 1, 2017 and the present. You may limit this request to the office within OGE that manages the relationship between OGE and the Office of Management and Budget. | OGE FOIA FY 17-381 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 382 (09/20/2018) | All emails between OGE and the Office of Management and Budget, between April 1, 2017 and the present. You may limit this request to the office within OGE that manages the relationship between OGE and the Office of Management and Budget. | OGE FOIA FY 17-382 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 383 (09/20/2018) | All emails between OGE and the Office of Management and Budget, between April 1, 2017 and the present. You may limit this request to the office within OGE that manages the relationship between OGE and the Office of Management and Budget. | OGE FOIA FY 17-383 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 384 (09/20/2018) | All emails between OGE and the Office of Management and Budget, between April 1, 2017 and the present. You may limit this request to the office within OGE that manages the relationship between OGE and the Office of Management and Budget. | OGE FOIA FY 17-384 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 385 (08/16/2018) | Electronic copy (e.g. pdfs on a CD-ROM or via email) of all electronic memoranda produced by the Office of Government Ethics that relate to legal defense funds from January 20, 2017 to June 28, 2017.
| OGE FOIA Responsive documents - Legal Defense Funds_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 385 (09/18/2018) | Electronic copy (e.g. pdfs on a CD-ROM or via email) of all electronic memoranda produced by the Office of Government Ethics that relate to legal defense funds from January 20, 2017 to June 28, 2017.
| OGE FOIA Responsive documents - Legal Defense Funds (2nd Rolling)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 388 (03/14/2018) | All written or emailed correspondence exchanged between the Office of Government Ethics and members of Congress or officials within the White House or Executive Office of the President related to Stephen K. Bannon (“Steve Bannon”) between June 13, 2017 and June 29, 2017. | OGE FOIA FY 17-388 - Records released in full.pdf |
FY 17 - 389 (03/27/2018) | Written or emailed correspondence exchanged between the Office of Government Ethics and members of Congress or officials within the White House or Executive Office of the President related to “Kushner Companies” since June 1, 2017. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 391 (05/15/2018) | 1) All correspondence at OGE to or from Stefan Passantino from February 1, 2017 to the present and 2) All correspondence at OGE to or from Don McGahn from April 1, 2017 to the present.
| Communications between OGE and WHCO between Jan. 20-July 24, 2017.pdf |
FY 17 - 392 (03/27/2018) | Communications between OGE and parties inside and outside the government related to a technology company called Cadre, which is owned in part by Jared Kushner. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 395 (03/01/2019) | 1) Incoming-and-outgoing email correspondence between Walt Shaub from July 5, 2017 through July 6, 2017 and 2) Incoming-and-outgoing email correspondence between Walter Shaub Aad The White House From June 26, 2017, through July 6, 2017 | OGE FOIA FY 17-395 responsive records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 398 (09/25/2018) | Any correspondence received from the White House in response to Director Walter Shaub’s June 28, 2017 letter addressed to five United State Senators and copied to Counsel to the President Hon. Donald F. McGahn regarding Stefan C. Passantino | OGE FOIA FY 17-398 - Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 17 - 401 (04/26/2019) | All emails sent, received or deleted from government email accounts belonging to Walter M. Shaub Jr., director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, from Jan. 20, 2017, to July 7, 2017. | Walter Shaub's Responsive records (2nd batch Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 401 (05/08/2019) | All emails sent, received or deleted from government email accounts belonging to Walter M. Shaub Jr., director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, from Jan. 20, 2017, to July 7, 2017. | Walter Shaub Responsive Records (1st batch Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 401 (07/01/2019) | All emails sent, received or deleted from government email accounts belonging to Walter M. Shaub Jr., director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, from Jan. 20, 2017, to July 7, 2017. | Walter Shaub's responsive records (3rd batch redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 401 (09/27/2019) | All emails sent, received or deleted from government email accounts belonging to Walter M. Shaub Jr., director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, from Jan. 20, 2017, to July 7, 2017. | Walter Shaub responsive records (4th batch redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 402 (04/26/2019) | Any and all correspondence from January 20, 2017 through July 6, 2017 from Walter Shaub, including all replies. | Walter Shaub's Responsive records (2nd batch Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 402 (05/08/2019) | Any and all correspondence from January 20, 2017 through July 6, 2017 from Walter Shaub, including all replies. | Walter Shaub Responsive Records (1st batch Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 402 (07/01/2019) | Any and all correspondence from January 20, 2017 through July 6, 2017 from Walter Shaub, including all replies. | Walter Shaub's responsive records (3rd batch redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 402 (09/27/2019) | Any and all correspondence from January 20, 2017 through July 6, 2017 from Walter Shaub, including all replies. | Walter Shaub responsive records (4th batch redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 404 (03/29/2018) | Each email since March 1, 2017, in the email accounts of the Office of Government Ethics, that contains any of these words: autocrat
whack | OGE FOIA FY17-404 - Records partially released (REDACTED).pdf |
FY 17 - 405 (09/23/2019) | All correspondence between OGE and the following White House officials, including their governmental and/or nongovernmental representatives, that refer to or contain drafts of memoranda requesting certificates of divestiture: Stephen Bannon, Gary Cohn, Kellyanne Conway, Dina Powell, Chris Liddell, Sean Spicer. Timeframe is Jan 10 to present. | OGE FOIA FY 17-405 (responsive records redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 406 (09/12/2019) | Any records related to the “Input Determines Output” section of the OGE Transition Guide (p. 25) from January 1, 2000 through June 30, 2017. The data should include the number of nominee reports received and the number of nominee reports precleared. Please provide any additional records related to the average time for preclearance and a review of a financial disclosure report, including development of an ethics agreement. | OGE FOIA FY 17.pdf |
FY 17 - 407 (04/26/2018) | 1) All correspondence to or from OGE director Walter Shaub referring to his resignation from the agency sent between July 1, 2017 and July 11, 2017 or whenever this request is fulfilled, whichever is later and 2) All correspondence to or from OGE officials (excluding correspondence to media, FOIA requests/responses, and to non-“.gov” email addresses) referencing Mr. Shaub’s resignation sent between July 1, 2017 and July 11, 2017 or whenever this request is fulfilled, whichever is later. | _OGE FOIA FY 17-407 Responsive Records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 408 (05/15/2018) | A copy of all correspondence at OGE to or from Stefan Passantino. You may limit this request to the time period February 1, 2017 to the present. | Communications between OGE and WHCO between Jan. 20-July 24, 2017.pdf |
FY 17 - 409 (05/15/2018) | A copy of all correspondence at OGE to or from Don McGahn. You may limit this request to the time period April 1, 2017 to the present. | Communications between OGE and WHCO between Jan. 20-July 24, 2017.pdf |
FY 17 - 410 (05/15/2018) | 1) Any and all correspondence at OGE to or from Stefan Passantino. You may limit this request to the time period February 1, 2017 to the present and 2) Any and all correspondence at OGE to or from Don McGahn. You may limit this request to the time period April 1, 2017 to the present
| Communications between OGE and WHCO between Jan. 20-July 24, 2017.pdf |
FY 17 - 413 (03/23/2018) | Records detailing itemized expenditures of all travel and event costs incurred by the agency or individual agency employees and contract employees on behalf of the agency between Jan. 1, 2015 and the present date. | 17-413 Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 17 - 414 (07/19/2018) | Incoming-and-outgoing email correspondence between the White House and certain staff of the Office of Governmental Ethics between January 1, 2017, through July 14, 2017 that contain the following keywords: “guidance” “lobby” “exempt” “waiver” “legal”
| 17-414 Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 17 - 415 (05/15/2018) | A copy of all correspondence at OGE to or from Stefan Passantino from February 1, 2017, to the present, and all correspondence at OGE to or from Don McGahn from April 1, 2017, to the present.
| Communications between OGE and WHCO between Jan. 20-July 24, 2017.pdf |
FY 17 - 416 (05/15/2018) | All correspondence between the Office of Government Ethics and Stefan Passantino, the head of the White House counsel’s ethics office, from February 1, 2017 to present. | Communications between OGE and WHCO between Jan. 20-July 24, 2017.pdf |
FY 17 - 418 (02/12/2018) | 1) Any emails, letters, memoranda or other written communications from Director Walter Shaub to the President Trump or his legal counsel, sent November 25, 2016 to present, containing recommendations that President Trump stop visiting Trump Organization properties while holding office and 2) Any written responses from the President Trump or his counsel to those written communications
| Final Response 17-418.pdf |
FY 17 - 419 (02/15/2018) | (1) Communications between Walter Shaub, Director of the Office of Government Ethics (“OGE”) and any officials at the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ") regarding Jeff Sessions for the period beginning January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017, and (2) Communications between any officials at OGE other than Walter Shaub and any officials at DOJ regarding Jeff Sessions for the period beginning January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017. excludes communications related to AG Sessions' financial disclosure.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-419 Final Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 420 (02/15/2018) | Correspondence between OGE and the Department of Justice regarding Attorney General Jeff Sessions. | OGE FOIA FY 17-420 421 Final Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 421 (02/15/2018) | Any and all correspondence involving former OGE Director Walter Shaub between OGE and the Department of Justice regarding Attorney General Jeff Sessions | OGE FOIA FY 17-420 421 Final Response Records_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 422 (12/13/2018) | 1) Correspondence between the White House Counsel's office regarding Mr. Anthony Scaramucci and the Office of Government Ethics from Jan. 20, 2017 to the present 2) Correspondence between Mr. Scaramucci or individuals representing Mr. Scaramucci and the Office of Government Ethics from Nov. 9, 2016 to the present 3) Copies of any proposed SF-278 new entrant financial disclosure provided by Mr. Scaramucci and 4) Copies of any application for a certificate of divestiture for Mr. Scaramucci.
| Scaramucci's responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 423 (12/13/2018) | Any memorandum, emails and/or communications regarding the ethics review of Anthony Scaramucci and/or mentioning the words “Anthony Scaramucci” from January 1, 2017 through July 21, 2017. | Scaramucci's responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 426 (05/15/2018) | Copies of all written and e-mail correspondence between the Office of Government Ethics and the Office of the White House Counsel, including Stefan Passantino and Donald McGahn, between Jan. 20, 2017 and July 24, 2017. | Communications between OGE and WHCO between Jan. 20-July 24, 2017.pdf |
FY 17 - 427 (05/15/2018) | The following records from David Apol: 1) All emails (including attachments) “to,” “from,” “cc” and “bcc” the domain 2) All emails (including attachments) “to,” “from,” “cc” and “bcc” Stefan Passantino 3) All emails (including attachments) “to,” “from,” “cc” and “bcc” James (“Jim”) Schultz. | Communications between OGE and WHCO between Jan. 20-July 24, 2017.pdf |
FY 17 - 428 (12/13/2018) | All records of communications between OGE and Anthony Scaramucci and/or his representatives All records referring to, or concerning, Anthony Scaramucci All records related to any Certificate of Divestiture and/or any request for a Certificate of Divestiture for Anthony Scaramucci. | Scaramucci's responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 429 (03/27/2018) | Copies of any and all communications dated Nov. 9, 2016-May 1, 2017 from, to, and by the Office of Government Ethics regarding conflict of interest concerns about Ivanka Trump and her ethics agreement. This request includes but is not limited to communications between (i) OGE and Deputy White House Counsel Stefan Passantino, (ii) OGE and Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, (iii) OGE and Deputy Director of Presidential Personnel Sean Doocey, (iv) OGE and White House Counsel Don McGahn (v) and OGE and other elements of the federal government | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 430 (03/27/2018) | Copies of any and all communications dated Nov. 9, 2016-May 1, 2017 from, to, and by the Office of Government Ethics regarding conflict of interest concerns about Jared Kushner and his ethics agreement. This request includes but is not limited to communications between (i) OGE and Deputy White House Counsel Stefan Passantino, (ii) OGE and Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, (iii) OGE and Deputy Director of Presidential Personnel Sean Doocey, (iv) OGE and White House Counsel Don McGahn (v) and OGE and other elements of the federal government. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 431 (09/28/2018) | Copies of any and all communications dated Nov. 9, 2016-May 1, 2017 from, to, and by the Office of Government Ethics regarding conflict of interest concerns about Kellyanne Conway and her ethics agreement. This request includes but is not limited to communications between (i) OGE and Deputy White House Counsel Stefan Passantino, (ii) OGE and Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, (iii) OGE and Deputy Director of Presidential Personnel Sean Doocey, (iv) OGE and White House Counsel Don McGahn (v) and OGE and other elements of the federal government. | OGE FOIA FY 17-431 Responsive Records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 432 (03/15/2018) | Copies of any and all communications dated Nov. 9, 2016-May 1, 2017 from, to, and by the Office of Government Ethics regarding conflict of interest concerns about Stephen Bannon and his ethics agreement. This request includes but is not limited to communications between (i) OGE and Deputy White House Counsel Stefan Passantino, (ii) OGE and Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, (iii) OGE and Deputy Director of Presidential Personnel Sean Doocey, (iv) OGE and White House Counsel Don McGahn (v) and OGE and other elements of the federal government. | OGE FOIA FY17-432 - Responsive Records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 433 (12/13/2018) | All correspondence between Jan. 20, 2017, and the date this request is fulfilled related to the ethics agreement, certificates of divestiture, and any related actions on behalf of Anthony Scaramucci. | Scaramucci's responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 434 (05/15/2018) | 1) Communications between now-Acting OGE Director David J. Apol and WH Deputy Counsel Stefan Passantino 2) Communications between Mr. Apol and Associate WH Counsel James Schultz 3) Communications between OGE and anyone associated with the law firm WilmerHale referencing former OGE Director Walter Shaub and 4) Communications between Mr. Apol and WH detailee Chris Swartz. | Communications between OGE and WHCO between Jan. 20-July 24, 2017.pdf |
FY 17 - 434 (09/19/2018) | 1) Communications between now-Acting OGE Director David J. Apol and WH Deputy Counsel Stefan Passantino
2) Communications between Mr. Apol and Associate WH Counsel James Schultz
3) Communications between OGE and anyone associated with the law firm WilmerHale referencing former OGE Director Walter Shaub and
4) Communications between Mr. Apol and WH detailee Chris Swartz. | OGE FOIA FY 17-434 - Records (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 436 (08/16/2018) | 1) Complete copies of any correspondence between OGE and the White House since January 20, 2017 regarding the use of legal defense funds by officials serving in the executive branch and 2) Complete copies of any legal opinions, training materials, memoranda prepared by or on behalf of OGE regarding legal defense funds that were created during the Trump administration and any created prior to 1/20/17 but that OGE used or relied upon in training or guidance provided during the Trump administration.
| OGE FOIA Responsive documents - Legal Defense Funds_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 436 (09/18/2018) | 1) Complete copies of any correspondence between OGE and the White House since January 20, 2017 regarding the use of legal defense funds by officials serving in the executive branch and 2) Complete copies of any legal opinions, training materials, memoranda prepared by or on behalf of OGE regarding legal defense funds that were created during the Trump administration and any created prior to 1/20/17 but that OGE used or relied upon in training or guidance provided during the Trump administration.
| OGE FOIA Responsive documents - Legal Defense Funds (2nd Rolling)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 437 (04/25/2019) | All correspondence between employees of OGE and employees of the U.S. Department of Education between Jan. 1, 2017 and the date this request is processed. | OGE FOIA FY 17-437 Responsive Records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 439 (03/27/2018) | Incoming-and-outgoing correspondence between the Office of Governmental Ethics, limited to the staff members named in the request, and Jared Kushner and/or representatives of Jared Kushner, named in the request, from April 1, 2017, through July 20, 2017. | Jared Kushner_Ivanka Trump_Records_2.2.17 to 8.16.17 (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 440 (12/13/2018) | All records regarding Anthony Scaramucci | Scaramucci's responsive records (Redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 445 (05/23/2019) | A copy of the several OGE presentations used for the symposium on financial disclosure held at the Federal Housing Finance Agency in FY 2016, in both tracks of the symposium. | OGE FOIA FY 17-445 - Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 446 (08/18/2017) | A copy of the most recent OGE training presented as part of the Inspector General Criminal Investigator Academy’s Public Corruption Investigations Training Program. | OGE FOIA FY17-446 - Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 17 - 448 (09/07/2017) | Communications Plan used for the most recent National Government Ethics Summit. | OGE FOIA FY17-448 - Responsive Record.pdf |
FY 17 - 451 (09/21/2018) | Each periodic report on website traffic at the Office of Government Ethics since October 1, 2016.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-451 - Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 452 (05/02/2018) | Copies of any records that the agency withheld as unresponsive in its response to request FY 17/367. That includes, but is not limited to: draft legal advisories on pages 4, 5, 8 and 9 an attachment on page 10 the withheld information on pages 6, 7 and 12 the letters referenced on page 14.
| OGE FOIA FY 17-452 - Records released in full.pdf |
FY 17 - 454 (08/16/2018) | Correspondence, including letters and email, and advice memos mentioning legal defense funds or arrangements that can be used to pay personal legal fees incurred by executive branch officials received or sent by the Office of Government Ethics between June 16, 2017 and the present date. | OGE FOIA Responsive documents - Legal Defense Funds_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 454 (09/18/2018) | Correspondence, including letters and email, and advice memos mentioning legal defense funds or arrangements that can be used to pay personal legal fees incurred by executive branch officials received or sent by the Office of Government Ethics between June 16, 2017 and the present date. | OGE FOIA Responsive documents - Legal Defense Funds (2nd Rolling)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 456 (05/25/2018) | I request a copy of the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) - Small Agency Management Report for the Office of Government Ethics. I also request a copy of the FEVS - Trend Report for the OGE.
| Responsive Records.pdf |
FY 17 - 459 (08/16/2018) | 1) Communications between the White House counsel office or other representatives of the Trump White House and the Office of Government Ethics regarding the legal and ethical rules surrounding the creation of legal defense funds for government employees. 2) Communications between any outside interest groups and the Office of Government Ethics regarding the legal and ethical rules surrounding the creation of legal defense funds for government employees. | OGE FOIA Responsive documents - Legal Defense Funds_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 459 (09/18/2018) | 1) Communications between the White House counsel office or other representatives of the Trump White House and the Office of Government Ethics regarding the legal and ethical rules surrounding the creation of legal defense funds for government employees. 2) Communications between any outside interest groups and the Office of Government Ethics regarding the legal and ethical rules surrounding the creation of legal defense funds for government employees. | OGE FOIA Responsive documents - Legal Defense Funds (2nd Rolling)_Redacted.pdf |
FY 17 - 462 (02/28/2018) | All records pertaining to ethics recusals or counseling memos issued between agency ethics officials and agency political appointees between January 20, 2017 and the date this request is ultimately fulfilled. These include: 1) Records pertaining to all recusal memos and recusal agreements issued by agency ethics officials or by individual agency employees to agency ethics officials, and 2) All counseling or ethics memos issued to agency appointees by agency ethics officials interpreting 18 USC § 208(a), or the restrictions under Executive Order #13770, or the restrictions under 5 CFR Part 2635, Subpart D (entitled "Conflicting Financial Interests") Subpart E (entitled “Impartiality in Performing Official Duties”) and Subpart G (entitled "Misuse of Position").
| Posting exemption.pdf |
FY 17 - 463 (04/20/2018) | Each email containing the phrase "MAR A LAGO" from electronic searches of email of (TO or FROM) OGE employees from Aug. 1, 2017 to present. | OGE FOIA FY 17-463 - Records released in part (redacted).pdf |
FY 17 - 464 (02/22/2018) | Log of all FOIA requests filed during 2015, 2016, and 2017. | OGE FOIA FY 17-464 - Records released in full.pdf |
FY 17 - 466 (03/08/2018) | Emails and other correspondence about Christine M. Ciccone since Nov. 9, 2016. | Final Response 17-466.pdf |
FY 17 - 471 (02/12/2018) | An unredacted copy of Letter to a Deputy DAEO dated October 20, 1983. | OGE FOIA FY17-471 - Record Released in Full.pdf |