Internal System of Records Notices
OGE maintains several internal Privacy Act System of Records Notices (SORN), in addition to its Governmentwide SORN.
OGE INTERNAL-1 (Pay, Leave, Travel, and Reasonable Accommodation Records)
Combined OGE Internal SORNs, includes
- OGE/INTERNAL-3 (Grievance Records)
- OGE/INTERNAL-4 (Computer Systems Activity and Access Records)
- OGE/INTERNAL-5 (Employee Locator and Emergency Notification Records)
OGE INTERNAL-6 (Registration and Administration Records for OGE-Hosted Meetings, Events, Educational and Training Programs, and Professional Development Offerings)
OGE INTERNAL-7 (Outreach and Contact Lists)
OGE INTERNAL-8 (Employee Personnel Files Not Covered by Other Notices)