
Ethics Education: New Employee Orientation—an “Agency Culture” Bootcamp (Summit 2020)


New Employee Orientation—an “Agency Culture” Bootcamp

Every agency has a distinct culture that is reflected in the work it performs, the achievements it prides, the beliefs that it values, and the behaviors it rewards or punishes. During this session we will explore how your initial ethics orientation can/should introduce new employees to your agency’s culture by addressing some or all of the following: (1) this is who we are; (2) this is what we do; (3) this is what we value and believe; and (4) this is how we do our work consistent with who we are and what we value and believe.

  • Cheryl Kane-Piasecki, Office of Government Ethics


Part 1

Part 2



Session 1 Date, Time

03/11/2020, 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM

Publication Date

