Resources Related to Legal Expense Funds
The Legal Expense Fund Regulation goes into effect November 21, 2023.
This page contains resources for both employees who have, and trustees who manage, legal expense funds. An employee may create a legal expense fund under the new subpart J (PDF) to accept donations to help pay for expenses from legal matters arising in connection with the employee’s current or former official position, the employee’s prior position on a Presidential or Vice Presidential campaign, or the employee’s prior position on a Presidential Transition Team.
Most employees will work with ethics officials at their employing agency to get approval of the legal expense fund trust and to file the required quarterly and termination reports.
Who should I contact if I have questions about legal expense funds?
If you are an employee or trustee contact your agency ethics official.
If you are an anonymous whistleblower or a Designation Agency Ethics Official, contact OGE. Instructions for contacting OGE’s Legal Expense Fund team can be found in LA-23-05 (PDF).
Key Advisories
LA-23-05: Overview of Legal Expense Fund Regulation (PDF)
This Legal Advisory provides an overview of the final Legal Expense Fund Regulation published on May 25, 2023.
This Legal Advisory addresses anticipated questions on pro bono services for employees; however, OGE recommends that any employee considering accepting pro bono services consult with their ethics official.
Forms and Templates
Quarterly Report Form OGE-601 (PDF)
Employee beneficiaries will fill out an OGE-601 each quarter to report contributions to and distributions from their Legal Expense Funds, as well as a termination OGE-601 when the LEF trust is terminated.
This document provides model trust provisions for employee beneficiaries, representatives, and prospective Trustees to review before drafting a final Legal Expense Fund Trust Document. Review of this document will help ensure compliance with Subpart J of the Standard of Conduct.
The Legal Expense Fund Guide for Employees is a tool to assist Executive branch employees who have or are considering establishing a Legal Expense Fund. It reflects the regulatory requirements effective on November 21, 2023.
This handbook is designed as a reference guide for individuals who have agreed to serve as trustees for Legal Expense Funds under 5 C.F.R. part 2635, subpart J.
This format provides an example of the type of information that must be collected from donors to Legal Expense Funds and a format for doing so.
All of the Institute for Ethics in Government training resources on Legal Expense Funds can be found on this page, which will be updated as new training resources are added.