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OGE Assists Kenya in Development of Ethics Training Curriculum

January 14, 2016

The U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) recently met with the Kenya School of Government to discuss model practices in developing and implementing effective civil service ethics training.  During this “virtual” meeting, conducted via digital video conference, OGE’s Lead Instructor, Patrick Shepherd, shared ideas based on OGE’s training experience.  For example, OGE has found it effective to provide interactive training that draws on real-life ethical dilemmas.  OGE’s Deputy Director for Compliance, Dale “Chip” Christopher, explained how OGE ensures compliance with the ethics training requirements, and OGE’s Chief of the Agency Assistance Branch, Nicole Stein, explained how OGE uses surveys to measure the effectiveness of ethics training.

OGE’s collaboration with the Kenya School of Government is in support of the good governance and anti-corruption commitment  signed by President Obama and Kenyan President Kenyatta on July 25, 2015 and is conducted with the support and facilitation of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi.

Published January 14, 2016