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2020 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Results

March 2, 2021

The U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) has published its 2020 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Results. OGE uses the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) to build a better workplace to more effectively achieve its mission. The results show OGE has one of the most engaged workforces across the Government.  

The results also show that:

  • All Strengths and No Challenges: The staff responses to all questions indicate strengths in all areas surveyed (65% positive, per OPM) and no challenges (less than 35% positive, per OPM).
  • Mission-driven Staff: 100% of OGE’s respondents agreed that they know how their work relates to the agency’s goals.
  • Innovation Encouraged: 95% of OGE’s respondents agreed that they feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things.
  • Frequent Communication: 86% of OGE’s respondents agreed that managers promote communication among different work units (e.g., about projects, goals, needed resources).

You can view the full report here.