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Featured Speakers at the OGE National Government Ethics Summit: Scott Amey, Craig Holman, Jason Miller, and Eric Yoder

September 19, 2014

What do good government advocacy groups, the press, OGE, and executive branch agency ethics programs have in common? Whether through internal controls or external oversight, these entities help ensure a transparent federal government that functions with integrity and free from conflicts of interest. Meet some of the players who ensure the federal government is held accountable for adhering to ethical standards and requirements. The discussion will focus on how various groups contribute to the common goals of transparency, integrity, and accountability.

OGE invites you to watch this session at 3:45 pm EDT on September 23rd. Watch Now

Mr. Amey serves as the General Counsel of Project on Government Oversight (POGO), an independent watchdog that champions good government reforms. He directs contract oversight investigations, including reviews of federal spending on goods and services, the responsibility of top federal contractors, and conflicts of interest and ethics concerns that have led to questionable contract awards. Mr. Amey testifies before Congress and federal agency panels, submits public comments on proposed regulations, educates the public by working with the media, and publishes reports, alerts, and blogs on contracting and openness issues. Mr. Amey rejoined the staff in 2003, and previously worked at POGO in the mid-1990s as a one of the organization's most prolific investigators. Mr. Amey has appeared on CNN, NBC, CNBC, ABC, and NPR, and has been quoted in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, and USA Today, among others, and often provides background information and leads to the media.

Mr. Miller is an executive editor and reporter with FederalNewsRadio 1500 AM and FederalNewsRadio.coman all-news radio station focused specifically on covering the federal government and its contractors. As executive editor, Mr. Miller helps direct the news coverage of the station and works with reporters to ensure a broad range of technology, procurement, finance, and human resource coverage. As a reporter, Mr. Miller focuses mainly on technology and procurement issues, including cybersecurity, cloud, mobile computing, and acquisition policies and programs. Mr. Miller hosts the weekly "Ask the CIO" program where he interviews large and small agency CIOs about their priorities and challenges.

Dr. Holman serves as Public Citizen's lobbyist on campaign finance and governmental ethics. Previously, Mr. Holman was Senior Policy Analyst at the Brennan Center for Justice, New York University School of Law. Dr. Holman worked closely with reform organizations and the leadership of the 110th Congress in drafting and promoting the "Honest Leadership and Open Government Act," the federal lobbying and ethics reform legislation signed into law on September 14, 2007. Dr. Holman has continued to work at improving lobbying disclosure and ethics regulations, both in the United States and in Europe, providing advice and consultations in promulgating transparency and ethics rules and regulations. Mr. Yoder has been a reporter with the Washington Post since 2000, covering Congress, the administration, and outside interests such as the contractor community and federal unions.

Mr. Yoder concentrates on federal employee and budgetary issues but has written about many different aspects of the government. Before joining the Post, Mr. Yoder worked at Federal Employees News Digest and before that at Federal Times, also covering the federal government.