Glossary of Document Types: Officials’ Individual Disclosures
This table provides information about who files these documents, timeframes for filing, and instructions for accessing documents that are not housed with OGE.
Ethics Document | Description | Notes |
Ethics Agreements | Outlines the steps PAS nominees will take to avoid conflicts of interest upon their confirmation to the position. | N/A |
Certification of Ethics Agreement Compliance | Confirms compliance with the commitments documented in the PAS filer’s Ethics Agreement. | A Certification found to be inaccurate after it has been posted, i.e., it is subsequently determined that necessary action has not been taken to comply with the ethics agreement, will remain in the search collection. Questions regarding the Certification will be referred to the appointee’s agency ethics officials. |
Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e) - Candidate | Details the personal financial interests of the filer, the filer’s spouse, and any dependent children. These reports are filed by candidates for the office of the President and Vice President. | N/A |
Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e) - New Entrant | Details the personal financial interests of the filer, the filer’s spouse, and any dependent children. These reports are filed within 30 days of taking office. | In rare cases, a filer may need to amend a report. Amendments are added to the original report. |
Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e) - Nominee | Details the personal financial interests of the filer, the filer’s spouse, and any dependent children. These reports are filed at the time of nomination for Senate-confirmed positions. | In rare cases, a filer may need to amend a report. Amendments are added to the original report. |
Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e) - Annual | Details the personal financial interests of the filer, the filer’s spouse, and any dependent children. These reports are filed by all public filers on May 15th of each year. | Report may not be immediately available for download because: (1) the official has received a filing extension from his or her agency (up to 90 days) or (2) the report is under review at the official’s agency and has not yet been received by OGE. OGE will make these reports available no later than 30 days after they are received by OGE. In rare cases, a filer may need to amend a report after final certification. Amendments are added to the original report. |
Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e) - Termination | Details the personal financial interests of the filer, the filer’s spouse, and any dependent children. These reports are filed by all public filers within 30 days of leaving a public filing position. | Annual and termination public financial disclosure reports (OGE Form 278e) may not be immediately available for download because: the official has received a filing extension from his or her agency (up to 90 days) or the report is under review at the official’s agency and has not yet been received by OGE. OGE will make these reports available no later than 30 days after they are received by OGE. |
Periodic Transaction Reports (OGE Form 278-T) | Provides information about the purchase, sale, or exchange of securities and similar assets throughout the year. | N/A |
Certificates of Divestiture | Allows an eligible person to defer paying capital gains on property sold to comply with conflict of interest requirements | N/A |
Pledge Waivers (E.O. 13490)(Revoked and superseded) | Waives restrictions contained in the pledge signed by an appointee. | Ethics Pledge Waivers are not included in the search collection table but can be found on this page. |
Pledge Waivers (E.O. 13770)(Revoked and superseded) | Waives restrictions contained in the pledge signed by an appointee. | Ethics Pledge Waivers are not included in the search collection table but can be found on this page. |
Pledge Waivers (E.O. 13989) | Waives restrictions contained in the pledge signed by an appointee. | Ethics Pledge Waivers are not included in the search collection table but can be found on this page. |
Conflict of Interest Waivers (18 U.S.C. § 208 (b)(1)) | Waives restrictions contained in the criminal conflict of interest law, 18 U.S.C § 208 (b)(1)) | The employing agency is responsible for releasing the waiver. Under the statute, OGE does not have the authority to release the waiver itself. |