Your 2025 PEP Certificate Submission
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Certificate Information

  • First and Last Name:

  • Official Government Email Address:

  • Confirm Email Address:

  • Your Agency:

  • How long have you been performing ethics duties?

  • What is the average number of hours per week you spend on ethics?

  • Identify the offerings you completed in calendar year 2025:
    Please note that this list is updated at the beginning of every month. If you do not see a recent live offering listed below to select, return to the form at a later date.

  • Why did you participate in the PEP certificate program?

***By clicking the button below, "Submit", I attest that all information reported above is accurate and complete. ***

Privacy Act Statement
This information is being collected and maintained for the purpose of facilitating OGE’s Professional Ethics Practitioner Certificate program. The information is required to receive a certificate.

OGE has the authority to collect and maintain this information based on its organic authority to promote understanding of ethical standards in executive agencies. See 5 U.S.C. 13122 (b)(14).

While the information requested is intended to be used primarily for OGE’s internal purposes, in certain circumstances it may be necessary to disclose this information externally as described in the routine uses set forth in OGE/INT-6, see 88 FR 69184 (Oct. 5, 2023).